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Book online «Possession by Laila Ali (ink ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Laila Ali

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"Amarra is a very honest and innocent woman. You don't know her yet. You will accept her when you will know her. I can't divorce her not now not never."

"If you can't divorce her then you are no longer my son. I disinherit you from all of the property. Leave my house along with your gold digger wife before I throw you out"

Mujtaba couldn't bear the disrespect of his wife anymore and turned around to leave.

"And if my blood runs in your veins then never step into this haveli again and don't show your face even if you're dead,"

With that, Mujtaba opened the door and left the haveli. For Forever.

Flashback ends

'Don't show me your face even if you're dead' these words of his father kept ringing in her ears.

'Ammara, never inform my father of my death' these were her husband's last words. Till the last breath, he only had respect for his father. Till the last breath, he only complied with his father's order.

'I am sorry, Mujtaba. I couldn't keep up your will. I am sorry. I have nowhere to go. Our home has already been taken. We're on the roads. This is the last place where I could seek some shelter' she internally told her husband.

Before a tear could escape her eyes, her daughter's troublesome voice broke her reverie.

"Mama, I'm nervous. They won't accept us," Zahra stated her assumption.

They stood 5 feet away from the haveli gates, holding all the stuff they packed.

"Let's hope for the best. We should go inside now," Ammara sternly stated trying to maintain a strong composure outside but inside she was crumbled and broken. But she knew she had to be strong, for her daughter. If it was not for Zahra, she had never came back to this place again.

"Let's go" she started to move towards the haveli gates but a tug on her arm halted her movements.

"Mama I don't think that he will let us live in there, he abandoned my father then why would he accept us?" Zahra said again.

"If he will not allow us to stay then I'll ask Haider to give us a place to live"

Haider was Mujtaba's elder brother, who loved Mujtaba like his own son. Despite, his father having cut all the ties off with Mujtaba, Haider was still secretly in contact with his younger brother.

"But mama you told me that no one can go against the head of the haveli if he is the head, then how Uncle Haider, without his consent, will help us?"

"I know my Zahra, but we can hope that he has passed on his position as a "head" to one of his son or grandson, then we might have some chances to stay in there," she affirmed.

"Even so, he is still the eldest, how come someone can go against him?"

"Being the eldest and being the head are two different things, if the head approved it, regardless of the consent of the eldest person in the household, it still has to happen no matter what."

"Hope so, he is not the head anymore, I am really afraid to face them, mama,"

"Zahra, daughter, there is no need to be afraid of anyone, your mother is with you and always will be and Allah is there who loves you more than seventy mothers combined. Believe Him and only Him, what He will do, will be the best for us" she relaxed her daughter although from inside she was a nervous wreck and moved towards the gates, holding Zahra's hand.

For the past 20 years, she had no idea about haveli and its inhabitants. She had never talked about his father with Mujtaba after that haveli incident and the only person she knew here was Haider. She had even no idea whether Mujtaba's father was alive or not. They didn't contact him for the last 20 years as his father had cut all the ties from him and his family. She was worried for her daughter, if she was all alone she would have gone to any old age home but now she had her daughter, who has the complete right at this place. She could only hope that his father could let them live in this haveli, if she have to she'll work as a maid only for her daughter.


We are heading towards my grandfather's haveli and I am so afraid to face him.

Why would he accept us when we were the sole reason for his son leaving him?

In just two days my life turned upside down.

I lost my father

And then I lost the roof from my head.

I lost my only home.

The home where I created a lot of beautiful memories with my father.

With that, I lost my mother's smile.

I lost all the joyous memory which we created together.

Ahh! What blissful days were those, even I didn't have much attention from my father due to his busy schedule but I still have him by my side? How much I wished I could die along with him.

But I had to be strong for my mother. No matter if I am broken from inside but I won't let my mother watch me fall weak.

She already had enough, I know how much my mother and father loved each other and after his death, she is totally broken but she has kept herself together only for me.

My parents have suffered a lot of depression and anxiety and that's all because of that Asim.

When those goons left our house that day my mother ordered me to pack all of the essentials and we will be leaving for my grandfather's haveli (mansion). My maternal aunt and we all were left bewildered, we all knew about the circumstances in which my parents were married. But Mama was dead set on to go there. My Aunt convinced her to stay at her place but mama knew my aunt's husband won't permit my mama and me at their house, so my mom decided to come here.

We had a little money and after packing all our stuff we went to the train station, said our goodbyes to everyone and set on our journey. This voyage was the most sorrowful and depressed voyage ever since I came to knew about the actual reason behind my father's death.

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