Fairy Tale
Read books online ยป Fairy Tale ยป The Vampire's kiss by Lillian Hudson (literature books to read txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Vampire's kiss by Lillian Hudson (literature books to read txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Lillian Hudson

Chapter 1. A new boy and a New dream

The killer's surrounded me, knives in hand. No one could here me scream. The eldest one laughed and ordered his goons to do something to me in a foreign language. A muscular man came towards me and snapped my legs in half. I screamed and cried. The pain shot through me, it was so real. The oldest one came towards me next, his minions following. Then they all took turns playing with my life.

At 6 AM I woke from the dream sweaty and scared. My mother had shaken me awake and looked down on me with concerned eyes.

"Baby doll, whats wrong? What happened?" she asked, a fear somewhat like my own underlying her groggy voice.

I had to take a moment to breath and calm myself. "Mom...it was just a nightmare. I'm fine." I asserted in my "I-Just-Woke-Up-Why-Am-I-Even-Talking" tone.

My mom nodded because she understood. She had nightmares, too. I sighed and wiped the perspiration from my forehead, cracked a smile, and got up. I ambled downstairs and into the basement, the basket of clean laundry I had washed the night before clutched in my arms. It was deliciously warm out so I chose shorts and a t-shirt with tennis shoes. I tied my blond hair up and walked to the middle school.

Destiny saw me (as usual she was spying in wait) and waved me over to our table. Yes, our table. Where the crazy ones sat. I wasn't calm and she got right on me. Des knew me way too well.

"What's wrong? Spill." she demanded and I sighed.

"Another nightmare." I responded. Then, seeing her look, I told the terrible dream to my table.

Des sighed. "How do you think this came about?"

"Destiny, I don't know!" I yelled, but I don't know why I was so sharp with her. I was still frightened by the dream.

Then, her head turned and she nudged my arm. I followed her movement and my mouth dropped open. The most gorgeous 7th grade boy I have ever seen stepped in. My heart stopped for a split 10 seconds before I could function again. I must have gone ghost-pale.

He had black hair that fell a bit over his eyes, but you could see they were violet. His skin was so pale, it was like he was dead. He had muscle, but they weren't, like, bulging or anything. And, he was tall. I swear, everyone was gawking at him. Even the straightest boy was staring.

He smiled at everyone and to my surprise, sat with
"The group." I hated him then because they accepted him without a thought. I hated perfect people.

Chapter 2. For some reason, the kid is speaking to me.

I headed to my locker to get my books for 1st - 4th period without a thought. I was about to head to homeroom when I turned around and...HIS LOCKER WAS NEXT TO MINE.

I turned the other way and began to walk to room 213 (my homeroom class and 4th period) when I felt an ice-cold hand grab my shoulder. A shiver went down my spine. I slowly turned and it was "him."

He smiled and extended a hand. "Hi, my name is Labron James."

I shook his hand reluctantly and tried to smile. "Lana Keller." I said as evenly as possible.

"It's nice to meet you." he released my hand, "What homeroom are you in?"

"213, why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Me too." He said and walked off.

"Your going the wrong way!" I called, but I had a feeling he didn't care.

What the-

"What the hell was that?" Destiny asked, interrupting the same sentence I was thinking.

"Why are you in my thoughts?" I whined, then shrugged. "I...I'll..." The bell rang and we ran to class.

I finished going to homeroom and sat in my assigned seat...which happened to be next to Labrons.

"Great." I muttered, turning away from Labron in annoyance.

I felt a sudden chill on my arm. I instantly turned around to see what was slowly making me feel frozen. It was, of course, Labron.

"What?" I asked shrilly. I was having a real bitch streak that day.

"Uh..." he looked at me. Apparently, Mr. Perfect wasn't used to rudeness. "Well, are you okay? You seem unhappy."

I almost said something back, but the way he spoke made me wonder. Why was he so old sounding? "I am unhappy." I admitted.

Labron nodded. He was like a therapist. I already wanted to confide everything that was upsetting me lately into him. I bit my tongue. "Why?" he asked, simple and short.

"I don't feel well. I should go to the office." I said quickly.

It was only homeroom, and I had to wait till fourth. Why did he have to know that?

"The school manual says that you can't go to the office until fourth period if your sick. You'll have to wait." he said firmly. A chill ran up my spine.

I just then noticed the rest of my class talking and sputtering, deep in they're conversations. I looked at the time. The announcements went on and I realized we had been talking for 20 minutes.

"Wow..." I whispered as we stood to do the pledge of allegiance.

Labron said it so perfectly I couldn't speak. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I was stunned when I sat. Another ten minutes to go.

Would this second of time capture me like before if he spoke to me? "You are good at saying the pledge." I said.

Anger shone in his eyes and could be heard in the voice. "You don't love our flag or our country, do you Lana?"

Those words stung. I loved my country, my flag, my world. "I do, thank you very much. I just was surprised you did Mr. Popular in an instant. They don't care about anything. Much like you don't. Your just so snobby. The saddest thing about you, though, is that I just met you and I already can't stand you! Your so arrogant! Why did you even talk to me? So you could talk about me to the Pops. No sir, I am not taking that treatment. Leave me alone."

Labron looked at me, stunned. "Sorry."

"Forget it." I said, then I mumbled "jerk" and turned swiftly away from him.

The bell rang and I went to my first class which, oh God, was with Labron.

Chapter 3. Okay, so I guess I'm the arrogant one.

I sat down in my seat. Next to him. He turned away from me as soon I sat. Our S.S. teacher began to ramble and I groaned. Suddenly, a paper flew gracefully on my desk.

Enough with the cold treatment. I will not take it. Meet me at 6:30 in front of the Willow Tree in the park.
-Labron James

Thought's ran through my head. Why?, was the biggest question. I was scared. I crumpled up the note and proudly walked to the garbage can. I had this arrogant stride as I sat. Everybody stared...yet Labron wasn't here. I walked back to my seat, aware of my teacher's angry glare.

I looked around at the curious eyes. "What?" I yelled. "What are you staring at?"

Just then, Labron came and pushed my books off my desk. "Hormonal much?" and he sat in front of me.

I felt angry tears in my eyes, and I fought to keep them back. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I picked up my books and looked at rude Labron.

"Sorry I am late Mr. Torricelli." Labron said sheepishly.

Mr. T looked at him. "Your new, so this tardy is forgiven. But knocking Lana's books off her desk was not called for, new or not. And Lana, no need to shout in class." The rough, angry tone Mr. T used rung detention in every word. "You both have lunch detention for the next week."

I groaned and the class snickered. Labron shrugged and rolled his eyes when the teacher wasn't looking. He continued with his boring lecture. My friend Kelly was looking anxiously at me. I weakly smiled and she turned away to answer an unheard question.

I turned to stare at Labron, he was the one putting me on edge so he must have caused my temper, and he looked at me. I must have had some pretty strong anger in my eyes for him to turn away. It looked like he was scared, and maybe, he was. I sighed. I was the arrogant one, though, to admit that, I knew I had done something wrong. Towards the end of class, everyone was talking except for us.

I reached out to touch his shoulder, but before I could, he snapped to face me. "What?" she snarled.

I shrunk down in my seat and looked away. "S-sorry..." I stuttered.

I could feel him loosen up. He put his hand on my shoulder. "Thanks." The bell rang and he walked away.


Text: Pictures do not belong to Lillian J. Hudson. Pictures belong to http://google.com/ using the search engine. The story belongs to Lillian J. Hudson.
Publication Date: 02-17-2011

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to: Vampire fans Romance fans All of my friends All of my supporters My family especially And you.

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