Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Fairy God Parents by XxjaeroxXx (red queen ebook txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซFairy God Parents by XxjaeroxXx (red queen ebook txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author XxjaeroxXx

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Fairy god parents

*BEEP* BEEP* Ugh the alarm clock went off you wont believe what day i'm about to have. Charlies chores list was taped to his night stand and it read:
This is your chores charlie,
1,Buy me a new tie
2.Clean the toilet
3.Re-tile the kitchen floors
4.Go down the street and back and no questions.,
I mean i'm just a 12 year old boy what on earth makes him think i can do all that??! Any way i need to go take a shower i smell like pure B.O because i was up all night last night digging a whole to china so, my dad can visit his X-Wife Hong.(I think there dating again) Ugh.Charlie knocked on the bath room door to see if his dad was in there.*knock*knock*.Nothing so he assumed no one was in there.He walked in to see Hong trimming her eyebrows.They were definitely dating again.If they weren't why would she be dropping her tiny eye hairs in OUR bathroom sink?!Charlie exported hong out the bathroom into dads bathroom, and he took a shower.After the shower charlie went in his room grabbed the chores list.1.Buy me a new tie.So charlie slipped his shoes on and went outside.It was muggy and hot, normal day in Seffner witch he lived.He walked down the street to the local haberdashery. it was called."Leslie's Lovely's" Witch to me sounded 100 % GAY.Well that's my opinion.He walked in and there were many guys in assets and scarfs around there neck.Hey what did i say before or yeah,"100% GAY"I walked buy the button slots and the scarf rack as i reached the ties.He saw a black and red striped one and a blue one with cupcakes.Gay? He bought one that was green and red plaid.He walked up to the front counter to buy it."Honey you are not a green darling, your so an Autumn!"Charlies eyes whidend,"Am i on some hidden camera show?" He examined the counter for cameras."Honey what is that supposed to mean?" "Oh never mind just charge me!" "Your price is $14.96" Charlie reached in his front pocket just to see a human tooth.Charlie threw the tooth and added a yelp.He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a $20 dollar bill.After he payed he collected his changed and put the tie in his back pocket.Next 2.Clean the toilet.Charlie jogged back up to street and into the back yard as the front door was locked he slid open the back door to hong walking around in daisy dukes."Hey Charlee want tea?" "Oh no thank you Mrs.Maduka"He replied."Oh nooo me Mrs.Longstein now say hello to mommy!"She showed charlie a 20 carrot rock on her finger. "Ugh Hi mommy." Charlie has never actually met his birth mom but it dident bother him.He layed the tie on the counter and called his father"Daddy!! Look at the tie and see if it is acceptable" My dad uses that word a lot and every thing has to be acceptable including the garbage.Sometimes i worry about him.Charlie walked down the hallway to the bathroom.He pulled out the toilet bowl brush and started scrubbing.After that he read the next the kitchen floor.Charlie was never the one to talk back to his father but at that moment he felt he needed to put him in his place, i mean, Re-tile the floor?!?!? You have to be kidding me.He Jogged to the kitchen to find his father looking for something to complain about on the tie."Oh look charlie you are a disgrace!! There is a spec of dust on the clip of the tie! Absolutely un-acceptable."NO FATHER YOUR A DISGRACE YOU DON'T APPRECIATE ANY THING I DO I HATE YOU AND RE-TILE THE KITCHEN FLOOR I DID THAT A WEEK AGO AND I STILL FIND LOOSE TILES YOUR JUST STUPID I HATE YOU!!" Running out of stuff to say charlie stood there quiet.Mr.Longstein looked around for something he can hit charlie with.In reach there was a frying pan which he grabbed and hit charlie over the head with it, you would think everything went very fast but to charlie, it was very slow and painful.Unconchance he had a dream as if he had a normal dad and a loving mom.He woke up with heads hovering over them all blurry.He thought he was either in heaven or in the hospital.No he was on his bed in his room.The faces were neither Dad or Hong.Strangers."Sweetie rest your eyes its just Loralee.." The woman that appeared to have wings and a wand said."Mhhm Mhhm yah were your fairy god parents mhhm yah yah!!Oh and im mark mhhnmm yah mhhmnn" A jittery man said."Oh yes i almost forgot!"They did an awkward dance with the man whoes name was apparently Mark."We are your FAIRY GOD PARENTS" They smiled a big cheesy smile and flew over back to the bed.Charlie confused thought he was dreaming so he started pinching himself multiple times in the arm.He dident wake up.Everything was clear.Fairly odd parents and timmy turner seemed to all be real."Here is the rule book"Mark handed charlie a big heavy purple and gold book.They Even have a rule book!Charlie surprised sat up on his bed examining Mark and Loralee head to toe.Not believing his eyes charlie stood up and shouted"SO I CAN MAKE ANY WISH I WANT?!!?"Mark leaped forward and covered his mouth with a quick jerk."Hush up potato head! Your gonna have us exposed and drained of our powers and than we all die. So be a little quiet cereal for brains!" "Ehem"Lora lee said,"You shouldn't be talking you dit."Mark went criss cross in the air as if he was sitting in a circle in 1st grade.Excited Charlie paced back and forth thinking of a wish."HOTDOG" "Well thats very rude!"Mark mumbled and started to cry,"Nooooo i want a hot dog!" "A hotdog?!?"Loralee exclaimed"Out of all the wishes in the world you ask for a hot dog?!" "Well im hungry and in the mood for a hot dog and its your job to give me one.." *Poof* A hot dog appeared on charlies computer desk.Charlie smiled huge and his face went all tight he leaped forward and almost swallowed the hot dog whole."Whoa there slow your horses i dont wanna be cleaning up your puke in a few minuets!" "Ok..Ok!"Charlie barely said with a mouth full of hot dog."It..s..Just so..Warm..And mmmmmmmm" "Uhm lets leave him in his moment" Loralee and mark stayed quiet.Wow..There is a world f possibilities ahead of me..."First i must do one thing and one thing only,Get rid of my dad and save my mom!" And in order to do that they must go back in time.*poof* A porsh appeared in the middle of charlies room."WOW!" charlie exclaimed."Its what were gonna go back in time with,"Loralee explained."Wait, i thought they dident have porches in the 1900's!"Charlie asked curiously."Well they do now!" Mark said while hopping in to the smooth leather front seat of the porsh.With a *BANG* There were in a swurvy time felled tunnel going back in time first, 2009 than 2005 than the just the right time 2001!! They ended up driving out of no were in the street.You can tell they just whent back in time!"Whoa were not in the 1900's!"Charlie mumbled while looking around."Yes charlie but we are in the time of the twin towers being terrorized, when your mother died and your father lived and here is the story about it"Loralee began,"It was a lovely evening and your parents were on a date while you, still a very small child to remember any thing was with your grandma back in Florida.They entered the twin tower and it was a lovely site most extravagant.They took an elevator to the 7th floor and took there seat in one of the twin towers restaurant,that i can not name but it was lovley..They evening was lovely untill it took a turn for the worst.All they heard was a big BANG in the east part of the twin towers.Everyone hit the ground! Glass flying everywere no one knew exactly what was going on.People on the street experiencing these minor injuries,only to start with, can just stand there and take pictures with there mouth opend whide.Sirons began to blow .And then they were crashed and your mother was crushed by the gravel."Loralee finished."So all we have to do is make sure mom survives and Dad Gets it!"Charlie shouted with glee and excitement."Sounds cruel, but im up for it!"Mark said trying to keep a straight face.*boom bap boop lalalalalalalal*"What are you doing?!"Charlie said stareing at them.*oooooooooooop*"We just cast a spell on your mother"Mark and Loralee said in unison."Now she will survive anything up to this day of yours we must go back into the future and find her!"They all hopped into the porsh and a big seemed to be,, wind pushed the forward back into 2010.The porsh landded in there driveway.Charlie walked in and dident see his mom."I knew it was to good to be true.." Charlie mumbled while looking down and walked to his room.And then he saw the most beautiful flawless woman ever with long dark hair a ruffled skirt and a pink shirt."Oh Hi darling"She said while passing by charlie.."Thats my mom?!" Charlie said while looking back at loralee and mark."Mhhm enjoy!" And they disapered.Wow this was the most exciting moment of my life!"Wow" Was all he could choke out.He walked into his room and sat on his bed clutching onto the blanket.*poof* Loralee and Mark apeard on each side of charlie."I dont know how to take advantage of technacally having powers except its stored in midgits that can save me the time and hard work!" Charlie said while look ing down eyes wide but seemed very focased.Loralee stared at the side of charlies head same as mark."Midgets?"Loralee said."E-x-c-e-p-p-t-e?"Both loralee and charlie stared at mark,"Shut up!"They said at the same time.He stood quiet and leaned forward and looked at the growned.Loralee shook her head and began to speak,"Listen, Just think BIG! Because your wish is our command"She let out another big cheesy smile, same as earlier.The words rang through charlies head think big..big..big..BIG!!!"Mrs.Burterman!"Charlie shouted out of no were.One of loralee's eyes focused on charlie."What did you call me?"She raised her right eyebrow."No no nooo Loralee Mrs.Burterman's cat is lost maybe i can help get it back!"Charlie stopped."Very sweet but seriously child?"Loralee started charlie knew he was about to be lectured.I guess he just had that instinct."We are not the fire department, she can find her own dang cat! As a matter of a fact i think i saw it run down the street! if thats the biggest you can think than i got another thing comin.." "Ehh just let me rest i'll think tomorrow i still have kind of a head ach."

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