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Autism And More


On the subject of autism, God tells me that it is often to do with parents inadvertently training their child up to submit in resignation, passivity and silence to listening to all the talking that the parents do to the child. It has been brought on greatly, I am informed by God, through so much media listening and exposure of the parents and the child to endless talked input into them, and the parents doing the same endless talking to the child, for up to two hours per day of prattle since a young age of the child….and no longer at the normal main silence styles of life back a generation ago and longer, where autism was not such a common thing happening to so very many children.


I say you need to give your children peace, silence and space …to take time to come out of the passive surrender and slowly open up and begin to speak a few words, until such time as words commence to flow freely or easily. Once one has surrendered into passivity and silence, it can be blissful, and there can be inertia about coming out of silence and talking again, as talking requires some effort once one has surrendered into passivity and silence. So give you child time and space…weeks of not much talking to him or her continually….not trying to incite talk…not trying to encourage words and answers to your endless comments….but give silence and space….and eventually, the first words will commence…all the words having been learnt by the child all along though listening and behavioural interactions of obedience and so on…compliance….co-operation.


I find myself surrendering to plenty of silence when people want to speak all the time, and I end up simply listening, sometimes not being able to get up the energy needed to reply or get a right word in edgeways. Too much talking from the parent or other person can bring on a silent passive listening response….even from teens with parents. So, listen more, talk less, and give room and space for your child or teen to begin after a few weeks or so to speak back to you…..maybe out of curiosity as to why you are now silent and no longer pressure them continually to talk. It’s a subtle matter really…..and easily ruined. So keep trying each fresh new day…or quit trying and quit talking for a few weeks. You will begin to see results within the first month I reckon.


When we notice a phenomenal boom in the number of children suddenly developing autism in the recent number of years, compared to over the recent decades….we have to understand that the average daily lifestyle of children watching television, playing video games and internet or computer games is affecting them all, and the way of talking of the parents with endless talking examples from media to them being put onto their children ends up causing all this new boom in autism in sheer mass numbers of new autistic children. It’s a lifestyle thing…a talking socially learnt thing from exposure to high action talking media continually at top rate….neve any usual hours of silence during the days in the daily lifestyle.


So, you are either going to have to go back to the old days’ style of mind and life without so much media exposure to you and your child all the time…for so many hours per day…..or you are simply going to have to learn to give space and silence to your child when with him or her, until such time as he or she can begin to talk….probably out of curiosity as to why you are no longer close to the child and talking to him or her endlessly.


God is simple…the this autism is simply caused and simple to fix.




Sesame Oil

Now sesame plants are well known for a number of millennia to the Chinese and Middle Eastern people, and now has spread throughout the World to many countries for cooking and healing uses. It grows as a crop from which the seeds are collected by threshing, as they are so very small. No doubt mechanical threshing is very efficient in these modern days, but it has been threshed by hand for a very long time up until the mechanical more modern days have arrived.


It’s oil is a great healer of very stubborn cases and situations of ill health in people and animals…..particularly people. Such stubborn cases can be diabetes Types I and II, juvenile and adult, and psoriasis, for example, really stubborn cases which defy other medicines to bring total healing to the situation.


The act of orally taking in the sesame oil, either through your stir fry cooking or in a warm drink with some honey or other ingredient to the taste….the act of taking in this sesame oil results in the experience of agreeableness as it pleasantly slides down into the body and through the body, as God tells me. This mental and physical agreement continually is a major step in harmonizing the whole person or being, and harmonizing the whole being allows the healthy, healed condition to be the reality of the person. You are healed. And to continue in this healed disposition, I would think one would remain in a good mode thereafter willingly mentally and psychologically, thus affecting the physical body without placing mental strain onto the body by the mind, or one would need to continue with a once a week top up dose of the sesame oil of two tablespoonsful one day per week for a long time to come, until your life is placed into harmony. Me listening to some Beethoven piano music being played on the radio can bring harmony to a temporary ravaged soul upset by recalcitrant or mean bank workers. I could notive the total change overcome me within half a minute, with wonder. So, be attuned to what brings you absolute harmony and rest from stresses and upsets. Don’t develop diabetes from long term life strain and semi disturbance/upset ….find a healthy soother or releaser….and do that for ten minutes from time to time when noticing you are strained or stressed about someone or something.







t has come to my awareness that there are two types of giraffes in and from Africa. One is the type we mostly know of in the zoos over the recent many decades around the World….mainly from Kenya originally. The other type has darker brown fur with its marked alternate whiter /cream coloured smaller patches….very noticeable in the many photos to be seen of them in collections on the internet these days.


I like the giraffe for its silence, quiet and walking and running styles…gangly legs spread out when bending the head down to drink or pick up a morsel to eat….and its general mental telepathy and quiet way of life….with subtle slow moseying of the mouth and mind towards others, objects, meals and people.


It runs pretty well when in need or in danger.

Its very relational.

It doesn’t cause harm to other creatures or other giraffes.

It thunders when running.

Yet its silent.





Now hippos love water and swimming, probably because it keep them cool in the hot climate in which they live, and probably because it lets them feel weightlessness whilst they are heavily built creatures weighing tons. Their flesh seems to almost be made of blubber, skin and meat style….looking at them from the outside of their flesh. Thjey do need protection as a species, and are known to kill people who wander into their swimming territory or walking on land areas of hanging out…so be careful where you go swimming or walking in hippo country or turf.


They are plant grazers….just love a feed on plants.



A Snowy Mountain


And this photo shows a tall sharp mountain with white snow covering it. Just love the snow and the cool of the air and snow when in such a place… long as one is snug with the right warm clothing. Snow can be powdery…snow can be sludgy and wet….snow can seem dry…snow can blow in the wind as powder or flakes or little lumps. Snow seem pure to look at when not made dirty by muddy boots and tracks. Snow can be a smooth sheet or mound. It can make you breathe warmly and closely to the chest and body, with chin tucked in. You can die in snow, if you aren’t careful, and you can feel wonderful under the right activities, amount of time, strength, and temperature. You can throw snow balls or lumps. You can build with snow. Its made up of tiny ice particles. Wonderful stuff. You can boil up some snow to make tea, using clean snow. It makes people close to each other and feeling cozy…a shared wonderful feeling and known experience of each other and between each other. It makes the mind close and wonderful…and close to everyone else as well undergoing the same snow experience at your location. Truly remarkable. It brings on a hushed awe sometimes when you open the building’s door like at Mount Nelson at the college, and you step out of the warm building into the super white, even at night, snowy path and road to go to the car to drive along the small mountain road to get to home.




Barn Owl


Drove down to Bruny Island one day to visit some friends when I was young and studying in Tasmania. On my return, it began to snow along the country lane leading to the house on the farm which I was then driving away from, to return back to Hobart. I was in my very old Morris Minor, not quite knowing if it was going to break down in the snow and isolation. No mobile phones in those days…and talk of the locals burning down new comers’ fences in the recent past. I paused and stopped the car for a while when I arrived at a whitish owl standing in the middle of the dirt road in the snow blocking the path to have a good look at me, a dri9ver in a rare noisy car moving along this bit of road all day.


It was a nice quiet meeting in the silent dropping snow onto the road. Quite memorable. Bird meeting me… meeting bird. Bit like meeting one giant bounding kangaroo on the particular point on a quiet Perongerups road in WA which sought me out in particular one late night’s drive from Perth to near Albany and to the Perongerups to meet up with some friends. Did this trip quite often back then….a very long drive….but not as long as driving up north to the North West. That is one day’s drive and two days’ drive….not 4 hours’ drive. Gets tiring driving. Some animals like the lone owl and lone kangaroo meeting me and hearing me from a long distance and arriving to meet exactly when I would arrive as uncanny of them. I guess they know their turf and want to meet up with a lone noisy driver in the night….not to be killed….just to meet. A bit dangerous of them to do so, however. Almost lead to them being run over or me be decimated by the kangaroo, he was so big. Everyone else met him already also…similarly I imagine. A nice drive though, to go down south from Perth like that. Probably a nice ride on the train too if I explore this option yet again soon.





Rufus, an all sorts mutt, arrived into live with me and the rest of my housemates one year, when I was young. Knew absolutely nothing about dog training, and he grew up for his

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