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that most of your opponents can read minds so don’t think about your next move. It is truly a lot easier than it sounds. And remember that I am one of those that can read you mind so be careful, up there. But you will do fine. You have been at this a lot longer than I have. You will do better than I.” I reassured her.

The bell went off for us to get into place. But, the moment that I did I step into a vision wanting to come on its own but I was trying to catch at the same time. “STOP! EVERYONE OUT NOW! I CAN’T STOP IT FROM COMING ON ITS OWN. GO NOW!” I screamed. “Just concentrate.” Guardian Teno told me. And it worked a lot better than it should have. “NO!” I screamed as I saw a pack completely destroy the lives of students at a nearby academy because the Alpha suffers from the same allergy that I do. Once I came out of the vision I head out faster than anyone else. Being an Alpha I was just as responsible for my pack as I was others. You see, with being a completely white wolf, I didn’t just gain a pack of thousands and thousands but I gained all packs and their members as well. I became the Head Alpha just like Guardian Teno is Head Guardian.

I got to the academy faster than everyone else. “STOP!” I commanded. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks and turned to face me. “Who the hell are you?” one of them said.

“I’m Head Alpha. The question is who are you and what do you think you are getting ready to do?” I demanded.

“Well, Head Alpha Ma’am this academy is killing our alpha and before she goes she is taking it with her. I’m her second in command Tori Deloroux. Our alpha’s Name is Shontishia Delpheni.” Tori said.

“Well, Shontishia and Tori, I have to inform your pack status is in limbo. And Shontishia you are not dying you allergic Iron. I know this cause so am I.” I informed her.

“Huegi Hidel is my second and Heather Wood is my third, Assess the damage they did before I got here. Make sure that everyone is alright then report back to me.” I instructed.

“Yes, Ma’am.” They said in unison.

Once we had done what was needed to help this academy fix, what this pack had done. And helped its former alpha, I talked it over with Guardian Teno and we decided that the best course of action was to keep this pack in a continuous state of limbo, until it was decided on whether they would continue being their own pack or become part of the Queens’ pack. But that was something that that was going to have to wait. The attack that the Bacreeda promised was in two days’ time. I wasn’t about to let innocent people die. So, classes were cancelled and all events were to be put on hold until further notice.

                With the attack coming, soon I was more focused on training myself and others to handle the pain that seems to come with the allergy to iron. And that task alone seemed to be taking up just about all of my time. When I wasn’t training them how to handle the pain I was training them to be ready for any and all attacks that the scum Bacreeda could and most likely would throw at us. And I wasn’t going to go into a fight unprepared so why was I going to have the people who follow me do that. What time wasn’t spent training in some form or another it was spent seeing every outcome possible and looking for a way to end it without people getting killed. That was the longest two day period I had ever experienced in my life.

Being a New Person

Chapter 3- Being a New Person


“I don’t know why you are giving me that look, Elizabeth. You really think that you’re going to beat me. That your tactics about watching/learning my training is going to help you then you sadly have another thing coming. That’s NOT you, though it would seem as normally you have someone else watch me and train with him based on what they see. Haha. I don’t think that it is going to help you anyway. But you can try.” I told her. “I wouldn’t want to use your simple and easy strategy. Actually I don’t know why you use it.” She spoke with a smirk smile. Normally, I would’ve thrown a fireball blast at her, but I wanted to stay focused I have one of the most important test in my life coming up. This test determines that I get to become one of the Queen’s Guardians. And not just any guardian, but the Queen's head guardian. The head guardian is the person who gets to choose battle strategy when it comes to go into battle. The Head Guardian also gets the job of being head of all the other guardians. Basically, I’ll be like the captain of a giant police force. Or like the head of a military squadron.

“Wow, you’re feeling good aren’t you, Rachel? What are you training for anyway? I’ve never seen you go at a punching bag like that before. Are you good or do you do need me to go get someone?” she asked with her really worried tone in her voice. “No, I’m just ensuring I get to be the head Guardian when it comes time.” I replied.

“I’m sure that those punching bags that you are using seen better days. And I'm sure that will be ever so proud of you when that happens.” she said.

“Yes, I’m sure. Now if you don’t want to be the one at the end on my training. I suggest you go.” I said as I punched twice then spun around and did a double elbow jab. I then, spun around did a double crescent kick, then did a double back flip ending with a double back tuck. Then gathered within me, my natural fire. I used it to make the fire flow around my body. Making it as if the fire had consumed my body in the same shape. I then punched the red bag with the fire then did a right hook with a triple elbow jab.

I looked up for a second see half the school standing around me. Wondering for a moment what the hell was going on. But I quickly realized that when I train this hard the school loves to watch me practice. As far as the star student I’m the one that wins them all their trophies that they have in the hall at the school. But for some reason I didn’t really want to be watched today; although, I could do nothing without scaring the literal hell out of them. So, I went on about my training. Until one hell of a bomb sound rang through the halls.

“Rachel, gather a team that can handle the front lines with schools Guardian and get out there. Everyone else get down stairs! Now!” Headmistress Williams yelled. “Elizabeth, Amy, Britany, Jade, Jada, Jane, Erica, Huegi, and Petey get the people who know can handle the front lines. All right, Elizabeth and Amy take your team’s take the East and the orange sides. Jada, Jane, and Jade take your teams to the blue, North, and yellow sides. Britany, Erica, and Petey I’m going to need you to take the West, South and white sides. Huegi and I are going to go with the schools guardians toe the green and red. Sides. Go Now!” I said.

As the other guardians, Huegi, and I took off toward the real issues. Part of the job of a Guardian is knowing the strengths and weakness of those under them. I’m the one of the only two people that I know can handle the blood, guts, and bodies of those that aren’t going to make it. When we got there we were confronted by at least one hundred people. They are a part of this expressive group, called Bacreeda. They are people that believe that females shouldn’t be allowed to do the training I was doing. When they saw me and the other women they came at us. The men were working their way to me for some reason. Not that I actually cared who they were after. All that I cared about was the people that they has killed and injured at my school didn’t deserve any of this. After a while there wasn’t that many of them or us who were left conscious, the ones that were coming for me. In the first place, they got close enough that I could show them who was boss here at this school.

                Everything was going great until I saw one of the 8th graders running to her little brother. “Get out of here. Now!” I yelled. “Bring them over here.” One of the knuckleheads spoke. “Not even! You will leave them alone and leave this school and never come here again.” I stated as I pulled them back to the other side of the fight, where they were coming from.

When I went to turn around I was stabbed in the back with a swilder sword. The sword went through my back and then up my back. Then it went out my side making a left facing crescent moon. Like it was nothing, like I was just a block of butter. “AHH! AHH!” I screamed as I started hitting the ground. That was when I started saying, “Keep the school safe, keep the school safe, and keep the school safe.” And in saying this I started using my magic and choose to use air to blow everyone I wanted gone away. When I was done there was only three of them left and they were behind me, just waiting. They grabbed me up and disappeared with me back to where they lived. When they got to where they wanted me, they chained me to a bed, I tried to stop them. However, with my wound all they had to do was put pressure on it. “You’re going to regret this. My brothers are going to kill you for this.” I said right before one of them back handed me in the face. It knocked me unconscious.



I have no clue how long I was out. It wasn’t until I tried to move that was when I realized that I was chained to a wall naked now. They didn’t look happy that I had almost healed myself from their attack. Yet they were curious as to why the iron clamps bothered my skin and me so damn badly. And the clamps weren't helping matters any for my healing that made me try to focus on healing everything. They wanted to test a theory, as to what is was, by removing one of the clamps, letting my wrist heal then placing the clamp back on my wrist. “You’re actually affected by iron. Now that’s very interesting. I wonder if you could heal all wounds made by iron. If you could heal a wound made by an iron

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