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Book online «Forbidden Forever by Shaira J. Tibon (best historical fiction books of all time .txt) 📖». Author Shaira J. Tibon

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believe what she had heard.
“ What?!... What did you say?”
“Mom, I’m sorry”
“How many months?”
“One and a half months”
Doulaine hugged her while crying. She too hugged her daughter tightly that she’s been longing for a long time.
“But darling you’re only 17…”
“Mom, I’m truly sorry.”
“it’s okay my dear, as long as you’re here… that baby is a new family to us it’s a gift since your father recently died. It’s a new gift.”
“Does the baby’s father know?”
“Yes, but he ran away from his obligations.”
“Oh no, how irresponsible of him to do that, where is he? I’ll look for him. He can’t just ran away from his obligations ”
“Mom its fine Raphael told me that he’ll help me raise this baby.”
Months passed more or less 6 months, Raphael has been bothered by what he felt for Doulaine, he doesn’t know why he starts to smile every time he thinks about her, without knowing it is love that he’s been feeling since she took Doulaine home.
“Hey, Raphael why don’t you go with me.”
“Go where?”
“To the doctor.”
“To the doctor?”
“Yes, Come on.”
And so they went there, as they walked, every girl in the hallway of the hospital started staring at them, that you can even see in their eyes what they’re trying to say: “How lucky of her carrying his baby.”
She chose to be examined alone in the room.
“Ms. Hufflemeyer I’m so sorry to tell you that you are carrying an incurable disease. But for now I still can’t tell if your baby is also carrying this kind of disease.” The doctor said
“What disease?”
“The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the AIDS”
“So, I’m gonna die?”
“I’m afraid, but yes I can’t tell you of how many days are left for you to live. Anyway you’re having a baby girl. And please don’t forget to go back here by next week maybe with that we can tell you, if your baby is also affected by the syndrome.”
After hearing the words freed by the doctor she feel that time froze for awhile and she can’t even move her body freely then, because of that she cried with great anxiety of who’s gonna take care of her baby. She left the room quickly before she cried everything so loud inside the toilet. she went outside the toilet with tears wiped and displayed a happy face and she’s trying to stop thinking about what the doctor had told her.
“Hey, how is it?” Raphael said it with great excitement, without even knowing what Doulaine just discovered.
“It’s great I even got a printed output of it. Here and there she is.” She said it with hypocrisy of how she really feels.
“So she’s a girl?”
“Yeah…uummm, hey can you promise me something?”
“Yeah sure,”
“Can you be the foster father of my daughter? I mean please take good care of her ‘til she grows up and become a woman. Don’t ever let her live the life that I’ve been living now.”
“OK. Why? Where are you going? You’re not leaving her, are you?”
“Nothing, we all don’t know what’s gonna happen next as we live. I don’t even know if I’m going to die tomorrow.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing, Let’s go I’m sure mom is so excited to know what her grandchild is going to be.”
“Anyway the doctor asked me to go back there for the result next week, the doctor is going to tell me if the baby is healthy. Are you going with me?” she asked.
“Sure, I’ll pray for her, that the result is going to be pleasant.”
And so they told Breanne that it’s a lassie. They celebrated it. But they didn’t know how they should really react of what Doulaine had heard.
After one week she went back to the doctor and found out that the baby had surprisingly survived from the syndrome.
“It’s a miracle Ms. Hufflemeyer. The baby is not contaminated with your syndrome” the doctor reported happily.
She looked up with great gratefulness to God.
“Thank you Lord.”
She went outside with a big smile on her face.
“I can guess that the baby is healthy for her mommy is smiling, a smile that could light the whole world.” Raphael said
She giggled saying “Yes, she is healthy.”
Slowly the bubbly face she showed faded and replaced it with a serious emotion shown and the giggling tone of her voice turned to a serious tone saying
“ Thanks for your prayer it indeed helped a lot. And thank you for being here all the time.”
“Anything for you.”
Slowly the cheerful atmosphere turned as an awkward moment.
After one and a half month Doulaine had been feeling pain since a week passed. Then came, one day she felt like her bag of water just burst that she could even feel pain, she could feel her coming.
“Mom!, She’s coming.” She shouted.
“I’m going to give birth… aaaaaahhhhhhh” she shouted as she’s feeling the pain.
Then they went to the hospital. From their house going to the hospital Raphael is just holding her hand.
“Don’t leave me Raphael.” She said holding his hands tightly trying to never let him go ‘til they went inside the delivery room.
She then hopefully gave birth to a very beautiful and charming baby with a bewitching eyes that you couldn’t just see anywhere. She’s been named us Delilah.
“She’s so beautiful.” Raphael complimented
“Just like you”
She looked at him with an ever puzzled eye.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing I’m sorry”
“No it’s okay…, uummm… Raphael, I love you”
“Oh no, what have I done. I’m sorry, now if you’ll excuse me.” He said
He ran outside of the hospital and went to an empty place
“I’m so sorry my Lord, I didn’t mean to—“
“It’s all right my child.” God responded.
“What’s gonna happen now?” he asked
“You’re going to lose your wings and live amongst the human. Forever.”
“That’s it? no punishment?”
“No, no one can defeat the power of love not even me. You’re free now. You can live with her.”

“Thank you my Lord I will never disregard your goodness.”
He then ran back to Doulaine.
Doulaine was crying talking to her mother.
“I didn’t know how he feels for me. I’m so dumb and numb I thought he feels that way for me too.”
“I thought he’s going to say—“
“I love you too?, is that what you want to hear?” Raphael interrupted their conversation.
“Excuse me.” Breanne said wanting to leave the room just for them.
“you’re here. I thought you ran away.”
“I love you Doulaine more than you could ever know. And I told you I will never ever leave you.”
“What if I’m going to be the one who’ll leave you instead?”
“What do you mean?”
“I have a syndrome Raphael, a syndrome that could never be cured. Soon things are going to be changed. I’m going to die.”
He then hugged her tightly then kissed her lips.
“I don’t believe you.”
“I’m telling the truth.”
“I’ll never leave you ‘til you will.”
“Can I ask a favor?” she asked
“What is it?”
“Please make a crib for Delilah, I want to see it just before I die, I just want to make sure that she has something to sleep into. And please do remind her everyday that I loved her, I love her and I will always love her.”
He was crying as he nodded
After then they told Breanne about the syndrome that could cut her life soon.
“Darling are you sure?” Breanne cried after hearing though.
“Yes, mother and on the day I’m going to leave please put me on a boat and send me away to the river ‘til I’ll sink, please do put the letter that I wrote for father before he died I forgot to give it to him but now I think I’ll be the one to give it to him on the time that we will meet.”
“Don’t talk that way.”
“I could die anytime now.”
“But instead let’s just cherish the moments that had left before you’ll depart.”
They cherished the moments that had left before Doulaine could’ve gone. Raphael and Doulaine walked along the river witnessing as it flows continuously.
“See that river?” she started.
“Yes, why?”
“You’re life should be like that. As I’ll leave you soon you shouldn’t stop living your life to the fullest, even without me.”
“That’s impossible I was never happy ‘til I met you. But now, you’re leaving me.” He said it depressed.
“You can do it, you are a strong man. I’ll always believe in your strength”
“Not without you.”
“I love you, forever and always.”
They looked at each other’s eyes filled with sincerity, trust and love.
“You know, why don’t we go there?” she asked.
“Under the oak tree. On the hill.”
“Sure. Are you tired?”
“Kinda, ‘cause we’ve walked really far.”
They sat down under the tree.
“Raphael, before they’ll send me away to the river the day I’ll die. Please hold my hand tight and never let go ‘til you have to. I just want to feel your hand for a long time before I’ll proceed to my journey, so that I won’t forget the man that I love and the touch of his hand.”
Doulaine grabbed something in her pocket—a bracelet she made.
“Please give this to Delilah; this could remind her everyday that I won’t stop loving her.”
“Even without this bracelet, she will always remember you for I won’t get tired of telling her each time.”
She smiled.
She held his hand really tight and leaned on his side putting her head on his shoulder. Looking at the sun as it descends. Enthralled.
“I love you” the last words she uttered before she stopped breathing.
Moments passed he could feel her cold hand. He stared at her knowing she just left. He cried million rivers while looking at her, a cry that you couldn’t be seen on the eye of the soldier.
“Why now?, now that I’m free to love you, now that I’m happy with you.” He murmured to himself.
He whispered in her ears. “I love you. I wish it’s not too late”
He took her dead body home carrying her without feeling exhausted as he walked to their house.
“Breanne, she just passed.”
“I hope you can still hear me darling. I love you.” Breanne talked to her weeping.
Before they sent her away to the river. Raphael did what Doulaine favored him to do, he held her hand, running and catching up with the swift flow of the river as it takes her away.
When he got home he took Delilah from her crib and spoke to her.
“I promise to take good care of you Delilah just like what I did to your mom. Even though you’re not my daughter I love you more than a father could do.”
He kissed her little forehead while she’s asleep. She fluttered her eyelids like she’s dreaming about something, she curved her mouth and smiled innocently while sleeping and wrapped her little palm around Raphael’s finger.

♥ The End ♥

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