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Book online ยซMy life as Annamere by Annamere Swift (most inspirational books of all time .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Annamere Swift

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I walked down to Josh's car.
"Bye, baby girl." Kevin said as I walked to the door.
Chapter two

That night I was sitting in the living room watching Harry Potter and letting Sofie crawl around and play with her toys. I was eating Cheetos and drinking Rootbeer. Camron came in, picked Sofie up and his eyew widened. "You've got a wind up toy, Annamere."
Sofie started to get fussy. "Put her down. She doesnt like you, douch." I snapped and stood up. He handed Sofie to me. She grabbed onto my hair and squealed.
"Do you need something?" I asked. Ok, Cam was pretty hot. Black hair, tan skin, peircing gray eyes.
He nodded. "Josh wants to know why you're sitting down here by your self." he said.
"Because I'm a halfbreed. And I can." I snapped. "Go away now."
"Half breed?"
I nodded.
"If it makes you feel better, you are really pretty."
I giggled becuase he's never called me pretty. It did make me feel better. Stacy called me halfbreed then pushed me into the wall. "You dont have to lie, Camron." I said.
He shook his head and frowned. "Annamere, I know I'm mean to you all the time, but I dont mean to. You are pretty. Your sister's are jelouse that you have my attention and they dont." he said.
I grinned. "Thanks, Camron." I said then sat down. Sofie jumped happily on my lap while playing with my hands.
Camron smiled. "Do you want Connor to umm come hang out with you?" he asked.
I look up at him and nod. "Ugh! You're too tall." I whined.
He laughed. "Sorry. It's called umm... Nevermind. I'll go get Connor."
"I know what puberty is, Mr. Pubic." I said.
He huffed then walked away. I giggled. Sofie waved her little hand after him then she giggled. Connor walked in a few minutes later laughing. "You called him 'Mr. Pubic'?" he asked.
I laughed. "Yah. I feel like watching a baby show."
"Let's watch Dragon Tales." he suggested. I love Dragon Tales. I know you must think I'm a baby, well, some people dont grow out of childish things. Especially if you're the youngest. Well, act the youngest. I have one little sister and two of my brother's are younger.
I squealed. "Ok."
Sofie squealed too. Connor got up and looked for Dragon tales. When he found it, he put it in the dvd player. Connor sat down next to me and Sofie reached for him. I put Sofie on his lap and his eyes widened. Sofie rached for his hair, but she couldnt reach. Connor raised a brow. I giggled and tugged his hair.
"Is this what you want, Sofie?" I asked. She started to get fussy.
Connor chuckled nervously.
"Dont worry, Connor. She doesnt tug hard. Unless she's upset. But you're use to your hair being pulled."
"Yah. You pull it when you dont get your way."
I giggled. "I dont always. It's like once a month." I said as he let Sofie play with his hair.
"Anna, Camron told me to tell you you're a bitch."
I rolled my eyes. "So I was thinking about joining the dance team at school. I decided I dont wanna because Jeffery is on it and I hate him because he tried to rape me." I said.
He chuckled. "He groped you in the wrong place. I cant believe you're still calling that rape. My brother raped your mouth on your birthday."
I groaned at the memory. It was my sixteenth birthday and Josh made Camron get me something since he was always mean to me. After I'd opened all of my presents, Camron gave me a big wet kiss. I'd just sat there shocked until him and Josh were done fighting, then I stood up and slapped him across the face then I ran to my room and stabbed a picture of him and Josh and me. Only I didnt stab Joshy or me. Just him. He stole my first kiss. Jackass.
Josh and Camron come rushing into the room and so does Stacy and Courtny. I groaned again. "Half breed, why did you call Camron 'Mr. Pubic'?" Courtney asked.
I suck in a breath then stand up. This is one of those moments when I feel like running a mile. "I'm not a fucking Half breed. And he couldnt say puberty so I called him that. Dumb Bitches." I screamed.
Mom came in and glared. "Court, Stac, go see your father. I'm sick and tired of you calling her half breed. She is very beautiful." Mom said then hugged me.
Everyone in my family is taller, except my younger sister. Both of my younger brother's are taller than me. They're twins. My oldest brother is the oldest of all of us. He is my second favorite. He is all dark and cool, he isn't emo, he isn't goth either. He is a total ladies man. And he swears up and down, if him and I wern't bro and sis, then I would be his.
I thought it was weird yet sweet.
"Josh, Camron, if you're gonna bug Anna and Connor, dont. Alexander isn't in the mood for you to. He's watching her. I dont know why though." Mom kissed my forehead then made sure Courtny and Stacy went upstairs.
"It's obiouse. He's horny." Camron stated.
I grabbed the remote and threw it at him. "Come on, Connor. I want some peaches." I said.
He got up and walked over to me. I took Sofie and we walked into the kitchen. Alexander was sitting at the island eating peaches. I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me. "What's up, Anna?" he asked.
"I want peaches."
He held his fork up and I opened my mouth. He put the peach in my mouth then gave one to Sofie. Sofie grabbed it and giggled. "Why do you have my daughter?" he asked.
"I'm baby sitting her for Kevin and Keisha." I said.
His face dropped. "Can I?" he asked putting his fork down.
I handed her to him. Sofie dropped the peach and grabbed his hair.
"She has an obsession with hair. When is Keisha gonna relize that why she acts like you is cause she's mine?" he asked.
I giggled and pulled Connor over. I sat down. "You can go over there and demand a test thingy. She wont be happy, but you're hot. She'll totally melt. But be careful. She just lost Sofie."
He smiled as Sofie yawned then put her head on his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" Alex asked me.
I shrugged. "Better. I guess. Camron is a jackass." I giggled.
He chuckled. "You wanna come with me?" he asked.
I looked at Connor. "Can Connor come?" I asked.
He nodded. He looked at what I was wearing. "Change your clothes."
I shook my head. "They're gonna get wet anyway." I said.
He tucked a stran of hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. "I'm just trying to protect you. Kevin is a fucking perv and he stole my daughter and Keisha was almost mine."
"You had sex with her. Doesnt that pretty much make her yours?" I asked.
He shook his head. "We had sex, but I kind of pissed her off." he said.
"Alex," I snapped. "Give me the baby. I need to get her ready to go. I'm not gonna be iiresponsible and leave her here. Unless mommy watches her and if I go to her place without Sofie, she'll freak out."
"Mom!" Alex yelled.
Momma came into the kitchen with Kenneth following her.
"Will you watch my baby?" Alex asked her.
Mom smiled. "Sure. Where you going?" she asked.
"I'm going to demand a peturnity test. And I'm taking the squirt and squirt's friend with me." he said.
Mom laughed and took Sofie from Alex. Alex kissed Sofie's forehead then took the peach off of his pants. He threw it at Kenneth then grabbed his keys. I jumped on his back and he walked out with Connor following. "Bye, loosers." I yelled at Camron and Joshy.
Connor laughed. Alex set me down by the passenger side and unlocked it. I opened the door and helped Connor into the back. Alex lifted me into the front seat. "You're so short, sissy." he said then closed the door before I could hit him.

When we pulled up to their apartment building and we got out. Connor and I followed Alex slowly incase he decided to change his mind. He stood in front of the door for five minutes before I broke the silece. I hugged him from behind. "It's ok, Alex." I whispered. "You dont have to do this."
He turned around and bent down to meet my height. "Yes I do. I love Keisha and I want Sofie in my life as much as possible." he said not tearing his eyes from mine.
I patted his muscly arm and kissed his cheek. "Give me your keys in case she admits it and you tap that again." I said calmly. I pulled a condom out of my back pocket and handed it to him. "I stole this from Josh's glovebox. For some reason, he has condoms in his car."
He patted my head. "Oh, sweet, young, innocent Annamere Lynn Taylor."
I giggled and pushed him away. He turned around and knocked on the door. Kevin opened the door.
Kevin sighed. "Yes, Alexander?"
"Why you touchin Anna?" Alex asked.
"I didnt touch your sister." Kevin said dumbstruck.
I tugged Alex's arm and sent him a questioning look. He kissed my cheek. "Just go with it."
I rolled my eyes and lock hands with Connor. Alex pushed Kevin out of the way and walked in. I gave Kevin an appologetic look then pulled Connor and I after him. Keisha was sleeping on the couch. Alex was knelt by the couch admiring her. He wasnt joking when he said he was in love with her. I often see him sitting on his balcony looking at a picture of her and me.
He kissed her forehead and her eyes opened. She jumped slightly then ran her thumb across his cheek. "What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Umm. I forgot. I

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