Fairy Tale
Read books online ยป Fairy Tale ยป Saving Shiloh(DEMO) by Kellie Alcala (books to get back into reading .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซSaving Shiloh(DEMO) by Kellie Alcala (books to get back into reading .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Kellie Alcala

Chapter One

I felt the ground rumble under my feet, the vibrations smooth, singing a song with their invisible tune. I briefly scanned the area around me, quickly deciding what route I could take to get back to the Northern Forest Village. With a swift jolt, I was up and running. The trees zooming by quickly. I dodged trees and bushes easily and silently, quickly making my way among the forest. I jumped up into the mid section of branches in a tall jungle tree. I crouched low to the base and scanned the forest around me. I quickly caught sight of their body heat among the cool palms and reptiles. Using my cat-like senses, I pinned their exact location and marked it in my head. "Points 36, 48." The crackled voice came from the small ear piece fit snug in my right ear. I quickly hopped down from the tree and was preparing to sprint forward when I heard a loud crack fill the quiet air. I fell foward onto the damp floor as pain seared through my ankle. My abdomen tightened and I felt nauseous and dizzy as I looked down at my ankle. Black tar like blood was already seeping out of my leg. I bit my lip at the shocking pain running through my entire body. My ankle was completely broken and I was trapped in a Cryt trap. 

Cryts are super human like that you could not tell from one person to the next based on looks. Cryts possess nothing more than a higher intelligence of people and use the secret and unknown forces of the world in their favor. By being able to manipulate everything from atoms to cells, quite almost anything is possible. The only problem with Cryts is that, especially females, are quite hostile and have a very serious demeanor. Armies and Bases are always looking to capture Cryts to train them in their forces. 

I, however, differ from other Cryts due to my inability to speak. I was in an accident long ago, I do not quite remember the events before or during this period of time. I just know I do not possess the ability to speak myself. Orange hair framed my face in chin length. My small, piercing blue eyes gave me a doll like appearance. I Wore a long sleeve fitting huntress top with black spandex shorts and military boots. I possessed a short knife, a pistol, and a short sword. I knew a highly feared group called Notify were after me. My life Might be spared but it would cost me my freedom. I could hear the rustle of their boots as they neared me. I only had minutes to think. There was only one thing left to do. I clenched my jaw tightly and braced myself to tug my leg out of the trap. I clamped my eyes shut tightly as I jerked backwards, away from the trap. I nearly vomited at the pain raging through my body, striking my abdomen and temples with exceeding force. I clenched my teeth tighter and jerked harder, continuing to thrash eratically until I was lurched backwards, free from the metal teeth of the trap. I didn't have time to worry about my missing foot, I had to get out of here and fast. I knew I would leave a trail behind now from my leg and that my body wouldn't be able to clog the bleeding on such an injury for at least 5 minutes. I started limping as quick as I could, crawling and scratching my way along the jungle floor, trying desperately to flee from the scene. 

"She went this way! We done trapped er'! Don't let her get away this time!' I heard the gruff voice of a man, no doubt a member of Notify, yelling at his force where I had left my damn foot in the trap. "Took off her own foot, that bitch!" He growled as I heard rustling of the bushes from them making their way in my direction. I scrambled faster, feeling my leg healing itself and growing a new foot. That was the thing about being super human. Your body always



This is the demo of the first chapter... If you like this, please let me know and I will continue with this novel!


Publication Date: 11-30-2015

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