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Book online «Lust And Revenge by Reginah Shadreck (book reader for pc .TXT) 📖». Author Reginah Shadreck

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Nithia's POV

After traveling for what seems like hours until we finally arrive at yatch , Leonardo helps out on the boat and we get on the yacht.


"Come on, are you still crying?"he asks, wrapping a blanket around me.


" Don't worry when you see our new home in Cape Town, you're going to forget about everything",he says and kisses my forehead.


" I don't feel so well",I say as the pain in my stomach continues.


He leads me to a bedroom and the whole yacht is crawling with armed guards, wla nurse is waiting for me in the bedroom his takes me into "I know Giovanni says the kids are his but I feel it in my bones that they are mine so don't worry,I had to leave you behind and I'm sorry ",he helps me into the bed and covers me with a blanket,he says a few words to the nurse and leaves and she begins setting everything up.


"Where are we going?",I ask but she doesn't respond.


After some time I begin feeling a little bit better, when another nurse brings me food. I wonder whether Mercelo will be able to find me before we leave for Cape Town.


I wonder if Giovanni and Mason even made it out alive,the thought makes me lose my appetite.


"Oh come on Sweetheart you have to eat, it's not good for you or the babies",he says " plus I prepared this myself",he says sitting next to me and begins feeding me.


I eat a little and the nurse gives me an injection that makes me fall asleep.


I had a horrible nightmare. I relived my father's death again and again. It was like I was in a time loop where I kept hearing the gun shot over and over again.


I awoke in a cold sweat and there were gunshots everywhere and the sound of helicopters.


The nurse was nowhere to be seen ,and the pain in my stomach continued now that I was awake ,there must be something wrong with my babies.


I got up to walk to the door but the pain immobilized me,just then the door opened and one of Leo's guards walked towards me.


"Madam,the boss said to get you out of here",he says but seeing my pale face he begins panicking.


" Help me, I need a doctor",I managed to say and he picked me up,we walked out into the hallway and I could still hear the gunshots,the police must be here.


A gun is fired and the guard painfully groans before falling to the ground with me in his arms.


The fall seems to make things worse for me as the pain intensifies.


Enzo grabs me from the ground and shoots the guard in the head,I feel warm liquid wet the dress  I'm wearing and Enzo looks at me panicked when he sees his blood stained hands.


He walks us to a room that seems to be used for storage "Leo's men will come looking for you , I'll let Flavio know of our location and he can bring more men to this area",he says and takes his phone out,but I hold his arm.


" There is no time,you have to help me deliver these babies",


" But",I knew what he was going to say,but something just told me I was going to have a premature birth,I had to deliver these babies.


"Okay but I've never done this before",


"You have to! Now help me god dammit!",I snap. I shouldn't but the pain is unbearable at this point.


He helps me lay down gently and positions himself at my entrance. It's embarrassing but I don't really care at this point, I'm just hoping my babies are okay.


And I began pushing,as hard as I could "I think I'm going to be sick", Enzo says hyperventilating.


" Keep yourself together, Motherfucker!",I scream,I take a deep breath and push with all my might. 


"I see the head ", he says and takes a deep breath,his entire shirt was soaked with sweat "push harder,you can do this,come on push harder",he says.


I continued pushing and I felt relief as I managed to push the entire baby out. After seconds the room was filled with the cry of a baby.


"Hey little guy",Enzo nervously laughed. He grabbed his dagger and cut the umbilicord as I instructed,he then grabbed a sheet ripping it in half and wrapped the baby in it.


"Where's the other ain't there supposed to be two?",he said as he handed him to me. He was so tiny,I cried as I cradled him in my arms.


Enzo began speaking to someone on the phone and the pain started again.


"Enzo I think the other one is coming",I say and put my baby boy carefully by the side.


Enzo takes his position and I begin pushing again,this time it doesn't take longer and I deliver my baby girl but after some time,she still doesn't make a sound.


"What's wrong, why isn't she crying?",I ask.


"I don't know she's beginning to turn blue",he says, cutting her umbilical cord. The door opens and Flavio walks in "you need to get her help",I say,she can't die.


"I need you to cover me",Enzo tells his brother.


"I'm what about Nithia, we can't just leave her here",he says.


"It's fine, I'll wait here ,take them and get help",I say to Flavio,I can see him hesitate and then look at my daughter that Flavio has wrapped up in a piece of the bed sheet.


"I'll be back for you",he says and kisses my forehead. They leave and I'm left all alone, praying they get to help just in time so they save my little girl. I still feel like I'm still losing a lot of blood, and I'm starting to feel a little dizzy.


The door opens and someone crouch next to me, "Nithia look at me", Leonardo says and turns to the person next to him "why is she still bleeding,I told you to take care of her and you were hiding",


"She just gave birth, they must have not taken the placenta out ",the nurse that was taking care of me says.


" I'll need you to push a little bit",she says.

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