Read books online ยป Esotericism ยป GUARD OF HER HEART! by ME (read ebook pdf txt) ๐Ÿ“–
  • Author: ME

Book online ยซGUARD OF HER HEART! by ME (read ebook pdf txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author ME

I am the guard you can't break into this girls heart! I wont let you in, you'll ruin her mascara not her lip gloss! I wont let you break her heart again, your not allowed here for she does not trust you!
the heart wants but obviously the heart does NOT want you! You can be her friend but don't expect anything more. If you want her then you will treat her with respect and treat her as if she is your best friend not your girl friend.
Take your time and give her trust. When you gain her trust, come back and we will see if anything changes!


Text: kitkat7194
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Publication Date: 01-24-2013

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