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she saw he obeyed, she continued. “Next, close your eyes and concentrate only on your breathing.”
It was a slow, drawn-out process. She sat in the chair beside the bed and touched his temples to feel for his aura. Closing her own eyes, she concentrated on the task. She went into his mind by first opening the doors to his soul.

Once there, she saw the chaos that was going on in his mind. Every thought and memory raced around her, totally out of control. Little demons representing past grudges, childhood nightmares, and even lost loves were floating around as well, declaring what they were. It was a visual mess.
“What you need first and foremost is an aura cleansing.” Ariana said, both aloud and in his mind.
A vision of him appeared in front of her with a curious look on his face. “What do you mean?”
“I learned it from a friend of mine.” Ariana supplied in her Young Guardian tone. “An aura cleansing not only cleanses your aura of negative vibes, it also clears your mind of past things that burrow deep.”
Seth’s image winced. “Does it hurt?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.”
He noticed the way she looked and asked. “Why do you look different?”
Young Guardian was dressed in her angelic Guardian’s Gown, a glittering white dress and sparkling Jewels Amulet clasping a shimmering white cloak. “This is who I am when I’m patrolling. I am the Dream Realm’s Young Guardian. I help Dreamers like yourself with their nightmares and fears, doing for them what I’m about to do for you.”
Seth just shook his head, incredulous and confused. “Explain later. Can we get on with this now?”
Young Guardian laughed. “Certainly.”
She grasped the Jewels Amulet in one hand and waited until it began to glow before closing her own eyes. From the pits of her being, there came an opalescent-like wind. It wove itself around Seth’s petrified body, allowing him to relax and close his eyes. Opening her eyes and arms to send out the Magic, she called a spell.

“I call upon the evil souls,
“And thoughts which threaten to control.
“Be gone from this man in front of me,
“Banished to the Unknown, no longer free.
“Aura, mind and body cleansed,
“Bad things now come to an end.
“Forever gone from mind and soul,
“May Seth Archer the man be in control.
“With the Ancient Mystic Ancients to guide and see,
“This cleansing is done, so mote it be!”

When the magic faded, Seth slowly opened his eyes.
“Well, how do you feel?” Young Guardian asked.
“Great.” Seth breathed. “Awesome.” He patted his body, to make sure he was in one piece. He laughed. “I’ve never felt this good in my life! You did all this from that spell?”
“That, and your belief in me.” Young Guardian changed from her Guardian’s Gown to her Fighter’s Gear, which was far more comfortable. “I couldn’t have done it alone.”
Seth smiled.
“Ready to come back to life?” Young Guardian asked.
Seth was confused. “I’m dead?”
“You almost were, in a way.” Young Guardian shook her head, laughing. “It’s very complicated.
“I’ll bet.” Seth supplied. “Well, how do we get out of here?”
“All you have to do is open your eyes in our world and take a deep breath.”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry about me, Seth.” Ariana grinned. “I’m the Young Guardian. I’ve been doing this for a long time.”

When their minds returned to the guest bedroom, Ariana opened her eyes and waited for him to do the same.
He smiled as his eyes met hers. “Consider your debt fully paid.”
Ariana nodded. “Thank you, Seth, for trusting in me enough to heal you.”
She rose with some difficulty, calling for Luna in her mind. “For now, I’m a little weak. Luna’s going to watch over you while you rest.”
“Why am I so tired?” Seth’s voice whispered. “Shouldn’t I feel energized?”
“It takes a lot of energy to do what we did.” Ariana told him as Luna came in with Derrick. Derrick took her hand, holding her upright and Luna took her spot beside the bed. “Rest now. I’ll be back later to check up on you.”
With a sleepy nod, Seth Archer was resting. It was her turn now.

Story: #1:
Old Friends, New Magicks

In the Dream Realm’s Feline Village lies the home of the black panther Companion named Panther Grey. With him was his beloved Marie, a human woman with Companion Magic in her soul, their half-feline Companion, half-human daughter Destiny and their new addition, an also half-feline Companion, half human son, Indigo. Panther’s small family had changed in the past month, and he didn’t think he liked it. Up until then, they lived in the peaceful home known as the Feline Palace.
Ever since the terror in the Canine Valley, Panther had been warned by Sire Tobias White-Snow to watch out for anything suspicious. Being a loyal Companion-Crusader, Panther noticed more than the average Dream Realm Companion.
Since becoming a human Companion, Marie Grey was quiet and shy, learning her special Companion Magic from the Lady of the Canine Valley herself, Katherine Hawk-Stargazer. Before the terror, Katherine came for daily visits, helping Marie not only with her Magic, but with her shyness. So far, as each day went on, Marie had opened up and was turning out to be quite the giggling little bee. Panther had been grateful to Katherine, and happy for Marie.
That is, until recently. Katherine had stopped visiting, making Marie withdrawn once again. She didn’t even keep up with her lessons. Every time Panther tried to cheer her up, it was for nothing. He felt bad, saddened that all of Marie’s hard work seemed to have gone to waste. Now all she did was brood with the infant, Indigo, caring for him and nurturing him.
At least she was doing something useful, Panther thought to himself with a sigh.
Which brought his mind to his daughter Destiny. After seeing her best friends, Celine Stargazer and Tiger White-Snow training for battles with the Canine Army, Destiny saw to it she would train as well. Panther didn’t want his daughter to be near the Army, but he couldn’t stop her. Like himself, Destiny was strong-willed and eager to help those in need. She wouldn’t cower in the face of danger, she’d fight it.
It was his daughter’s will that finally convinced him to see the Sire of the Feline Village, Tobias White-Snow.
When he got there, he saw the Sire wasn’t alone. Wolfton Stargazer, another Companion-Crusader-turned-Sire-of-the-Canine-Valley was with him, along with Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer and his friend, the Young Guardian Ariana Reading.
While both Sires and Young Guardian had been part of the Crusades that brought Panther to the Dream Realm, Chikité was another Companion altogether. Wolf claimed he used to be his closest friend during the Wars, but Panther still didn’t know him that well. There was something in Red Wolf he didn’t like, and it had to do with the look in his eyes when the Mountain Wolf Companion was angry.
Young Guardian turned to see him there. She smiled, beckoning him to her side.
“Don’t be shy, Panther.”
“I assure you, I’m not being shy.” Panther supplied, eyeing Red Wolf closely.
Red Wolf frowned. “Save it for the war, feline.”
Young Guardian smacked Red Wolf’s arm. “We don’t have time for this, Page Red Wolf. We need every possible hand we can get.” She explained, standing up for her longtime friend. Young Guardian turned to Panther. “Come join us, Panther. Please. I’m sure you have some insight of your own to give us.”
Panther stood next to her, nodding his head. “You bet I do.” He supplied. “What do you want to know?”
“What do you know of what happened in the Canine Valley?” Wolf asked Panther.
“An old Dominionite named Gloriana sent a Dark Mist from Master Orthos’ Spell-book.” Panther said. “Once Lord Byron got rid of it, I figured all turned to normal. It didn’t, did it, Ariana?”
“Give your Young Guardian respect!” Red Wolf growled in Panther’s face.
Panther sensed the ‘thing’ he didn’t like in Red Wolf.
“I am giving her respect!” Panther hissed. He flexed his sharpened claws at his side, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Enough, both of you!” Young Guardian cried, forcing herself between them. “If you can’t get along, it’ll leave me no choice but to exclude you both from fighting! Is that clear, Chikité Moondancer?”
Red Wolf stepped back. “Aye Young Guardian.”
She turned to Panther. “Mark Samuel?”
The use of his Earthbound name made him take notice. “Yes, Young Guardian.”
“Now then, can you shake hands and get along?” Young Guardian asked in a softer voice this time. “We need both of you.”
Panther was the first to hold out his hand. “I am Wolf’s Heart-Brother. Can I also be yours?”
“Heart-Brother?” Red Wolf pronounced slowly.
“It was to Panther’s Earthbound body I was Banished.” Wolf explained. “It was also in Panther I first found Lord Maximaniac’s true self.”
“He died in the Outer Realm defending me, Red Wolf.” Young Guardian went back to his Companion name, trying to get him to calm down and understand. “He’s a tough fighter, strong-willed and just. It was for those qualities Lord Guardian made him a Companion.”
“Why does he glare at me with such hate in his eyes?” Red Wolf asked, keeping an eye on Panther.
“I can sense something within you that doesn’t seem right.” Panther supplied. “I’ve seen it when you train with the Canine Army. It only comes out when you’re angry.”
Wolf turned to his Page. “Is this true, Red? Have you let your other side take over during training?”
“Not on purpose, I assure you.” Red Wolf explained. “That is why I need to leave on a Spirit Quest, and soon. That side of me is getting harder and harder to control.”
“Why didn’t you tell us, Red Wolf?” Young Guardian asked. “We’re your friends. We could help you.”
“It is something a Hunter must do on his own.” Red Wolf supplied. He turned to Panther. “If you can be Heart-Brother to Wolf, than you can surely be one to me.”
Panther’s serious face never smiled, but he did shake hands with the canine.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” Young Guardian said. “What else do you know of what’s going on?”
“Gloriana’s been seen in the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, Sabrina’s been caught with a fire-demon by Lord Maximaniac, and three lone Dominionites from the Unknown are reeking havoc around the Dream Realm.” Panther supplied. “Besides all that, you’ve been working yourself too hard lately, trying to take over for Lord Guardian. Are you fully healed yet?”
Young Guardian shook her head, smiling. “My, you’ve been paying attention.”
“I’d better.” Panther winked. “I’m a Companion-Crusader. It’s my job.”
“Does your job also include you fighting when necessary?” Tobias asked, speaking for the first time since Panther walked up.
“Whenever necessary.” Panther said. “I promised Lord Guardian I would.”
“Good. What about Marie?” Young Guardian asked. “Is she in any condition to fight?”
Panther shook his head. “I’m afraid not. She’s reverted to her old self again. She broods indoors with our new son Indigo.”
“That is how Katherine is with our twin sons Lovell and Raulf.” Wolf told him. “She has hardly spoken since the Dark Mist was destroyed.”
“It’s sad, really.” Young Guardian said. “Is Kit the same way?”
Tobias nodded. “Aye, with K’Sarra.”
“Maybe the women sense something we don’t?” Panther suggested. “Something almost maternal?”
“In that case, wouldn’t I?” Young Guardian cornered. “After all, Theodore is an infant, too.”
“Maybe you have, and not noticed?” Wolf suggested. “You have been busy lately, caring for others more than for yourself.”
“You’ve got a point
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