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Book online «Colorful World by E.S. (love story books to read txt) đŸ“–Â». Author E.S.

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five years since last commination through the twins.


I walked through the doors and into a cabin, holding Jeds’ hand. We have been dating for two years and I found out he was a werewolf a couple weeks back, he said he didn’t want to tell me because he thought I would break up with him and call him a freak, I was shocked by this, he should of known better, I was more shocked that he kept that from me all these years, he is still the same Jed. Always will be. I have met the boys before, just never been to the cabin, it was a big deal. Before he opened the door to the cabin he told me not to stare at the girl, she doesn’t like to be stared at. I walked in, it looked like a regular cabin, stone walls, kitchen, stairs, door way to the other room. In the kitchen there was the girl cooking, I didn’t see anything weird about her but her long beautiful smoky purple hair and tallness. Of course I could only see her from the back, she turned around to put food on the plate, I gasped and she gave me a cool stare, she had purple eyes, and her beauty was enchanting, her slim figure told me she couldn’t hurt a fly, but her stare said some thing else. She looked to Jed “see you brought a human”, she said the word human like it was some thing below her knowledge, Jed looked at her in such a way that I thought he would soon bow down to her, that’s what I felt like doing, I remember Jeds words and I stopped staring, I looked at the food on the table, there were boys surrounding it, “she is my girl friend and I want her to be accepted here”, he warned, the girl looked at me and smile a amazing smile “hello, I was just being carful, what are you called?”, she said it in a different tone, like she didn’t mind me being here, just like that, the switch went off, “Sarah, yours?”, I asked, “my name is Atalanta”, she said proudly, I loved her name, I really liked the greek gods and goddesses, “oh really, I love your name, I love to study the greek gods and goddesses”, I said, Atalanta now looked interested, “oh really, what’s your favorite?”, she asked,
“Oh, Athena, she’s amazing”, I said, the boys barked out laughter and Atalantas sides of her lips quirked up, Joel came up behind me and patted me on the shoulder “let’s see how much you like her soon”. I still didn’t get the joke but I shook it off. Leom took one bite of the food Atalanta made and made a face “those taste horrible!”, he said, Atalanta rolled her eyes “well if you want good food get Athena back her!”, she said sarcastically, Rowan made a grunt of agreement, yet he had a hurt look on his face. Leom ate the rest of the food that he said was horrible, and the boys did too. Atalanta kept looking at me from the side of her eye, finally she asked Jed “does she know?”, Jed rolled his eyes “of course she knows, I wouldn’t have took her here if she didn’t”, I didn’t like that they were talking like I wasn’t right here beside them, but I kept quite, Atalanta looked at me, “you listen to me, if you go and do some stupid human girl things then decide ‘hey I’m mad at Jed’ then go tell every body, I will find you and you will not like was would be in store”, she said, very up-front, “oh, I would never”, I said, she looked at me as if she thought I was making fun of her, she got up and sat on the table, “good news boys!”, she yelled, “Ceto is coming back soon!”, she was almost smiling, there were hoots and hollers, obviously Ceto was popular with the boys, even though I haven’t seen her around, I leaned over to Jed and whispered “who’s Ceto”, I knew the goddess Ceto (Ceto was a marine goddess who personified the dangers of the sea. She was more specifically a goddess of whales, large sharks, and sea-monsters) but not the girl, “Atalanta and Athenas sister”, he explained, wow their mother had a thing for Greek Goddesses. “When?”, a boy shouted, “tomorrow or the day after, she said if she didn’t see her old pack mates then she’ll be here tomorrow”, Atalanta explained. “The boys were still eating when I asked Jed about Atalanta and her pack, he didn’t answer but the voice behind me did “why don’t you ask her yourself, you’d get more information since wolves aren’t supposed to share knowledge about others packs”, I turned around and saw Atalanta looking down at me, “sorry, I didn’t know. What is being in your pack like?”, Atalanta took the question like it was the easy-est Q and A in the world “hard and saddening”, she said, I frowned “that doesn’t sound fun”, I said, Atalanta seemed to take that in “it has it’s moments”.
“Aren’t packs supposed to be together, always”, I asked, Atalanta laughed,
“They are supposed but you could say my packs a group of rebels”, she said, the corners of her lips went up, I smiled at her. “I’m guessing their names are Athena and Ceto”, Isaid, Atalanta smiled just hearing their names, “yes, Ceto is the one coming tomorrow, Athena is far away, she may never be coming back”, Atalantas’ face turned away from emotion, like saying that was to hard, “well, you can talk to her, right?”, I asked, I knew I was going into personal space, but I also knew Atalanta wanted to talk about it, some what. “No, we had planned to be able too, but some thing went wrong and we no longer have contact”, she said,
“You mean your cell phone broke and you forgot her number?”, I said, Atalanta threw her head back and laughed, “I never had a cell phone and never will, Athena didn’t believe in that, well most likely Legend didn’t”, she said, another member I was out-of-the-know with.
“How long has it been since you haven’t talked”, they said that she and Athena were sisters, so it couldn’t have been that long, “five years, we haven’t seen each others face in five years, haven’t talked in five years”, she said, wow. Time for my next question, I knew she was 17 couldn’t have been a day older “how old are you?”,
“22", she answered, Atalanta saw the surprise on my face a laughed another beautiful laugh,she she explained “my body age is 17 but my years are 22", I didn’t know how that was possible, but didn’t ask about it.

It was getting late and I got to sleep over, I slept in Jeds room, on his bed while he was firmly plated on the floor. “Some things weird about Atalanta”, I said to him, he did a little laugh that said I was clearly in the unknown “you should meet Athena”, ok, now I was interested, why do people keep on saying her name but nothing about her, “who’s Athena?”, I asked, Jed gave me the reply I was dreading “no aloud to tell”, he said simply then fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be the day, the day that I uncovered the secret to the hidden pack.
Tomorrow was the day Ceto arrived.


I woke up, it was 10 o’clock, I heard shouts from down stairs and went to check it out. It was the boys, “they’re here! they’re in the drive way!”, Joel yelled, he was acting like a kid who was moments away from the worlds largest candy store. Who was Ceto? Atalanta opened the door, followed in by a girl, about my age 17, her hair was short and had smoky purple streaks, the resembled feathers, her tan native skin was beautiful, she was slim, and tuff. Her shorts were ripped and her shirt was so high it resembled a sports bra. The boys ran up and hugged her “hi guys, I missed you!”, she said happily, she walked to the kitchen table with out even looking at me. I saw that she had a serpent rolling up her body. This was defiantly Ceto. Atalanta was sitting on the table beside Ceto, and I saw they both had purple eyes, unusual. I thought Atalanta was just wearing contacts. But I guess not. I had figured. I just I stared a moment to long, because Ceto started “who’s the human?”, she said it just as Atalanta had. Atalanta frowned “she’s Jeds girlfriend”, she said, “Jed?”, Ceto was surprised, “yeah Jed, a human, he could do much better”, Atalanta stated, I was getting angry, but didn’t say anything, again. “Jed!” Ceto called, Jed came flying down the stairs, but once he saw me and Ceto he stopped in his tracks, I was worried. “Jed, could I talk to you for a minute”, she lead him to the other room. Atalanta looked at my worried face, “oh don’t worry, there’s nothing going on between them. Now. Ceto is just checking you out. Your not in trouble”, she reassured me, all the questions I wanted to hear were answered, well all the questions about Jed and Ceto. Ceto came out, she looked happy, she called a name “b
Boo!”, she yelled, another male, Enkoodabaoo, who every one calls Kooda, but I guess not Ceto. She wrapped on his arm, he was one of the good-looking boys of the group, and I guess he like Ceto. “Boo, I want to do something”, she said to him, Kooda looked at her with a smile “like what?”, he was clearly wrapped around her fingers, “let’s go to the beach”, she said. They were off, Atalanta was laughing, some thing amused her “what?”, I asked. “ Enkoodabaoo means: one who lives alone, his mother clearly got his name wrong”, she said. Kooda was a bit of a player, he had girls all

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