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Book online «Superhuman by Allyssa Zwiefel (best affordable ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Allyssa Zwiefel

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/> "One more thing. Do you have a hair dryer?" I asked. Zayn got up and left the room.
"Here you go." He said smiling.
"Great." I said and headed to the bathroom. It was bigger than the room I shared with my siblings. The shower was huge. I decided to take a bath.
"Great" I whispered "They got me razors too." I picked one up.
I turned the hot water on more than the cold. Once it was about halfway full I noticed half used bubble soap on the back of the toilet open. I poured some in a got undressed.
I stepped in the hot water. It felt so good, I had never had a nice hot bath before. I lay there for about ten minutes when I took the shampoo and poured it on my head. I scrubbed it and rinsed. I grabbed the conditioner and with my hands made a ponytail and squeezed it in. I rinsed the conditioner and shampooed my use to be filthy hair one more time. After that I grabbed a washcloth and washed my body. I grabbed the razor.
"Good thing they got this" I said as I stared to shave my legs. I got out and dried my self off. I grabbed a pair of underwear and a bra and put them on. I rummaged through my bag and found jeans that had a small pattern on the back pockets and a shirt that had two pencils and one was broken saying "Oh Snap!" I laughed at it.
I took the hair drier and plugged it in and began drying it. Once my long straight brown hair was all dry, I looked at the clothes I had before this. The black shorts. The string to tighten it was almost all the way out of it. I took it. It looked like a shoe lace, but I tied it around my neck anyway. I brushed my teeth and went out of the bathroom. All five boys were staring at me.
"You know how to clean up!" said Zayn. Louis and Harry both whistled. Liam was laughing at the shoe lace tie. Niall stared at me and blushed. I laughed.
"Thanks I guess." It was 11:45 and the boys started to get ready. I grabbed the pink flip flops that had been cleaned by the boys when I was in the bath and put them on.
"We all ready?" asked Liam.
"Yup!" We all said and we left.
The walk across the hall was short,but I guess it would be, right? Louis opened the door and yelled "Guess who!".
"Hey, you guys made it!" Said a guy with a deep voice no older than Louis.
"May I ask who this pretty lady is?" He said grabbing my chin.
"I appreciate the compliment, but I prefer not to be touched, thanks" I said grabbing his hand and throwing it from my chin "I'm Allie. Nice to meet you." I said a took a short bow. They laughed.
"Normally girls are all over me. Why aren't you?" He asked "Im Tom by the way." He said and held out his hand. I took it and shook.
"I don't fall for a guy because of looks. His personalty matters more to me." I said letting go of the rough hand. Niall looked at me and smiled, but I don't even know why. We walked in. It was bigger than our room, and a lot of people were already there.
Some one offered me a beer, but I declined. "I'm only seventeen. I don't think it's right to disobey such a simple rule." I said. She looked drunk and surprised. She grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer. Ya, definitely drunk. Her breath smelled like alcohol and she stammered a lot "Yo-you stupid par-party pooper!" she let go.
I looked to the ground and giggled a little. Drunk people were funny, not knowing what they said and doing stupid things. Niall came up to me.
"You don't drink?" He asked.
"No. Im only seventeen,you shouldn't either. You're eighteen." I said looking at the ground still. Niall looked at the beer in his hand and walked over to the sink and poured it out. He came back.
"You have a good point Allie." He said. I still looked at the ground. My arm hurt like hell...I held it. No one but Niall would talk to me. I was use to it though. I am weird and have abnormal ambitions. But why did Niall still talk? Why wouldn't he go and enjoy himself?
"Allie? What's wrong?" Niall asked. I had just realized I had been crying, and I quickly walked away. I fell in a corner and burst into tears. I dont know half the reason I was. It was a weird felling. Niall knelled in front of me.
"Allie?" He was surprised, I could tell. He sat next to me and put his arm around me.
"Whats wrong? Come on Allie. You can't expect people to just ignore you when you notice everyone and try to make them fell better. Now, whats wrong?"
"T-that's the th-thing Niall. I-I dont even know what's wrong. I know some is because my a-arm, and because I feel excluded, but wh-why this?" Niall looked at me and I could tell he was worried, which made me cry more. I wiped my eyes and looked at Niall.
"Im fine, go have fun." I smiled and just held me tighter.
"I wont be able to have fun until you can. Okay?"
"But nothing Allie. Come on, lets go." Lucky for me I dont wear make up, or it would be all over my face. I went to their bathroom splashed water on my face. I walked back out.
"Hey!" yelled Tom "Let's play spin the bottle, I have a nice big room in the back." he laughed. He was obviously wasted. "If you know what I mean!" A large roar came from the room. I rolled my eyes. I sat on a chair.
"Come on Allie, if you dont want to do anything in that room dont! Just play!" said Harry. He grabbed my hand and made me sit in the large circle.
"Fine" I said. "But I'm not do-" At that moment a bunch of 'ohhhhs' rang through the circle. I looked up and the bottle pointed at me.
"Come on pretty lady!" said Tom. "Lets go!" I blushed a bit and stood up. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall all hit Harry. Niall looked at me worried but I smiled and mouthed 'It's okay, I'll be fine'. He smiled wearily. We stepped in the room. Tom turned around and kissed me just as he closed and locked the door. We pulled apart and I walked away.
"I'm not doin-" I screamed. At that moment Tom closed my mouth and put duck tape all over it.
"I heard Harry tell you that. I heard you say you're not doing anything. I got fifty bucks saying I'm getting some from you, and I'm not losing that money!" I realized that the laughter from outside had been hushed.
"Allie!" Louis and Niall yelled banging on the door.
"She's Niall's!" yelled Louis. "Let her go!" I blushed, I heard Niall whisper "Why'd you say that for!"
"To bad for you Niall. She's mine tonight!" Yelled Tom. He throw me
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