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Book online «Yes, Master by Marwa M (e novels for free .TXT) 📖». Author Marwa M

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He sighed intently when her beautiful green orbs met his dark ones. How much he loves her eyes. Sliding his hand up a bit he caressed her cheek.

"Two days. Just two days more." She frowned in confusion making him chuckle. But soon an evil smirk appeared on his lips making her gulp in fear.

"When I will come back. I will arrange our wedding. We will be married. Just two days more." Her breathing halted as she stared at him with wide eyes.

"M-Master I---" Xavier palmed her lips covering half of her tiny face with his big palm. His soft and loving expressions turned into dark and angry ones as he leaned to her face. Her eyes started tearing up staring in his dark ones.

"You want to marry me or not. It doesn't matter Valerie. You have to marry me. And you will marry me. You have no choice." Seething on her face he removed his palm and grabbed her chin in a tight grip.

He roughly jerked her face forward attaching his lips against hers. He didn't kiss her instead gave a hard and long peck making her shut her eyes at how hard it was.

Pulling away he didn't let her face go and said. "Start getting ready mentally and physically because next time this small peck will not be your only punishment."

Standing up from the bed he looked down at her sitting figure who was already looking down at her laps letting the tears wet the bedsheets.

"I am giving you proper two days. When I will come back. I want an obedient kitten of mine back. I want no resistance from my wife. No crying. Accept me. These two days no misbehaviour or trying to do something which will only put you in danger so better obey me. And accept me. I will be back soon. Now rest more. Lina will give you a painkiller and also bring your breakfast."

With that, he kissed her forehead and went to the wardrobe. She heard him packing his clothes while she just stared at her hands blankly yet the tears weren't stopping.

She placed the glass on the side table and wiped her tears before laying down again and covering her face with the blanket. No. She wouldn't let him rule her life this time. She wouldn't.

With that, she closed her eyes and let herself have a little sleep before she does what she has planned.

Xavier had already gone on his trip while Valerie had given Lina a day lying to her that Xavier wanted her to have a day off.

She checked all over the house and there were a lot of guards. And that will make it harder her to do what she has planned but she had no other choice.

She had no passport so even after escaping she wouldn't be able to go out of the city. She knew she had to hide within the city but the place where he could never reach her. And the orphanage was a big no.

She carefully went to the backyard. The only place where there was no guard. She climbed up the wall with the help of the chair and jumped off it.

A small yelp left from when her one foot got twisted painfully. Ignoring the pain she walked towards the main gate. The only way of her escape. But two guards were guarding making her gulp in fear.

She knew it was now or never. Carefully she tiptoed towards the wall that was the only way she could escape without surpassing the main gate.

But to her bad luck, there was no way she could climb up. But again gathering her strength she used the cracks of the wall to place her feet in them and climbing up.

Even though she got scratched multiple times but she didn't give up and finally she jumped off it.

"LOOK SHE'S ESCAPING." She gasped in horror when she heard one of the guards shouting. She ran faster with her twisted ankle.

But soon her elbow was grabbed by a rough hand pulling her back. Without looking back she smacked the person so hard that a loud growl left from his throat.

"Shit woman calm the fuck down." She didn't stop and kept on clawing at him even though the voice was familiar to her.

Growling he tried to grab her but she finally got released and started running away. She grabbed the hard and heavy stick that was on the road before swinging it and slamming it against the person's head.

He fell on his knees groaning. He tried to stop her but she ran away. Guards came there too but they preferred helping the man instead of going after the girl.

She had no idea where she was running to but she kept on going just to get away from that place. From that devil. From his hell.

She gasped out taking multiple steps back when a car suddenly appeared in front of her. She didn't even notice she was running on the road as it was too empty.

She blinked her eyes because of the headlights. She heard the door of the car opening and closing sound. She tried stepping back but finally her body given up.

Before she could fell she was engulfed in the large arms. She looked up with her half-opened eyes and instantly her heartbeat accelerated when she met those brown eyes once again which were filled with pure concern.


She couldn't help but feel a wave of relief going through her veins letting her whole weight fell in his arms.

Sinister instantly picked her up and stared at her in concern. She weighted nothing for him. She was like a baby he was carrying.

"Valerie what happened." He questioned while her eyes started dropping down.

"H-Help me. T-Take me away from h-him. P-please." Whispering those words she blacked out in his arms.

He stared at her face for some time before taking her to his house. He gritted his teeth watching her looking weaker than before.

He had no idea what was the matter. But he knew one thing. He will do anything to give her what she wants. And if she wants to be away from Xavier.

He will make sure of it. She will be far away from him.

I am not a saviour. I just like to be rebellious.


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