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Book online «Yes, Master by Marwa M (e novels for free .TXT) 📖». Author Marwa M

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Author Pov

A heavy pain hit her head as soon as she started gaining her consciousness back. She looked at the unfamiliar ceiling before blinking multiple times so she could clear her vision.

As soon as she moved her left hand she felt something cold heavy on her fragile wrist. She snapped her head towards her wrist and tears started blurring her eyes as the realization started seeping in her veins.

Her one leg and one wrist were chained up with a heavy metal leaving no chance for her to escape. She can leave the bed and even move around the room but the chain was short enough for her to not reach the door or window.

She sat up on the bed before scooting in the corner of the bed. She balled up letting her face being buried between her knees letting the tears wet her cheeks.

She felt so useless. Worthless. Helpless. She couldn't even be able to protect herself in Sinister's absence. She doesn't belong to this world. This world of blood, pain, and snakes is not made for someone so naive, fragile, and gullible like her.

She never wanted to depend on someone but was it in her hands no. It was never. She was taken in the care of Valentino when she didn't even know the meaning of life. And from the day she started understanding the world people dug the thought of Xavier in her mind.

As her master. Owner. The only person she can be dependent on. She knew he was her owner and even after convincing herself many times she wasn't able to get rid of that particular want. A want every woman wish for.

Respect. Just a little respect was the only wish she had. She never wanted anything big from Xavier as she always knew she's helpless and is his slave and she can't do anything except accepting the cruel reality. But the only wish she ever had was to be respected by him.

But it wasn't just in her fate. Till she met him. Her savior. Her Sinister.

He was the only man she ever met who actually respected her and didn't see her as just a showpiece or Xavier's slave instead he did everything to show her that how much value she holds in his heart.

Just when she thought she can forget the scars Xavier conflicted on her by the beautiful healer named Sinister everything once again returned to the place from where she started.

It felt like a deja vu. She felt like she was never got out of this cage. It was just a dream which was broken when she saw that monster's face once again.

She cried and sobbed as she hugged her body more. What more she even can do? Fight for herself? Funny. The girl who never killed a bug in her life. The girl whose whole life was surrounded by God's beautiful creation, children. The girl who only knew how to smile and find happiness in the smallest things.

How can anyone expect her to suddenly become a warrior and start fighting someone who's a million times stronger than her? How? Wish she could turn like Rose. Ice who didn't care about anyone.

She admires Rose for being how she is. Emotionless. Don't even cry. And doesn't care about what's happening to her. Wish she was like that. But she knew even when she wants to feel nothing she still feels everything. Pain, hurt, emotions everything.

Her grip on her body tightened when she heard the door of the room crack opening. She knew who it was. She didn't need to lookup. His aura was enough to scare the life out of her.

Xavier stared at her balled up the figure at the very end of the bed. He couldn't help but sigh in content. Finally, fucking finally she was here. In front of his eyes. After so fucking many days.

It felt like torture. He felt like his reason for life has been snatched away from him. And now he knows. He crazily loves her. More like psychotically loves her. He never thought any woman can make him this crazy just after a few day's disappearance.

But suddenly his eyes darken remembering those words. Your angel was hugging that shit and not only that they even shared a sweet kiss. Chris's voice echoed in his head making him clench his fists.

He narrowed his eyes watching her trembling and hicking up badly. He knew she has sensed his presence but she was too scared to look up and accept the reality that he had caught her.

He smirked as he started taking slow yet long steps towards her body making her curl up even more. She sobbed shaking badly when he took a seat in front of her curled-up body.

"Seems like you have enjoyed your freedom too much didn't you." He said in a mocking tone making her clutch her body.

Even though right this moment Xavier wanted nothing more than to just throw her on the bed and have his way with her. He missed her. He missed kissing her, fucking her, roughly ruining her in every way possible. But no. She needs to understand who she belongs to and for that he needs to give her a good fucking lesson.

He scooted closer to her making her whimper in fear. He chuckled darkly before taking a hand full of her hair and pulling her head backward roughly. She gasped out loudly feeling her scalp on fire.

Her eyes were shut in pain while another sob left her throat. He hovered his face above hers looking for her beautiful doe eyes which never failed to reflect only innocence.

"Open your fucking eyes!" He growled right on her face making her snap her eyes open. Her eyes met his grey dark ones bringing a satisfied smirk on his lips at her obedience.

He placed his other hand on her chubby cheek and started caressing it roughly making her whimper out.

"You enjoyed kissing him huh you puttana. Did you enjoy getting kissed by that fucker. HUH! " He screamed right on her face making her cry out. (-whore)

His anger reached a peak when she didn't deny it. He saw red. How fucking dare she to let that bastard of the brother of his kiss her. To kiss someone who belongs to Xavier Valentino.

"So you have fucking forgotten who is your owner huh! You fucking bitch did you fuck him? " He seethed making more tears fall down her eyes as she again didn't answer him and that was his limit.

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