Fairy Tale
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Book online «Fairy Adventure by Juice and Anna (aka Bug and Jo) (e reader pdf best txt) 📖». Author Juice and Anna (aka Bug and Jo)

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The sun rose over the horizon as its light seeped into a small forest amidst a town. Deep in this forest was a tree, and on this tree was a hole about the width of your index finger. And if you looked inside...
Bug woke with a start. She stretched her fairy wings and walked over to the piece of mirror she had scavenged one day. "I look a little taller today" she smiled. She walked over to her wall, grabbed a pencil, and marked where her head reached. "Nope," bug said, a little disappointed. "I'm still 2 inches and 1/16" she went back to the mirror. "Stupid piece of glass!" She was about to turn around when she caught sight of her reflection. She stopped, and gave herself a good look. Bug was the smallest fairy around but had probably the longest hair, which ran all the way down to her ankles. Her wings were as monarchs, and at that moment she wore a green leaf night gown. "That reminds me, I've got to get dressed!" she skipped over to the brown walnut dresser by the bed, which was an Altoid mint box. "Now which one will I wear today?" bug was now holding two outfits. A tan tunic with an acorn cap for a hat, and a blue pedal dress with a blue bell as her hat to wear. "I think I'll choose the blue today" bug put it on and walked into the kitchen.
Bug's house was made of two rooms: the bedroom and the kitchen, neither very big. The bedroom was only filled with the mint-box bed, the walnut dresser, and a miniature bookshelf. The kitchen wasn't much bigger in the center was a mushroom table with pebble stools. Her cupboards were playing cards for the doors that covered little nooks that were once chewed by bugs. That's how she got her name, being the size of a bug. Now bug was eating out of an acorn bowl. Looking out her window. "I wonder how Jo's doing today?" she wondered aloud. Then it hit her. "Jo! She was supposed to meet me here today to go to gem's house for tea." Quickly she put a lid on her breakfast and stuffed in her little brown pack and slipped out the little hole into the air. A draft caught her wings as she flew through the trees to her friend.
Finally Bug landed by a large tree. Beside it was an old box television, with a large whole in the screen. Cautiously, she crept to the screen and knocked. A huge explosion of sparks flew out of the top of the T.V. and there was a loud splash of brown liquid and white cream. It was clear to see Jo's coffee had fallen over. You see, everyday Jo went to the ranger's log cabin at the front of the woods and steal his cup of coffee, and every once and a while it tipped over. Also, the ranger had no straw, and neither did Jo, so she just used an electrical cord, which didn't seem to shock her at all, but just made her hair stand straight up. Her hair was a fire red, and she had emerald green eyes. Right now Bug was calling to Jo, to afraid to step inside the whole in the screen. "How bad is it?" "Well, I'm not gonna be sleeping in it!" Last time her coffee had fallen over, it had gotten into the remote, if you can understand this. Jo had succeeded into cracking it open so it opened like a coffin, and slept in it every night. Anyway, Jo slept in that disgusting, sticky coffee for two weeks! Bug, still waiting for Jo, sat down and began to play with the pebbles on the ground. "Hi, my name is Bug!" she made a small one say. "And I'm Jo!" she made a larger one say. "Look what I can do!" She moved the bigger pebble rapidly. "Bzzzzzzzzz! Bzzzzzzzzzz! BOOM! Splash!" Then the little pebble said, "She spilled her coffee again." Jo came out of the television. Her hair seemed higher than usual. "Hey, Bug! Whatcha doing?" Bug dropped the pebbles and dusted off her dress. "Uh, nothing." Jo smirked. "You were playing with pebbles again, weren't you?" "Well yeah, but…" Jo couldn't keep it in. She almost immediately burst out into laughter. "What is it?" She gasped amidst her laughter. "Can you not resist?" She howled with laughter again. "Well," said Bug, trying to find a way to insult a person as carefree and crazy as Jo. "Well you can't touch to top of your crazy hair!" "You can't either." Jo shot back. "Yeah I can, if I bend my knees. Now come on, let's get to Gem's." "You mean that China teapot?" Jo exclaimed. "Why not my house?" "Because remember when last time we had a sleepover?" Bug flashed back to that frightful night. Her bed had been a coil of copper wire, and when Jo got up to get something and she stepped on a loose wire by accident, Bug was fried. It took weeks to finally gravitate her. "Yeah, you're right." Jo agreed. "But can't we take my car?" Jo asked almost pleadingly. Bug rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine." "Yes!" Jo almost seemed to float on air. She skipped over to the back of her house where she found her little Chevrolet Impala. Bug followed and climbed in. Jo turned the key and the Impala purred to life. She smiled. Jo then backed out very slowly. This was the one and only thing she did slow. She was not going to crash this baby. Jo had found the little car toy car on the sidewalk one day, abandoned by the little child who used to play with it. With a little magic, Jo had turned it real, and loved it. Bug and Gem, on the other hand, thought cars were slow and inefficient, and that wings were better. Jo's dream was to add wings to her tiny Chevrolet Impala. They rode in a circle, up to a tree, back to the television, up to another tree, back again, a couple more circles, back to another tree, and while they were coming up on yet another tree, Bug suggested they return the car and actually fly to Gem's house. "But I was just getting started!" Finally, after more hesitation, Jo agreed and parked the car. She patted the well polished lid. "Don't worry baby, I'll be right back." Then she flew off to catch up with Bug.
Gem's house was an enormous antique china teapot. Here and there were cracks and missing pieces, but all in all, it was in pretty good shape. Inside she had a small china cabinet filled with teacup shards that were all cracked and chipped from years of use but still held tea. Next to that was a small end table with a vase of flowers on it. Her bed was a teacup as well, filled with cotton and lace for downy blankets. Gem was just as pretty as her house. She had beautiful curly brown hair that ran down her shoulders, and beautiful chestnut brown eyes. She always wore beautiful flower petals and smelled like a different spice everyday. Sometimes ginger or cinnamon, or paprika. Today it was nutmeg. Jo and Bug could smell it even before she opened the door, which was a shard covering a hole that Gem had attached hinges to. "Good afternoon you two!" Gem smiled. "What will it be today?" "The usual." Jo and Bug said in unison. Quickly Gem scuttled off to her fridge, which was magic powered. Bug couldn't help but look pleased as Gem sat the bowl of acorn pudding in front of her. "Now, not to much, Bug." Gem warned. "Or you'll be sick." Bug waited eagerly as Gem poured a little into a acorn bowl and sprinkled it with a little sugar, just as she liked it. Bug ate it quickly, and once Gem turned her back, she poured the whole bowl into hers, put a lid on it, and stuffed it in her pack. gem went back to the fridge and pulled out the peanut butter cookies. she handed one to jo and sat the rest on the table. jo nibbled on it smiling getting hyperer and hyperer as the sugar entered her system. "Now stay calm now," said Gem, noticing Jo's expresion. But when Gem turned back to see Bug, she was gone. "Oh, no.." Gem ran back to the pantry to find Bug head first in the sugar tea cup. She was laughing insanely as she rolled around in the sugar. "Bug get out of there!" Gem scolded "No more sugar for you!" When she finally managedto get Bug out of the suger teapot, they found Jo bouncing off the walls. "Duck!"Jo bounced over her head and Gem and Bug lunged out of the way. Bug collided with the china cabinet and it fell over. She tryed to roll out of the way before it fell but it caught one of her wings under it! Meanwile, Gem ran back into the kitchen, retrieved a broom, and bopped Jo square on the head. Jo fell to ground, brought to her senses, but still a little dizzy. Gem saton the floor, letting the broom drop, exahausted. "Is everyone all right?" "Help!" Bug struggled to free her wing, but only caused more pain. "Oh, no!" Gem gasped as she hurried over. "Now, careful Bug, or you'll rip your wing!" "Get it off." Bug moaned. "Jo, get over here!" Gem comanded. "Help me lift my cabnet off of Bug!" Jo ran over and grabbed one side of the cabinet as Gem grabbed the other. They lifted it up and Bug pulled her wing out. Jo and Gem dropped the cabinet again. "Sorry about that." Jo said blushing. "Its all right." Bug and Gem said in unison. "Next time I'll bake Bananna Bread instead." Gem smiled. "Ooh, I love bannana bread!" exclaimed Bug. "Good," said Gem, "Now how bout a good game of cards?" "Yes!" Jo and Bug said together. They spent the hours playing hearts, war, Uno, Solitare, and soon they got out the dice and some board games and played Chicken and Candyland the mini version. Candyland was a favorite for Bug and Jo,since it included candy. Gem always won at Chicken, even being timid in real life didn't stop her from being brave with a pair of dice. Jo called herself the 'Champion of War', and her soldiers alway seemed to slay and not be slain. For Bug, it was Uno. She always ended up with all the skips and wilds and draw twos and fours. They had a grand time. a few hours later gem looked out the window. "Oh no, it's already starting to get dark." Jo and bug looked out the window. "Anyone wanna go for a night time cruise in the Impala?" Jo said nearly bouncing up and down with anticipation. "No." bug and gem said together. "no one ever wants to go for a ride"Jo said pouting."Well..." Bug looked at Gem, who finally rolled her eyes and nodded. "I guess one little drive wouldn't hurt..." Jo exploded with joy. Within seconds she was out the door rushing home. Ten seconds later they heard the roar and the honking. Bug and Gem reluctantly walked out of the tea pot. Jo was bouncing in her seat. Bug climbed in the back and Gem climbed in the front. They drove this way, and that way, by the lily pond, speeding the meadow, Bug's hair flew like a flag in the wind. Then they went slow through a clearing, watching the stars in the sky glimmer.

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