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Book online «Black Pain by Julie L. (i want to read a book .txt) 📖». Author Julie L.

My footsteps echoed as I sprinted to freedom. Soft swooshes sounded behind me pumping my heart into overdrive. Torches lit the hallway. Dread filled me, my hair blinding me I tripped and fell on the cold cement floor. My skinned knee bled relentlessly. I staggered up and was about to try to reach the faint light at the end of the hall when the soft swooshes stopped. He was there. An evil smile lit his face like a happy one might do to mine. Fear flooded me. His canines glinted in the soft light. Sweat beaded on my brow and the smell of blood overwhelmed me. He shoved me and I flew to the ground. It felt like someone hit me with a metal bat over and over again. I groped the ground blindly trying to grab something, anything as a weapon. He just laughed at my meek attempt. His husky voice filled the hallway to the brim, it seemed like I was breathing his painful voice, not air. I grabbed a sharp jagged rock and threw it at him. I heard a roar as the attack made impact. I felt something warm touch my skin. I ignored it as I scrambled up and made a painful sprint to the now golden light. The roar abruptly stopped and choice words were spoken from his mouth. I was about ten feet from the opening when freezing hands grabbed my right leg and swung me backwards, I flew through the air and was stopped by the cold wall. My face hit the ground with a deafening crack. Pain flew in me like a wild trapped hawk. My shaking hand went to my face, now warm with crimson blood. A torch lit above me gave me the gift of blurry sight, he came back. Anger highlighted his features as pain wove in. His chest was bleeding profusely, I missed his heart. He grabbed my neck in an iron grip and lifted me up. I was getting very dizzy by now and I thought I heard a small crack emit from my neck. My hand tried to pry his hand off my neck. He just laughed. I reached around again and felt a burning pain sear my hand. My skin melted a tad when I found out I grabbed a torch. Stars danced in my vision as I grabbed the torch and thrust it at him. He screeched and I was finally able to breathe. I gulped in air faster than I thought possible. I staggered to my feet, pain rushing through me at each little movement. I grabbed the torch, my only defense. He hissed at me baring his knife-sharp canines. I tried to hit him with the torch but missed, several times. I half ran half crawled towards the only way out of this deathtrap. He blocked my way expecting me not to do what I did. I turned the torch around and stabbed him where I knew it would kill him, the heart. He howled in pain as I twisted and shoved the torch in his heart. Blood sprayed everywhere. He collapsed to the ground, now only a pile of ash. I dropped the torch on his ashes. I didn’t look back to see what would happen. I staggered to the exit, using the last of my strength to reach the light. Its rays showing me mercy. The sun now at the top of the sky, glowing at me, almost happily. My vision started fading as small voices said my name in relief… exhaustion engulfed my whole body and immediately after my eyelids closed I blacked out.


Publication Date: 08-09-2010

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