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Boyan Petrov

BOOK dedicated to Boyan Petrov


By Mila Buria




Boyan is an inspiration. He can only be “is” not “was”. He is alive.






Shaman’s Laws

The person, who comes in our lives, is the right person. Nobody comes in our lives by chance. Everybody and everything is there for a reason – to teach us something and for us to go on with our lives.

What happens is the only correct thing that happens.

Every new road that starts , is in the right time. When we are ready for something, it is there.

When something ends, it ends. Just like that. Just leave it finish.


Nobody can reach the dawn, If they haven’t passed through the dark of night.

Halil Jubran


How to put order in your soul? By not complaining, not blaming, not excusing.

Zen proverb


Embrace the simplicity, forget the egocentrism, have fewer desires

Lao Tzu

You cannot have everything – health and happiness is enough. Don’t think of other things, they will come.

Zen proverb


The meaning of life should not be found, it should be created.



Good things happen to those, who believe. Better things happen to those, who are patient. The best things happen to those, who don’t quit.

Zen proverb


To be healthy is the greatest gift, to be content the greatest riches, the be frank – the best attitude.



The pain in the heart is the price for waking up.

Hazrat Inayat Khan


You are the thing that your soul longs for.



Losing an illusion makes you wiser than knowing the truth.

Ludwig Borne


The things you desire quench the thirst like sea water. Stay without desires, practice content.



Great souls have willpower, weak ones – only desires.

Zen proverb


Never try to change others. Give them freedom , and show them the way. They must want to change themselves. They will want when they see the change in you has worth it.

Christian Larsson


Don’t be angry to the dried up well. Ask yourself why you keep digging for water there.

Zen proverb


The most precious thing is time. Be careful to whom you give it.


The sky helps those, who help themselves.

Japanese proverb


However hard it is, I’ll do it.


No distance can separate those that are linked by destiny, no closeness can tie up those who are separated by destiny.

Chinese proverb


Don’t judge anyone. Just better yourself.


If you are happy, it’s you. If you are sad, it’s you. You are your own heaven and hell.



Don’t fear small change. Fear staying in one place.

Chinese proverb


The smallest act is better than the biggest intention.

Japanese proverb


Happiness does not depend on what you are or what you have, it depends on what you think..

Deil Carnegi


Accept life how it comes.



The awaken one is that finds freedom both in happiness and unhappiness.



Do not count on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You will be absolutely the same after death. If you are a thief, a liar, you won’t become an angel. The earth is the place to improve yourself.

Paramahansa Yogananda




Suncho, you are always in my thoughts. I can never forget you. I know you are alive, as every time I look up, I see your face.


I miss you. We miss you.



If I don’t see you no more in this world, I’ll meet you in the next one. Don’t be late.










Publication Date: 03-02-2020

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