Fairy Tale
Read books online ยป Fairy Tale ยป The Broken Doll's Trap by Yarlening Polanco (free ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Broken Doll's Trap by Yarlening Polanco (free ebook reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Yarlening Polanco


"Oh, doll with glass eyes will you dance for me?Will you listen to my wishes?Doll with top hat and little black dress will you sing for me?Poor doll,unable to see the world in her eyes."Arisa" how much I hate you."The girl giggled and through the doll at the wall,leaving a crack on it's face."Goodbye."The girl walked out through the door and never came back.The doll was alone in a abandoned house.

Chapter 1

The doll stayed there for centuries.Her top hat disappear and her black dress was torn.Her red curls were messy and her red lips started to lose color.Yet her face had no expression.But,as the girl didn't know every full moon the doll named Arisa soul came out of the the doll body.Her soul looked like the doll,but as a human.Her soul was the same inside and out.Her loneliness and sadness was shown even without an expression.The soul had tear stains under her eyes and the crack on her face looked deeper.She was hurt,from her past.She look at the moon with such lonely eyes and remembered her past.She will remember how she was created by a joyful girl that gave her a soul.The girl loved to see Arisa dance and sing,but soon the girl died in a accident.Arisa was passed along to the girl's sister who abuses dolls. She was abused harder than any other doll since the girl was jealous of her sister.Arisa suffered and lost the will to dance and sing.Arisa's heart became empty and unable to beat.Arisa always show no feeling,she doesn't know how to feel.She dances a painful and lonely dance,the only dance she can do.Her soul dances around the mansion,where the darkness takes over.One night, Arisa was more into dancing and wasn't caring of her surroundings and she didn't notice that the door had creek and someone was walking in.

Chapter 2 *Point of View*

I couldn't believe my friends made me come into this house.It's was rusty and always dark.This so called "Haunted House" is really creeping me out.After,I heard what happen in here,I became a ghost believer.But,this is a dare,no way I could get out of this situation.I just wish there was some light in this house.I walked in the main hallway,my hand against the wall and my heart beating as fast as ever.It was then when I saw a black light from he end of the hall.It was different than the darkness surrounding me,it was glowing and it seemed to pull me in.I couldn't stop my legs from moving,I felt like a was being controlled.As I moved closer,the light became brighter and there I saw a beautiful girl dancing,so gracefully and so painful.Like the dance was full with sorrow,nothing less and nothing more.It reminded me of how I felt when I lost my mother.The girl didn't seem to notice me until I stupidly interrupted her by stepping closer to touch her.She was me,but her eyes were empty and there was no expression.She was like a doll.She looked to her right where a room was,she opened the door and there was a window.I just notice it was twlight and I needed to go back.
"Um..maybe we should go,it's gonna be morning soon."The girl turned her head to me and turned around.She ran,even her running was graceful,I tried to catch up.But no matter how fast I ran she was out of reach.As I chased her,she started to fade away and in a blink of an eye she disappeared.


Publication Date: 09-20-2011

All Rights Reserved

To:Those dolls who can't speak

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