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Book online «The Story Of The Black And White Wolf by Forest Ostrander (electronic book reader TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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How It All Began

  A long time ago, there were two powerful beings that walked the earth, they were called Lucifer and Serephina and they were brother and sister, a god and goddess. They had powers like no other, but they were overcome by greed for the other's abilities. Serephina, the youngest was able to manipulate the weather and bring light, Lucifer was able to cause darkness and destruction, together they would destroy everything, but apart they were weak, then the lands will be at peace and safe. Lucifer and Serephina were separated at birth, only learning of each other from their adoptive parents, they both despised each other the moment they found out what the other could do. Lucifer hated anything good and light and Serephina hated anything dark and disastrous, they vowed to fight until one was standing, but before they could begin the war, they suddenly died of unknown causes. 100 years later and they were reborn once more, but not as humans, they were wolves, one black and one white. Lucifer, the black pup had all of his powers from his previous life, Serephina, the white pup had her's as well, and as they grew they tormented each other. When they were adults, they went their seaperate ways, still vowing to destroy one another. Lucifer rounded up other wolves who liked destruction and darkness and causing meyham and Serephina rounded up wolves who liked peace and light, and together, both packs have been fighting and killing each other for years. But when the time came for Lucifer and Serephina to fight, Serephina came up missing. She was in her den ill with her pack around her, she was growing weak and frail. As the dying wolf looked at her pack members she told them when the next wolf would return, she said "A hundred years from now, a white wolf will be born to a pack in a different land, you must find the human who befriends the northern mother and she will lead you to..." but before she could say any more, the life slipped from her and Serephina was no more. Lucifer did not know of his sister’s death until 20 years later, when he went searching for her for their upcoming battle and found her grave, outraged that he could not have killed her himself, he began to grow more violent, killing most of Seraphina’s pack members who eventually had to flee for their lives. Now as the years go by, Seraphina's pack still waits for their white wolf to return to them, Lucifer's descendent, following his footsteps, was waiting to, he howled in the wind "WHERE ARE YOU WHITE WOLF! I AM WAITING FOR YOU!" but the white wolf would not answer, it will be more years to come before she would be reborn once more, and until then, the wolves still wait, Seraphina's pack and their descendents hiding from Lucifer's pack and their descendents until their white wolf would come back to them and end the battle once and for all.

The New White Wolf

The pack of the northern Forest, a large, strong pack of 40 wolves. Their alpha was expecting pups any day, the alpha male would go hunting and bring back food for his mate and as he dropped it in front of her, he would say

"Eat up, you will need your strength," then he would leave her be to guard the den's entrance. The female wolf ended up giving birth to five young pups, all of them brown except for one white pup, she was the smallest and the runt of the litter but she held her own when finding a place to suckle. Her mother loved each one of them and made sure that they all got a chance to feed. As the months passed and the pups grew, their parents allowed them to come out of the den for short bursts of time before scurrying them back in when they went out to hunt. The white pup, now named Forest was the most boisterous of her siblings, but she was also kind and gentle, her brothers and sisters, Charlie, Rose, Lisa and Garth were the ones who would be the first into trouble. Charlie, the eldest male of the litter was brave and confident that he could defeat anything in his way, Rose, the second eldest female was bold and defiant. Garth, the second to the youngest male was curious about everything and always investigating things that interested him, and Forest, the youngest and the runt was smart and quick footed, she was the brains of the bunch, but she was also the sweetest to. One day, when their mother and father were out hunting with the pack, Forest and her siblings were curled up deep in the den's sentence taking a nap when something woke them all up, it was not the familiar smell of the pack or their parents, and it didn't feel right at all. So when they looked at who was invading their home, they were confronted by a pack of coyotes, bent on taking the den of their own, and spotting the pups, they licked their chops and went towards the unprotected wolf pups. Charlie knew immediately what he had to do, and despite the risk to his life, he stood in front of his siblings growling, baring his little white teeth as he fluffed up his fur to make him look bigger while the others made a break for it. Charlie was unfortunately the first one to get slaughtered, the lead female coyote picked Charlie up by his neck and thrashed him around until his frail little neck snapped and he went limp as death claimed his life. Rose, Garth and Forest, watched in shock and horror as their brother was thrown to the pack and devoured! Rose, now the second in charge and the eldest ushered Garth and Forest into a closed in opening in the side of the den's wall, but before she could get in herself, she was dragged out by a subordinate coyote and killed the same way. Forest and Garth backed up to the edge of the wall in the crevice as the coyotes tried to get in at them to finish them off when Forest tilted her head back and let out a long howl to alert her parents and the pack of the danger that was going on. The pack, who wasn't far away, heard the pups calls and answered back, running at full speed to the den, but when they arrived, they seen the coyotes dragging out Garth and Forest by their tails, yapping and whining in pain and fright. Garth was too scared to do anything while in the jaws of the coyote, but Forest bit the one holding her on the chest which made them release her and she ran to her mother and father who ran at the coyotes, but not before they killed Garth, then the battle was on, both packs fought each other, some wolves and coyotes fell under teeth and claws, others fled in the confusion until eventually, all the coyotes were either dead or high tailed it for the trees. When the pack began to settle down some, they turned their attention to Forest, their sole remaining pup and they nuzzled her and licked her all over to make sure she was all right and to comfort the now shaking pup, and with just a bite wound on her tail and a little scratch on her back, she was fine all together. The pack never left her alone, a couple of wolves would remain behind to protect her incase the coyotes came back to finish what they had started, they could not move yet for she was still too young. Her siblings were buried on the outside of the den's entrance and every time a wolf walked by them, they would bow their heads in respect for the fallen pups of the alphas. It was more of a blow to Forest who witnessed their deaths in front of her very own eyes and she was helpless to do anything to save them. Every night she would have dreams of the slaughter until eventually she couldn't recognize the real from the dreams. She was tormented her whole life, and even though she hid it from her family, it was eating her on the inside until eventually she completely lost her mind. She decided to leave the pack and the memories it caused her behind, even though she was a pup, she didn't want to deal with the nightmares anymore, and there was nothing her pack could do to stop them or help her, so she made up her mind to leave them. Little did she know that leaving them would end up saving her life. 

When night fell and the pack were fast asleep, Forest took the opportunity presented to her to slip out of the den and the warm bodies of her mother and father and head out into the cold air of the night. The grass was moist with dew and the air was filled with smells of damp earth and bodies of other animals, she took one last look at the graves of her siblings and the pack members before slipping into the dead of night, the darkness soon cloaking her white pelt with blackness, and it was then on that she became a loner. Her pack had been hunted down not too far from when she left, and unknowingly to her, she was an orphan with no home, no family and no idea where she was going.


Twas It Fate?

Forest was now a teenage wolf, she had been living with the Nature Mother for some time, an old lady who lived in a hut made out of stone and trees. The outer walls were covered in green moss that was soft to the touch. Flowers were blooming on pots in the window sill and around the little hut and down the path. The lawn was neatly kept by the deer of the forest who work endlessly to keep the grass down. Forest was a semi-permanent residence of the place with the Nature Mother having taken her in when she found her and gave her food and shelter from the harsh

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