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drank human blood. However, I do understand that this isn’t something that you ever wanted to happen.” Huegi said as we both turned to hear Guardian Teno yelling at my brother.

“Now, you are going to tell me the real reason that Zane is avoiding his little sister. I saw what she went through, she showed me that it took everything to try to stay ahead of them doing what they did to her. Did you remind Zane, she was raped? That what he had said to us when we got there wasn’t a joke? She needs all of you not just you and Huegi. But, everyone who cares when she showed me and the doc everything she let something slip and I saw that at one point that she wanted to kill herself.” She yelled at my brother ReShuan.

“Is she telling the truth did you actually think about killing, yourself?” Huegi asked with a hint of anger in his tone. “Yes, but that is only because I didn’t see any other way out first. And on top of that it was before I got into Amy’s body and then I looked at you through her and everything changed for me. I swear I am not thinking like that ever again. Please, if you are going to hate me then tell me.” I said.

He hugged me and held me there, until the door opened back up. To Huegi’s and mine surprise it was Zane coming through that door. “Rachel, I need to know how far you would go to change the face that you drank blood.” He asked and before I could answer something strange started happening.

“Zane Daniel Jaren, what in the hell? Why are you treating your sister like this? Can’t you see that she would have rather have died than drank that human blood? No we don’t believe that drinking human blood is something that should be done, but that doesn’t mean that we hate the people who have or do. Especially, if they are family. Do you hate Michelle, Carey-Nicole, Zackury, or anyone else in their side of the family, do you? They all drink it on a daily basis the three of you and Huegi are the only ones that don’t in this family and half the magical world. So explain to me and your mother as to why you are hating and treating your sister like crap. She is in pain and needs you, both of you. And as for you young lady, stop beating yourself up. You saved everyone in this school with your magic use. Never forget about the good that you did. You got stabbed because you were trying to save an 8th grader and her little brother from those evil stupid bastards. Your mother and I could have never been any prouder than at that moment. We know that you went through some seriously horribly things there.” Apparently the guy that appeared was my father and the woman was my mother.

This is a moment that I’d never thought that I would actually get. In my world it isn’t so odd to see dead people even after they die. “Sorry, father. I just thought that you only talked or tolerated people who believed the same that you do. And that those you do drink human blood you didn’t talk to them. That you even hated them for choosing that life style.” He told him.

“No sweetheart most of the people that we knew were people who loved drinking human blood. What is wrong you, look like you are about to cry and scream at the same time.” Our mom said.

“I’m not sure, I know seeing the ghost of the people that have died isn’t something that unusual. However, this is odd to me I’ve never seen you before and I don’t know why. I wish that I could have seen you all before now. But I haven’t and this is all something very new to me. Why are you here now? Why didn’t you come around when I was younger? Why now?” I asked trying not to scream about all this.

“We thought that it was best that you never knew us till you were older because, we didn’t want you to think that our death was your fault. We also had hoped that your brothers would have told you of the prophecy that we heard about you and your identical cousin, while your aunts and I were still pregnant with you four. But instead everyone old enough to know that has chosen against it. We know that you have met your aunts and uncles. We regret the decisions that we made, however there is nothing that we can do about that.  Not without changing events that had to happen. Just you can’t change that you drank human blood without tragically alter the future and the present. And the two of you know that she would do anything she could if she was able to.” Our father explained to us. “You have turned out to be a loving young lady. We couldn’t have hoped for anything better. We couldn’t be prouder of you than we are now.” Our mom told me.

“We need to warn you that what you went through may not be over. We need to warn you that you need to find a way to reverse the fact that you are allergic to iron otherwise you will be a prisoner until you die. We can’t tell you much than that. Only because we weren’t even supposed to tell you what we have. We love you all but there is one thing that you need to remember that even though the prophecy stated that there is one of the four them who is conflicted with multiple souls that she goes insane. But remember that that can only happen if she doesn’t have a family to help her. That it only happens because there is no one there to help her through the moments where she gives into the darkness. But if you stop what you are doing right now and remembering that you are family and that there is not anything that you wouldn’t do for each other. Then you will be able to get through life without any problems or fear of one another. I know that she is only fourteen, but that is something that you also need to remember. My sons and daughter please never forget how much you love and care about each other. Cause it may be the only thing that keeps you from killing one another. You are a family whether you like sometimes or not.” Our father told us.

“Before we leave for now. Remember everything you know now can change in a second, so don’t take anything for granted. Do you understand me?” Our mom said with seriousness and a smile.

“Why do you have to go? You just got here.” I asked.

“This building doesn’t allow long visits from the dead. However, we will be back tomorrow and whenever you call our names sweety. We love you all.” She answered as disappeared into the air.

I sat back down and started crying again. Something that they said just made my stomach feel like it was balled up into knots that I was never going to get out no matter what I did. It wasn’t five seconds after that Zane and ReShuan hugged me so hard that I could barely breathe.

“Guys I can’t breathe. You are killing me right now. I love you too. I am so sorry that I couldn’t stop him from forcing me to drink human blood. I would do anything to change that, but I can’t and I will regret that for the rest of my life. Please say something anything.” I pleaded with them.

“We are so sorry too. It just hit me little harder than I thought it would have hearing that you drank human blood. But that is nothing compared to what happened to over there. That really should have been my last worry, but I made it my first rather than believe; what he said about hurting, was true. I now that it was not what you needed, but all I could see was you ask for human blood at the house and I couldn’t handle that. How did it taste, did you like it? Or did you find it repulsive?” he asked while whipping away my tears. “Honestly, I thought it was extremely gross and I still want to vomit.” I told my brothers and Huegi.

When we were all done having the conversation that we were having, I went to the bathroom connected to my room and showered. When I was completely dressed an alarm went off throughout the entire building. “What is happening?” I asked as it hit me.

I started having a vision. In the vision, I saw something or someone standing in the distance. When I focused my eyes, it was me and my three other cousins we were standing there tied up to a metal pole. And a burning fire was circling us. But that was nothing that was happening to the women on the outside of that ring of fire. They were being raped, tortured, and put through literal hell. We were all struggling to get free when. I saw something change inside of me. And it wasn’t a change that I enjoyed, nor a warm and fuzzy change. All I knew what that I was going to have to stop myself from doing that. But then I freed myself and starting causing hell on other people myself I didn’t like what I had become. I had really disgraced my family this time. Sadly this was just something But somehow this me, new me, the evil me that was playing on the side of evil really like the idea of disgracing my family.

When the vision stopped everyone was coming back and the alarm was gone. They sat me down gently on the floor. All they could do for a while was stand there and stare at me. Then one of them coughed like they were clearing their throats. “So, what was the vision about?” Zane asked after a while.

“It was about what mom and dad said. How they warned us not to hate each other. How one of us would go insane if not surrounded by family and friends. I am the one who goes evil. I saw myself drinking from humans who were trying to fight me off. Torturing those that didn’t deserve what I was doing to them. I am the one, who has to deal with more than one soul inside me, aren’t I? Zane, I don’t want anything like that to happen, please help me!” I asked. Or more like begged and pleaded. Zane carried me to bed and tucked me like I was his two year old little sister again.

I spelt like a big baby. When I woke, I smelled all kinds of different foods cooking. “Wow what are you guys cooking in here. It smells so awesome and so damn delicious.” I asked ReShuan, Zane, and Huegi who couldn’t be happier to see me. “Wow you really know how to get dressed really quickly. Wow that looks gorgeous in that outfit.” Huegi said smiling at me.

Once we ate he grabbed my hand and took me to school. It was kind of nice to see him being the guy that I fell in love with again. But something in me knew that this was only going to last a little while, I knew that he was still thinking about what had happened to me. And much of this normalness, I could only take without freaking out. What I don’t know is why my brothers and he acted like that they did this morning. I know that it won’t be long before something else, bad happened. Something told me that someone new was going to be attending the school, soon. But who and why

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