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Book online «My Sweet Punishment by Amelia Brooks (books like harry potter txt) 📖». Author Amelia Brooks

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Chapter 6

    I frantically replayed all self-defense techniques in my head, which I’ve viewed on several lessons on the Internet. But I’m afraid I can confront the guy now only theoretically. Damn! I’ll necessarily sign up for some practical exercises tomorrow... if only I survive today. Physically, the guy is much stronger than me. But Mia doesn’t give up without a fight!

     Mike suddenly let go of my hand, which he had been holding tight all this time. The guy went ahead first, as the path narrowed and the two of us could not pass there. I took off my shoe, sticking the stiletto out, like the only weapon I had. I was ready to defend.

    When suddenly… behind the guy’s back I saw a large pond in the form of a heart, with a small bridge, crossing it.

    Wow, it looks awesome. And it’s all on the territory of one estate. I still couldn’t believe that such beauty belongs to one person.

     A lot of lotus blossoms are floating on the water. They seem to be a soft pink color. I want to have a closer look at everything in the daylight. I wish I could do it. Oh my! There’s a real little waterfall here! I literally clapped my hands. The only drawback is the lack of lighting.

      Mike, who had been standing a little ahead of me all this time, suddenly turned around.

     “This is the miracle I wanted to show you,” and then his glance fell upon the shoe, which I still, was holding in my hand. “Mia, my dear, when I said I don’t run after Cinderellas after midnight, I didn’t think you’d take it literally,” Mike laughed. “Or do you want to have mercy on me and give me your shoe voluntarily, my little lady?”

     I smiled awkwardly and quickly put the shoe back on my foot. Ignoring his mockery, I exclaimed:

     “This place is incredible, Mike! I can’t believe people did all this.”

     “Well, to be exact, one person. It’s a little hobby of Mr. Anderson’s, to be precise. Everything you see here is his doing. But Mia, this is off the record. My uncle is afraid if someone finds out about it in high places. He thinks they’ll just laugh at him.”

     “My lips are sealed,” I chuckled. Wow, Mr. Anderson is kind of a romantic.

     “I trust you,” the guy pretended to frown. “By the way, you can go up to the bridge if you want.”

     “Can I?” I probably look like the cat from Shrek right now.

      And after Mike nodded, I hurried to the wooden bridge.

    Wow! Mr. Anderson did his best. Something splashed in the water, and I shuddered with fear. But then, looking closer, I saw goldfish. And while I was admiring these beautiful creatures, I missed the moment when Mike approached me behind.

     His hands were on my waist, and I jerked, trying to free myself, but no effect. The guy pressed me against the handrail. This isn’t happening… I’m trapped.

     “Mike, don’t…” I tried to appeal to the man’s conscience.

     “Mia, you smell so sweet,” the guy whispered in my ear. Ough! And you reek of alcohol. “I want you, babe.” I felt the guy’s hands trying to get under my skirt.

      Okay, Mia, calm down. In such cases, the most important thing is not to panic.

     I stopped resisting, so I let the guy know that I didn’t mind his touching. He released me from his arms, letting me turn around. And as soon as Mike let his guard down, I pushed him hard.

      Losing his balance, the man fell right into the pond. I didn’t expect this to happen. The most I wanted to do was disorient him. But it turned out even better. That’s what he needs! Let him sober up. That’ll teach you not to hit on innocent girls.

     After the guy fell into the pond, I let my panic out and started running. Because after he gets out of there and meets me afterward, I don’t think we’ll just have a nice chat. Mike seems to think he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t get rejected.

     While I was running, I didn't notice that I got lost. Apparently, I’ve gone far from the place of the party, ‘cause I can’t hear even the music. What a huge territory. If you want, you can settle an entire village here.

     Oh, shit. And what to do now? Waiting until someone will find me? No, not a good idea. Especially, waiting for Mike to do it.

   I pricked my ears again and heard some voices. Finally! I started to walk toward the noise. The conversation is coming from the gazebo. As I approach, I can tell that there are two voices. Male and female. It’s mostly a woman who’s speaking. And she is extremely dissatisfied with something.

      Damn, I feel like my saviors will just flip me off.

      I had almost reached the gazebo and was just thinking about leaving and not bothering the couple when I heard a rustle nearby. Being afraid that it might be Mike, I couldn’t think of anything better but to hide into one of the bushes that closely surrounded the couple’s gazebo. I hope the woman’s voice drowned the rustle of leaves. It seemed so. Since no one looked in my direction. Phew…

     “How can you do this to me?” the woman’s voice was full of resentment.

    I saw only silhouettes. The smaller one, probably a woman, was walking from side to side, actively gesturing.

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