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Book online «Superhuman by Allyssa Zwiefel (best affordable ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Allyssa Zwiefel

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I laughed at my horrible singing. My face was full of tears. What can I say, this song has always tickled my soul. I laughed at that. 'I haven't said that in such a long time.' I thought of other things. They were random, and I don't remember most of it. Thats when I finally fell asleep.

"Niall loves you Allie" I heard a voice say. "He knows he feels something for you, but he doesn't know it's love." It continued "Do you love him?" It asked. "You know you at least like him. Don't deny it." I stood in a dark room, unaware of what was happening.
"Who, who are you?" I asked.
"You can't tell? Have you already forgotten the voice?" It said. Forgotten the voice? I've only heard it once... he came into sight.
"Hi Allie." The man who killed my parents and siblings said. The man who destroyed my life, who most likely burnt my house down. Who failed to kill me.
"You!" I screamed and ran towards him. I punched air. He vanished.
"You can't touch me, if you can't catch me." He laughed. It was evil, pure evil. The laugh of a man who kills for pleasure, for the fun of it.
"You're a sick horrible man!" I cried. The laugh rang through the room. Where was he? He sounded as he was the room itself. That's when it hit me.
I walked straight. I finally felt a wall. I closed my eyes. I listened. I felt. The wall seemed to to beat. The wall was ALIVE.
I walked back and listened more. I punched the wall, the laugh was silenced.
"What did you do that for?" He asked, I imagined him smiling a wicked smile, cocking is head like a puppy.
"You are, you are everything. The wall, the floor. The air itself." I said. Silence.
"You're a smart one." I yelled and laughed. Hands, HANDS, grabbed my legs and pulled me down. I screamed.
I kept falling. I heard my siblings scream, one by one. I saw my parents in a blur being killed. Then I saw my face, riddled with anger and fear, my rattling breath and the tears streaming down my face. Then I saw Niall, singing at the concert 'Close the door, through the key. Don't wanna be reminded, don't wanna be seen.' unaware that the person that he now 'loved' was hurt horrible on the inside.
"Stop it!" I cried. "Just stop!" I cried once more. I landed on a grassy surface and fell to my knees. I covered my eyes and cried. I felt a rough, large hand make me look more.
It was me and Niall. I was either laughing or just standing there, him staring at me. Smiling and blushing.
"Stop it! I can't take this any more! Just stop! Please!"
I screamed. The rattle of the laugh rang again, louder this time.
My life flashed before my eyes. When I was born. My first word 'Honey'. My first steps. Me riding my bike without training wheels. Katie being born and brought home. I cried again "Stop this!" Everything in my life I had just witnessed again from a third person point of view.
"Allie!" I heard Niall scream. I saw him running towards me.
"Allie wake up!" Yelled Liam.
"Allie it's just a dream!" Cried Harry. I looked up, a light was there.
"Allie!" I could tell Niall was crying. 'What the hell is happening?' I thought.
"Allie! Allie! Wake UP!" I heard Zayn.
"Allie! Kevin and I are worried! Awake!" Louis said. I laughed at Louis'.
There was a loud bang.

I woke up, gasping for air and crying. Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis, and even Kevin looked at me, both in fear and relief. I covered my mouth. 'What the hell?' I thought. 'What kind of hellish dream was that?'
"Allie!" The said together, except Kevin. If Kevin did, I would have screamed. I was sitting up, and I rubbed my eyes.
"I'm fine, really." I said.
"That must have been a shity dream." Said Niall.
"You can't imagine." I said. A large bolt of lightning and a loud roll of thunder. I screamed and grabbed my dads blanket and buried my face in it. I was shaking hard.
"Can I just go to sleep?" I said. They all looked at each other.
"Ya." said Louis. Zayn got up and poked my forehead. "You better listen Allie's brain. Dont do that again." He smiled, I laughed. They left, Niall went to his bed.
"Uh, Allie?" He asked. I looked over.
"Ya?" I said confused.
"If you have another nightmare, just wake me up. Okay?" He smiled. I smiled and giggled.
"Sure thing." I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to sleep again that night. It was only four, I had a horrible nightmare that stared no other than the man who ruined my life, I had the bed closer to the window, and a sever thunderstorm raged on outside. I fell asleep thinking about that.

I was on a dog sled, my dogs pulling it. Niall was in the cargo bed.
"You were right, honey, this is great!" He said looking up and smiling. I smiled back, blushing.

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