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Book online «Change to prana nutrition by Rowen Ray (novel24 txt) 📖». Author Rowen Ray

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First days of breatharianism

Journal entry – Day one of breatharianism


It came by chance. I realized there was a new chapter lying ahead of me, where everything was going to change. Christmas and the end of the year came, and in the air hung that peculiar mood to do everything …... differently.

I have more than enough information about different kinds of nutrition. Especially in connection with meditation.


I remember that picture like it was yesterday: I was standing on top of the bridge before bungee-jumping, full of excitement and apprehension, then I hesitated. I looked at it from a different perspective, I looked into the past, I tried not to judge, and then, I jumped.


I was eating my last celebratory meal accompanied by words of thanks:

“ I am grateful for all the meals that I have ever had a chance to know.

I am grateful for all the aromas that accompanied every meal. “


The time came to open a new menu.

A menu called: Prana

I wanted to discover it's courses. I also wanted to discover what it meant to learn to live in an unconventional way.


On the first day of my new way of life I was very excited. Not only that, but I felt an extraordinary kind of purity, that was the result of my definite choice. What I felt was a sea of enthusiasm and inner strength.


It seemed easy and pleasant to fly in an all encompassing beautiful dimensions of the soul. Unfamiliar freedom was encompassing my life. My decision, but mainly it's realization, seemed like an open gate to the new world. A gate to the new way of life. But that was not all. Entangled in it all, were various pieces from my past and future world.


I arranged many canvases and started to paint my individual story – the story of my crossing over to the Prana way of life. One of the images exceedingly followed me and fulfilled me:

“I” began to discover and got close to the knowledge of laws of truly new way of life. The life in Prana, and to begin to exist as delicate energy, from which the new body cells are born, the same way as enchanting paintings.


I did everything with ease. Literally I was slacking among different spiritual teachings and total consciousness. My physical form stayed totally free and without supervision in the process. In spite of that, I had a feeling that I had to escape it's deadly embrace. Only than my journey to Prana world would be ready to take off.

The act of painting is naturally pleasant. I elevated my body as well as myself to a free subject. In simple words, we stopped controling each other constantly. To be occupied by gratification of nonsense desires took a lot of time. A person was not aware, that desires rose in proportion to our satisfactions of them.

For the most part when I was painting or took care of my business I perceived individuality with totality. Mostly if something necessarily required to be the work of the whole, not only mine. My secret desire was to create the place where the whole world geniality met. And then I could only inconspicuously observe and take joy from creation, which created itself. To be carried away by it's good course.

My new way of life easily began to manage my emotions. When at the end of the day I looked at my unfinished paintings, I saw my new way of life resting among the colors.


Day two of breatharianism


The second day was similarly euphoric. Energy was bubbling with ease. The same thing was happening to my digestive tract, that finally had a chance to cleanse itself. It did so diligently.

I dedicated that day as my significant discovery of life in Prana.

I was looking for arguments as to why this was the best thing that could've happen to me. This was a kind of a personal day that I dedicated to myself. I was imagining myself in all kinds of planes and dimensions. Every time the only and correct beginning showed itself: Prana


It seemed absurd to me to continue to eat toxins and overload my body. Besides, this was my life's project, to search and find a new way of physical existence, so that the body can easily perform its needs. To hold onto its ideal of youth and beauty. To accept the property of materializing it in every human cell. It was impossible to realize the process with the assistance of toxins. All the pieces of the puzzle clicked together. Meditation took its free course. The avalanche of valid reasons to exchange food from the supermarket for Prana's life-giving treats has begun.



More and more priorities in my thinking changed. I was becoming convinced that Prana was going to benefit me the most. Prana was now in the forefront of my thinking, way before dark chocolate and various cakes. Proof, that classic way of eating was going to kill me in few decades had an astounding effect on me. Instead of a wooden coffin for the image of youth and beauty, the image existed in my cells, which was valid in Prana's way of life. As I was learning little by little, it was completely accurate and stamped by hard reality. It was now my complete responsibility. In other words, enough with excuses.


I noticed my fear of death was no longer there. As if I put away into an old treasure box, the fear of hunger, and the fear of lacking, I started to perceive it as non-essential. Just a non-sense. In my studies of Prana I learned that Prana was like the envelope of life. In it for quite some time lived the universe. That image calmed me down. Furthermore, there was an abundance of Prana. It was the building substance, from which the matter and non-matter originated. That image allowed me to get used to the idea of getting the absolute nourishment for every cell of my body.


An uneasy feeling of dependance on the supermarkets. Anxiety.

What if one day food companies stop to deliver loads of toxins? It's gone.

It was in huge contrast with my childhood. I thought about the cows grazing around the house on fields of wonderfully smelling wheat and birds looking for loose seeds. I could see the difference in my mind. Even though we did not go to supermarket for months, we had enough to eat. My mother baked the bread from home-grown wheat, chickens roamed the garden and sheep was grazing in the pastures. Our garden was loaded with all kinds of vegetables and herbs. Many kinds of fruit trees were laden with fruit. Today, nothing was left. This also helped me to gain the conviction that Prana was the only right solution.


My fear of lacking naturally disappeared. Food did not interest me anymore. It really was an extraordinary shift. Although I saw others eating, I didn't feel the need to join them. I passed the shelves in the stores that were laden with all kinds of delicatessens from all over the world. I took in the aromas and I didn't feel an impulse to eat. Just the aromas were enough to carry the content of nutrition. I felt that it was up to Prana to create the concert of nutrition in my cells.


After I returned to my studio I started to paint again. Flying in the spiritual dimension I lived through sweet feeling of omnipotence, that was coming to the surface. I tried to transfer it back to my inner body and change it into Prana, but it took a great deal of my energy.


My effort was evoking mild fatigue. I had no idea why. I had to properly examine it. Excitement and euphoria of my new way of life was on the rise in spite of it. I could see the days lying ahead as opportunity to create myself.



Day three – Erasing of the Past


I was concentrating on erasing my past memories. Mainly those, that evoke the feeling of guarded prison in the world of past within me. I could only live in the present, things that made it real and optimistic. I used my inner compass as a measure of freedom and joy. I was only letting pure inspiration to pass from the past. I sensed in every activity that I performed, that this inspiration was making its way to my new way of life in the presence of thousands of memories and thoughts and other tiny fragments. Those were the things that prevented me to perceive the present moment, and to be “here” with all its beauty and elegance.


I was learning to be in a position in which those memories lose their destructive power. The position in which frustrating memories were no longer valid.

Memories of my family, my lineage, million sufferings, hunger, oppression, wars and other sufferings seen in life. Erased it, blocked it. I wanted to be in a position where only recent changes I can make were left. I no longer wanted to connect it to the things that couldn't be changed.

I only wanted reality, that was here and in it I learned to discover new, borderless dimension sof happiness, only by pure touch with it. From all the beautiful arts, created in her ….. without waiting.

I erased everything I couldn't change diligently. My reward was the presence that I perceived as new and unknown form of bliss interlaced by cozy silence.

Just like a big and clean table for the creation of the best things in the world.


A memory appeared of masters who could change the taste and aroma of the meals.

It seemed natural to me that Prana was creating the same aromatic and nourishing reality from original particles that were needed by cells for the absolute functioning. My new way of life was now based on reception of millions of incredible nutrients that were changing by free flowing Prana to reality.

My mitochondria (cell energy) was being plugged into the Prana network the same way as the most modern fuse blocks of nuclear power plants. My cells were surprised. But the surprise was pleasant.

It seemed that the cells were closer and closer to nutrition without toxins. I recalled the lyrics of a song I recorded before. It infected me like the summer hit that stays in your head and plays over and over again.


“ I am just dance and energy, just dance and energy. “


That's how my third day of change to Prana ended..




Day six

Day Six


On the sixth day the changes were big. My up and down fluctuation of energy was surprising. I even fest antipathy toward all the visualizations, which were supposed to become the part of my new way of life. Even though I succeeded in achieving some priceless experiences, I had a feeling I was starting from the beginning. The only difference was, that all around me were present equivalent experiences, that I acquired before. I was totally sure that in that moment I can created a new ending.

I just didn't know which.

The hot connection was getting rid of any kind of duality. I

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