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Book online «Forbidden Forever by Shaira J. Tibon (best historical fiction books of all time .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Shaira J. Tibon

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At night while the world is sleeping an angel from heaven is staring it, desiring to step his feet on its cold earthy land. He had been dreaming of it since time was still young, but instead of going there he chose to follow God’s orders. He is that loyal and faithful to him. He is named as Raphael the valiant, for he is extremely brave enough for such battles.
One tranquil night as he is looking at the world, God saw him with great dream upon walking on Earth. Silently as Raphael is staring gleefully at it God freed words from Raphael’s back.
“What a great dream you’re having on your eyes my dear Raphael”
“I’m sorry God I never mean to—“
“It’s okay we all dream about something”
“But you don’t, do you?”
“I also dream about something. You want to go there don’t you?”
“Yes, but of course I have bigger duties than dreaming of it all day. Don’t worry my Lord I will always choose to bury my feet here”
“Oh, Raphael I wouldn’t stop you from dreaming of it and slowly making your dreams come true, in fact I’ll help you”
“Gladly, I’ll give you your next assignment and destine it there. You just have to help people that desperately need a help”
“Thank you God, I’ll never fail you, I won’t plant despair in your heart. I swear I’ll make you proud in return”
“But in one condition
“I will be glad if you’ll name it.”
“You can’t fall in love or else you going to lose your wings and live there as a human being.”
With great hesitation he forced himself to promise.
He flew amongst the clouds joyfully and landed on an open field keeping his wings under his magic. He walked and reached the meadows to the forest and on a small town.
There he saw a man weeping on a dark corner. He approached him trying to comfort his cold heart with warm thoughts that he could possibly say.
“May I help you?”
“I’m sorry I did not recognize that this ain’t my territory.”
“Neither even mine. And I’m not even from this town”
Then the man looked at his blue eyes, half covered by his dark brown hair is his left eye. Staring straight, he has an angelic face an ever handsome face you could’ve seen in this world.
“Then what are you doing here?”
“Does a question have to be answered by another question?”
He turned to be puzzled for awhile. Saying
“I’m sorry but this is something personal that I could not tell to anyone who is still a stranger in my eyes”
“Don’t worry I’m harmless, I’m a friend. You can tell me your problem I promise to help.”
“Really? How should I know?”
“ I’ll give you my favorite belt if I fail to help you.”
“Why?... What?..., Who are you to do that?”
“I told you I’m a friend trust, you should apply.”
“If I’ll tell you nothing will change, it’s still a problem”
“Trusting someone, even a stranger could lessen heavy burdens that you’ve been carrying for a long time.”
“I was in the doctor last week. They found out that I have an illness, a congenital illness that no one ever survived from it. I only got 4 days to live, within those days I have to tell my family. I never ask to live longer ‘cause only God can know until when I am going to be here, I just want to tell them, prepare them.”
“That’s tough”
“I told you, you can’t help me”
“Just name things that you want me to do”
“Why not.”
“I just want you to look after my daughter she just turned 17 years old last month. Too young to lose a father, isn’t it?”
“I promise to look after her”
“Thank you”
Days passed, the man actually died. He left his family crying in great grief. He was buried in a cemetery a kilometer away from the small town where Raphael is currently staying. He told the man’s wife about the agreement that they had with her late husband.
Doulaine, the late man’s daughter was believed to be changed after her father just recently died. She always hangs out with her extremely bad influence friends.
One midnight as she got home at 1:48 a.m. her mother is at the living room sleeping while waiting for her worriedly.
“You’re late, “ her mother said.
“What do you expect”
“How could you talk to me that way”
“Doulaine it’s not just you, who’ve been living in your fathers memory, I’m also suffering”
“Then why can’t I see tears from your eyes falling to the hardness of the ground”
“You don’t know.”
“Of course I know
” she snobbed.
“ time to go to bed I think it’s late”
Doulaine left her mom crying in dilemma.
One morning while Doulaine’s mom-- Breanne, is in the kitchen--cooking. She sneaks out to escape and runaway from her mom. Breanne saw Doulaine in front of the door bringing her bag full of clothes.
“Where are you going Doulaine?” her mom shouted
“We’ll I’m moving out of here. This place gives me hell.”
“What you can’t move out you’re just 17. Stay!”
“Why would I?”
 and besides you don’t have somewhere to move in.”
“I’ll be living together with my boyfriend.”
“What the hell are you thinking? You’re being a whore “
“Well, I am promiscuous. That’s what you want to hear, isn’t it?”
Thinking that she can’t stop her now, she decided to wait for Doulaine ‘til she comes back, ‘cause knows Doulaine can’t stay in a place where she isn’t familiar.
Every day since Doulaine left. Breanne usually looks at the window straight to the road where Doulaine left her begging to stay.
2 months of waiting she missed Doulaine very much; she couldn’t wait to see her again, so she asked Raphael to tell Doulaine to come back home.
“Raphael can I ask a favor it’s kind of tough but—“she begged
“It’s okay. Tell me then”
“I want Doulaine to be back home please help me. I asked you because I know she wouldn’t listen to me”
“I promise to be back home with her”
“Thank you”
He searched for her everywhere, anywhere.

After days of searching he finally found Doulaine in a “favella” looking area. He ran towards Doulaine chasing after her.
“Doulaine!!” he shouted with a huge voice that marked the minds of everyone there.
“How did you get here? How did you find me?”
“Why don’t you stop asking? You’re mom misses you a lot, why don’t you come back?”
“I would want to—“
“But—I can’t”
“Why not?”
“Just go away.”
An impolite looking man approached them.
“Who are you?” the man said.
“I’m her mom’s friend.., and you, who are you?”
“I’m her boyfriend.”
“Stay away from her.”
They walked in the midst of the crowd. Away from Raphael.
“I’ll get you soon” he muttered to himself.
The next day he stayed in the same place where he found her, waiting for her to come pacing. And there she goes walking along the pavement. Raphael grabbed her hand dragging her slowly to the empty side of the road.
“What are you doing here?” she said.
“What do you expect?”
“I came here for you.”
“For me?”
“Yes”, he put his hands on his pocket.
“I told you I can’t come back.”
“ then tell me, why not? You are most welcome by your mom”
“ ‘Cause I’m pregnant” she said every word softly leaning against the wall.
“Aren’t you suppose to be happy”
“What?!.. it’s a disgrace why would I”
“Didn’t you know that a baby is god’s opinion that the world shall go on”
“I don’t believe in god”
“why not?”
“He’s not real, well, if he is then why did he let me suffer?”
“You let yourself suffer. God is just helping you out in his own great ways.”
“Jesus!!!, you believe in God.”
“Of course.”
“You can’t just believe in things that aren’t seen. To see is to believe. Isn’t it?”
“I’m aware. I’ve seen him”
“Anyway does he know about this?”
“Your extremely bad-mannered boyfriend”
“Well, He has to know.”
“What if he’ll refuse to take his responsibility?”
“So be it, I’m here.”
She looked at him with her eyes asking What do you mean? But he said defensively.
“I mean I promised to father didn’t I?”
She headed to the apartment where she and her boyfriend settled. Feeling terrified and anxious.
“Babe!!” she called her boyfriend.
“I’ve got something to tell you”
“I’m pregnant”
“What?!, are you sure? I mean are you sure it’s mine?”
“No way!, stay away from me. Damn you!”
He ran outside to the street running away from his obligations. Raphael saw him leaving her. So he ran after him. And said
“What did you do to her?”
He did not answer Raphael’s question but instead he grabbed Raphael’s hand with force hurting him.
“STAY AWAY! It’s none of your business.”
“of course it is my business.”
Doulaine’s boyfriend then ran.
Raphael stopped following him but instead he ran towards the place where Doulaine had stayed. There, he saw her sobbing with great mourn.
“I know why you’re crying.”
“How could he just run away from it?” she said softly while crying.
 calm down I’ll never leave you.”
He hugged her. Wrapping her with his warm arms trying to soothe her mourn. While she is sobbing on his chest wetting it with her full pail tears.
“So I guess you have to go with me” he said with a voice that seems like boasting that he won the stake.
“If then, I have to pack” she replied.
She walked to her room, but even she still not half way there she turned back then taps her hand on his hand.
“Thank you for everything.”
The words made him astounded, though he can’t say a word his smile could tell how his spirit could celebrate because of what she just said.
After minutes of waiting; she finally then went out of the room.
“Let’s go.” She uttered persuasively.
They travelled. They ride on a bus. They’re way is not even a fourth of the small town’s distance from the city she moved in. While travelling they were caught by the setting of the sun. Doulaine felt exhausted so she slept without knowing her head fell on Raphael’s shoulder.
“OK. We’re here.” He said cheerfully to wake her up, upon reaching to the small town.
As they went down from the bus. Doulaine hesitated to continue walking to their house.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Do you think she’ll still accept me after all I’ve done?”
“ She asked me to pick you up from nowhere, and you’re her daughter so why not?”
From a far away distance, Breanne can see them coming, with excitement she ran towards them. They stopped in the midst of the road way to their house Breanne held her daughter’s hand knowing she couldn’t hug her, she can’t hide his happiness so she cried.
“You’re back, I missed you.”
I’ve got something to tell you
“Let’s get in first, why don’t we”
Doulaine walked ahead of them maybe she felt weary. Breanne walked beside Raphael. And said

“Thank you.”
“I told you I will take her home”
When they reached home. Breanne made the tea that Doulaine loved since before.
“So, what is it you’re going to tell me my dear.” Breanne asked
Before she mentioned a word she first looked at Raphael.
 I’m pregnant.”
She couldn’t

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