Genre Esotericism. Page - 7

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This is for the King in all of us.The growth, the maturity all the things that make you the person you are, all the things that matter when things matter most.

A myth about the creation event and the interplay of key elements of symbology within the psyche. A captivating and fun story of immense improbability.

Love and Imagination follows on from my first book Happy to Burn, expanding on the meditation methods described. In clear, precise language, the book will hopefully inspire and motivate you to meditate, simply by explaining exactly what to do, and why we should do it. It is a collection of stories, aphorisms and fascinating research into the physiology and psychology of meditation.
An audio course mirroring my books can be found at

appreciating the moment, because yesterday was a lesson
that has brought us to this Everyday is a blessing for life is never guaranteed or expected. It is a gift to be revered and appreciated.

Everyone has their own opinion and I have decided to write what I believe in. I will not share with you my personal background. What I will only share here is why I think man became so greedy and arrogant. I hope you’ll keep an open mind to everything written here.

The book is based on the true story of an artist who through experimentation accomplishes his big life changes. He surrenders the classic way of nutrition and substitutes it for prana nutrition. Prana nutrition brings many surprises and new abilities to the life of the main character. It brings not only real experiences, but also proven scientific facts. He requires less sleep, has an almost inexhaustible amount of spiritual energy, experiences the feelings of love in a whole new dimenssion, and finds that his medical problems disappear. The whole story is based on the main idea of the reversal of aging process.

How salvation can come from the most unlikely places. Mine came from the words of a town drunk and bum. No one can argue that this is an unlikely place.

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