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Book online «Damned-Les Anciens Goblet by Tremeill Sparks (good inspirational books txt) 📖». Author Tremeill Sparks

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The Brood

The Charmer

Maximilien Courtenay was in all forms a Charmer. He would arrive to a Ball and take everyone's breath away, his beauty even as a mortal surpassed many Immortal but attraction was just a part of his Charm. Born of Nobility to a Duc and he himself became a Marquise by the age of six he was well known always his name held the lips of others but this night is the beginning because she saw him.

I walked through the hall name announced and heads turned to me smiles split their faces in half. The air was filled with incense and rose water people dressed in vibrant colors and elegant dresses I opened my hands “Bonjour mon amour!” I yelled and I swept down the hall into the laughing crowds the first woman I saw who was free I grabbed her hands and we danced around the room my feet practically gliding around the marble floor she was breathless but a smile never left her face other joined in. But I never stayed to one woman alway dashing away with a woman until I was making my way back around I saw her she stood watching me I sat the girl on the ground and I noticed my cousin in the midst of an argument with his governess or mistress I forget what she is today. I grabbed him and took the wine out of his hand “My apologise but I need Francois but I assure you when he return you will be well prepared to scold him.” I said and she giggled and I pulled him up the stairs and to the balcony he laughed and leaned over “Maximilian I fear for my life when you become erratic.” he said and I laughed he smiled many assumed he is my brother by our looks we were almost identical though I was the golden haired blue eyed Saint and he was the Dark head Adulterous heathen with green eyes but physically we were twins if I died my hair I could pass off as a better version of him. People weren't far off with this speculation seeing as theres a rumor that follows my father that Francois is his bastard son giving reason why my uncle and father haven't spoken in nineteen years. “That Enchanting creature standing by the ice swan who is she.” I asked him my eyes settling back on her she seemed to be searching the room for something she wore a dark sapphire dress it flowed down her like a river her long black hair twisted in curls hundred of pearls danced around her neck and a giant rose ring on her finger the diamonds made her eyes twinkle like stars. Francois laughed and slapped my back “That is Lady Amedee daughter to the French Ambassador to England, also betrothed to a Duke for political stability.” I leaned over and looked at him I never liked when people laughed at me “Now explain the joke.” I said and he smiled carefully before saying “I would advise you become more familiar with another lady tonight and let this wind past for the good of the family name.” I shook my head and I stared at her “I have fallen already and if you tell me that again I shall cast myself over this balcony before dealing with a broken cold heart.” I said and he looked at me “That almost made me believe love was real.” I looked at him he was married the day he turned seventeen to pull his fathers nobility back to respectable measure I had considerable more luck than he. “How about this I get you three ladies to give their virtues to you tonight and you get me an audience with her.” he looked at me then laughed “Why that seems reasonable.” he yelled and downed his glass and sat it on the table he pointed at his prizes and I nodded and we both swept down the stairs we both went our separate ways it didn’t take long for me to convince them of my intentions but my eyes never left her face my cousin talked to her  and her consort then her eyes caught mine and she gasped then looked away I felt someone touch me and I looked over Francois nodded “Ladies meet us up on the third floor and don’t be shy.” they giggled and headed up the stairs me and francois headed over to Amedee she and her ladies bowed “My Lord.” I grabbed her and lifted her back up I kissed her hand and bent don’t “It should be I who bow to one such as lovely as you.” I looked back up her ladies were swooning she was about to speak when someone grabbed her hand and pulled it from mines. I looked up irritated Francois grabbed my arm holding me back I realized my hand was on my sword hilt. “Maximillian this is Ambassador…” he looked at Francois then back to me “Amedee it is time we make our leave.” he said I looked at this old pathetic fool how dare he intrude? “Excuse you but I…” I started but she shook her head and looked at her father “Father of course I was getting very tired.” she grabbed him by the arm and they headed away she looked back at me a final time sorrow filled eyes. “I understand what you're thinking but the last man who went after her ended up hanging out his hotel window.” Even as he said this I didn’t care my body my heart my soul craved her. the night became more and more daunting to me I guessed my apathetic  mood was evident because everyone avoided me like the plague I didn’t mind I welcomed it I called my carriage around and stalked out I climbed in and headed home we entered the forest on the edge of my land when something felt wrong the carriage slowed then I heard the driver “My lord there is a woman standing on the…” he started then a hissing noise then quiet I drew my sword and opened the door and climbed out I looked around my driver was gone and the horses were going wild evident fear in there eyes I tried to calm them but to no avail. I looked around didn’t he say a woman was… I turned around a woman with vivid red eyes that seemed to swirl with inner liquid she was pale against the dark but her beauty seem to mold around the darkness. “You are mines now and always.” she said I didn't understand but something deep in me told me to either stab her or run but the way she stared at me sent dark shivers down my spine I couldn't move. Even if I did I was still damned she reached up and grabbed me with strength of men she slammed me onto the ground I stared at her not even facing death I didn’t scream. she bent over me “I am weak and tired you are my first… this will hurt.” she whispered and then her teeth changed becoming sharp and she ripped into my throat blinding white hot pain locked my body up it felt as if she was pulling my soul out of my body then it was over I coughed up blood and looked at her “Take it take it all back!” she screamed and she ripped open her wrist and forced it on my mouth red hot blood filled my mouth I don't remember anything after that only awaking to the light of day.

my eyes snapped open and I felt someone arms wrapped around mines two smells gathered in my nose one was freshly dug earth I was surrounded by it and the second was Autumn Crocus it was all around me I looked around where was I? In a box no couldn't be wait what happened last night And like searing fire etching memories into my mind the woman the bite the blood the pain. “Are you awake?” a sweet but powerful voice asked I nodded “good, it’s time for you to hunt.” I felt her hand move then she punched the box top and like a cannon exploding the wood and dirt exploded into the air she stood up as light cast down into the box and I was blinded it was so bright as If I was staring directly into the sun with a glass eye. When it began to dull I recognized the woman from last night she looked at me with black eyes her mouth was caked in dried blood “Come now.” she bent down and grabbed my shoulder and helped me up I looked around everything was so vivid the grass was illuminated green the sky was so beautiful and even though the sun was out I could still see the stars the smells were amazing as if everything was fresh I looked down and I was shocked it wasn't a box it was a coffin I looked at her “what did you do to me?” I asked her and she walked to me and rubbed my face “I have made you my first immortal child you are now a vampire Maximilian.” I started shaking my head and she tightened her grip I winced “Do not fail me Maximilian now lets hunt or you will die.” she turned and jumped into the tree even with ease I gasped “Keep up or die.” she said and she turned and started running I dashed after her because just like last night that fear she radiated seemed stronger she sprinted faster through the forest I followed. As I ran the world around me became a blur but I still recognized everything in vivid images. I became lost in the run it was so fun and my body seemed to become attuned to the speed moving on it’s own dodging the trees without thinking running was like breathing. I didn’t realise where we were until she turned on the spot and pushed me on the ground I looked up and she smiled crouching down. “Now go inside and feed.” I looked over and saw a Manor on the edge of a lake I knew this house I forced the dull dark memories into my mind “The Marigolds.” I said and she looked back at me uncaring “Go!” she yelled and I stood I knew this family of course they will share a meal with me but I was afraid they wouldn’t accept Maria I stopped walking how did I know her name? I looked back she was crouched on the grass watching me with an expressionless face I turned around and walked to the door I crossed the yard in seconds I knocked on the door and waited it swung open the butler noticed me and smiled but it faltered “Lord Maximilian?” he asked and I smiled brightly at him “I was wondering if I could partake breakfast with your lords.” I said and he blinked and stared at me his face blushing “Oh of course come in let me…” he seemed to shy to say anything else and he practically skipped into the sitting room I heard clanking followed by footsteps. The Marigolds came out the father and his two daughters someone gasped and they all stopped and stared horror but that didn't last long because they too smiled and seem to calm. “I’m sorry for intruding but I am starving I…” thats what started it thinking about starving a twisting gut wrenching in my stomach hot acid rose into my throat I wanted to scream I looked at them they were shaded red as if I was looking out

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