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Every night Since i left i talked with Dani over video chat. I was stoked to see her. I miss her almost as bad as I missed Jewls. Not as much of course, cause I could see Dani. I sat on the pouch again Tossing a stick, for Cookie. I looked at my phone. Lexi's car pulled up.
"Sorry!" She called.
The drivers side door opened.
"Dani!" I screamed.
"Ronan!" She yelled, running the best she could in heels.
"I miss you, I miss you, I miss you!" i said hugging her.
Like little kids we jumped up and Down.
"And we're chopped Liver, Guys."
"Hannah!" i said, pulling her in for a hug.
"Aw, Mallery." i said, hugging her.
"Jenna, Still rocking the rad Purple hair." I said, hugging her.
"Where's your parents?" Dani asked, putting on sun glasses.
"Not here. Trust me, you do not want to even begin to go there."
"are you going to make me do all the work?" Lexi asked, picking up a bag.
We laughed, and grabbed a bag. Mallery sat in the front seat Holding Cookie.
"I made a mixed Cd for the road." I said, handing it to Lexi.
She put the Cd in and turned it up. As jammed out, as she pulled away from the car. I filmed the road trip, and named it summer with a Bang. They all spent the night.
"Good and Bad news."
"Bad news first." Dani and I said.
"Guys. Good news, Lexi." Hannah said.
"I got a call back, they want me to have my own line of clothes!"
My Fork went fly, as I jumped up and hugged her. we all began to talk.
"Bad news, time."
We all were quiet.
"We have to move to L.a Today."
"What?" We all yelled.
"I just got here." i said.
"I know, but this is my dream girls. When we move in you guys can come for two weeks. Everything's going to be fine. Once I have money you can come visit more often."
I was done with eating. So where the girls. We packed up the house, and stood at the curb.
"This sucks." Dani said, pulling me in for a hug.
"Don't forget to visit Herman" i said, hugging her.
I hugged the girls and we left.
"Don't you think it has a certain charm?" Lexi asked when we got to the new apartment.
"It has a certain Smell." I said, covering my nose with my hoodie.
Cookie looked around as if afraid.
"Everything's going to work out."
"Lexi! The paint is pealing off the damn walls!"
"We can paint over it."
"With what? Our tongues?"
"Would you stop being so negative?"
Our argument was cut short by the moving guys. We cleaned up the house, and put everything away.
"Doesn't it feel like home?" She asked, sitting next to me on the couch.
I had my feet on the coffee table.
"Feels like something alright."
"Come on you where in such a good mood, yesterday."
"Before you took me from my friends."
"This is La. you'll meet new friends.
"I want my Old friends."
"I'll start dinner."
"I'll try to stay sane." I said, turning the T.v on.
We ate dinner and then I watched a movie.
"Oh my god!" Lexi said.
I turned my head to look over the couch at her.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, fighting a smile.
She was wrapped in a towel, soap in her hair.
"I was minding my own damn business, then my nosy ass had to look up on the window thing, and there he is. A roach watching the whole damn show."
I burst out laughing.
"Are you going to kill it or not?"
"I'm coming." I laughed.
I followed her into the bathroom.
"Where is He?" i asked, looking to the window. "Oh shit, That's a big nigga." I said bolting from the bathroom.
"Ronan!" Lexi said.
We got spray and the broom. We walked to the door.
"You first." Lexi said.
"You got the spray." I told her.
"Here." She said, holding it out.
"Oh would you just go?" i asked.
"Easy for you to say." She said, slowly pushing the door open.
We stuck our heads around the corner.
"Ugh! Look at him. Acting like he pays rent." I said.
We tip toed over to him. Lexi Sprayed him making him fall.
"Hit Him!" She yelled.
I beat the shit out of him with the broom, Lexi gave another couple squirts of the bug spray and we ran out of the bathroom, slamming the door, and High fiving.
"Yeah, take that mother fucker." I said.
"Ain't no roach gonna be alive in this house." Lexi said, high fiving me again.
"Should we go in?" She asked.
"Give it a second." I said.
We waited three minuets and went in.
"I'm coming for you fucker." I said, broom raised and ready.
We looked at Him at the bottom of the tub.
"I think he's dead." She said.
He was missing some legs.
"Me too. High five."
I washed the roach down the drain, she got back, in and i put the Broom and spray away. I finished my movie, and then took a shower, Watching the window, non stop.
The next morning We went to this office. Lexi left to a room with a man, and I waited in the waiting room. A guy my age answered his phone.
"About fucking time. What are you doing in there? Jacking off?"
He sighed, and hung up his phone.
"Hot huh?"
"Yeah." i nodded.
"You just move here?"
"How do you know?"
"Cause you look scared."
"What do people do for fun?"
"Surf." He snorted sitting back.
"What do you do?"
"Skate board on the pier."
"Sounds fun."
"You skate?"
"I could teach you."
"You don't even know me."
"you have to talk to people you don't know to have friends."
"I'm not good at making friends."
"Well what about taking chances?"
"Yeah, I'm a little too good for that."
"Good. You live around here?"
"Apartment building around the block."
"No way me too. What floor?"
"Me too, all the way at the end. I live with My sister."
Lexi came out talking and laughing with some girl.
"There's my sister." He said, getting up.
"Mine too." i stood.
“Oh, Sam, this is Ronan my little sister.” Lexi said.
“Hey. This is Keenan, my little brother. We should go get something to eat I know the perfect place.” Sam said.
“We’ll follow you.” Lexi said.
“We will?” I asked.
“We will.” Lexi said, looking at me.
“Damn, we will.” I said.
Kennan smiled, and rocked back and forth on his heels. I smirked and him in the chest, when Sam and Lexi took off first. He put me in a head lock I couldn't get out of.
“Guys?” Sam called.
“Coming!” I said, stomping on his foot.
“Remind me to teach you how to fight.” Keenan said.
Sam was talking to the waiter, asking about a fruit salad. I had my head resting on my fist flipping through the menu. Keenan blew on his straw making the wrapper hit me in the jaw. I dropped my hand, and looked at him mouth open. He put his straw in his cup and took a drink. I blew on mine, making the wrapper him in the temple.
“Would you to act seventeen? I’ll take the chicken sandwich.” Lexi said.
“You want to order something, and then I’ll order soothing and we can share it?” Keenan asked, voice low.
We ordered our food. It didn't take them long to bring it out. Keenan picked up a fork and speared a carrot. I picked up mine and ate some of his noddles. Sam and Lexi looked at us.
“What?” We asked, mouth full.
They both shook their heads and then looked at their plate. When we got back, Lexi had a cup of Tea with Sam, and Keenan taught me how to fight in the living room.
“You do that, and your ass is dead. Grab me in a head lock.” He said.
He grabbed my wrists and pulled, freeing my arms.
“Hold on tight.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I”ll get out.”
I held him in a head lock. He grabbed my legs, picking me up making me lose my grip. He set me on the floor, got on top of me and pinned down my arms by my wrists.
“Try to roll over.” He said.
I tried.
“Put your weight into it.” He said.
“What weight?” i asked, still trying.
“Come on Ronan.”
“I quit.” I said, lying still.
“Then you die.” He said.
“Your to heavy.”
“If I’m to heavy how are you going to fight off a grown man?”
I blew out a sight.
“Try again.” He said.
I tried again. He didn't budge.
“Okay, then your going to want to catch them off guard.” He said.
“Keenan?” Sam asked.
“Yeah?” he asked, looking to the kitchen.
I flipped him over, and pinned him down.
“Nice. Uh, can you let my hand go so I can give you a high five?”
“Oh sorry.” I said, pulling my hands away and returning his high five.
The next morning I wrapped a robe around me and went to the door.
“Keenan what the hell?” i asked.
He had two skate boards under his arms.
“Rise and shine, we’re going to the skate park.”
“So i can teach you to skate.”
“With people there, so I’ll fall on my ass and they’ll laugh?”
“Yep, so don’t fall.” He smiled.
“Let me get dressed.”
Two hours later we were standing on the pier.
“Ready?” He asked.
“You can skate though. I’ll hold your hand.” He said.
We got going and he reached over to me.
“What if I run into you?” I asked.
“Take my hand Ronan.”
I took his hand.
He picked up his speed a little, so I had to pick up mine. The breeze felt nice.
“You know this is my first time at a beach.”
“We’ll have a beach day tomorrow.”
“I don’t know.”
“Come on. I thought you were a risk taker.”
“Fine I’ll go.”
“You know your really pretty when you smile.”
“You should do it more often.”
I took my hand away to hit him. I tried to regrab his hand but he pulled away.
“No, you hit me.”
“I’m sorry.” I said.
He grabbed my hand.
“Don’t be such a baby Keenan.”
“Me? A baby?”
“Yes, you a baby.”
“I’m far from a baby.”
“You sure?”
“Want me to prove it?”
“I’ll pass.”
“I would of been gone.” Dani said when she called me.
“Yeah, but I had to kill it for her. How’s Herman?”I said, putting the bread away.
“I don’t really think he knows you guys are gone yet. Hannah and I fed him two packs of Hot dogs. You sound different.”

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