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By John Love

The contents


The contents


Chapter 1 Misinformation

Chapter 2 Losing body weight

Chapter 3 the crow

Chapter 4 NO MORE.

Chapter 5 the robin

Chapter 6 MORE.


To contact the author



This horror poetry short story is based on what was originally authored by Edgar Allen Poe and titled The Raven. But this horror poetry short story is more directly and only aspect based on a graphic novel version of (particularly) The Raven in a graphic novel titled Nevermore.

Personally so many different essential versions based on Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven can be done as should anyway be readable in this horror poetry short story.

Author John Love 5, 11, 2010.

Chapter 1



Once upon a falls ending when I was searching, learning and reasoning- studying by term as definition but studying never ending. Studying with all the joys which are what is too be learned and what I learned is what I reasoned too be potentially true which is that the body is meant for one meal only so that after fasting the fecal matter leaves the body and the waste is nevermore.

For long days and nights, weeks, months and inevitably a whole year I fasted thinking what I was doing was better more.

But what I wasn’t learned about is that the whole now when better more the answer was in fact losing weight more.

Such is what misinformation causes, a sign such as that I did not see, nor hear perhaps, singing and therefore annoying at my chamber door.

Chapter 2

Losing body weight


All the months during the winter close when this began I was withering, inching towards dying and with what was singing ‘NO MORE.’.

My concentration was weakening and so did my thinking and reason the whole while believe better more.

But while thinking better more I continued unknowingly too is weeping, weeping in front of my living room chamber door more.

Weeping, weeping, weeping, seems forever weeping the whole now believing better more.

Such is what losing body weight causes, weeping the whole now believing better more.

Chapter 3

The crow


Then came a creeping what continued repeatedly too sing ‘NO MORE.’.

It was a crow which came a creeping, silently at first then louder as a bad sign just with its singing ‘NO MORE.’.

The crow upon my first seeing him flew in through the open door and sat upon my real throne which for every human is our refrigerator because without food we experience dying.

Sitting the crow stared me in the right eye and said ‘NO MORE.’.

Suddenly I got the meaning that without my food supply which might be threatened by this dying I was indeed NO MORE.

Continued the crow with my super ego’s sound ‘NO MORE.’.

But with this annoying visitor here now on my refrigerator door I was weeping eventually after eating more, more, for what else can I do with

my body weakening while this annoying crow continues sitting on my refrigerator door?

Says the crow, ‘NO MORE.’.

And so I stand a weeping, weeping because there is a crow sitting on my refrigerator door.

Says the crow, ‘NO MORE.’.

Chapter 4



Weeping, weeping, weeping, I was weeping because I could not eat with this annoying crow sitting on my refrigerator door.

Says the crow, ‘NO MORE.’.

Eventually I got upset and as anyone would and stared the crow in its right eye and said ‘NO MORE.’.

And so I hit the crow as hard as possible with a broom stick as if the crow were a ball and went screaming the crow ‘I am leaving forever more’.

Then I began an eating, eating but not weeping because the annoying crow has left forever too me my refrigerator door.

Chapter 5

The robin


Once upon the next spring there was another peeping, peeping then eventually flew through my chamber door.

This now not a crow but a robin singing, singing with a beautiful voices ‘BETTER MORE.’.

And better I was too me while eating, eating, eating but not to the dying eating while gaining weight and so the robin sang ‘BETTER MORE.’.

Chapter 6



Suddenly I became gaining weight and said my super ego’s sound ‘MORE.’.

MORE food I ate but not to dying while gaining weight and then summer the super ego’s sound declared ‘MORE.’. And so I had gained weight.



Edgar Allen Poe’s Nevermore

To contact the author




Text: John Love
Publication Date: 01-18-2019

All Rights Reserved

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