Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Out Of The Dark by Destiny L. Dowtin (little readers txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซOut Of The Dark by Destiny L. Dowtin (little readers txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Destiny L. Dowtin

The Truth

I lived in a small town called Louisville. I lived with my mom, my stepfather, and my stepbrother Noah. I am 16yrs old and my name is Samantha Alexis Myers. it was one night after hanging out with my friends Jason, Jacob,and Roxie, we where walking home when this weird looking guy started following us. "Dude whats your problem." Jason said to him but he didn't reply he just kept walking. "Should we run." Roxie whispered in my ear "I don't think thats a good idea Rox." I told her "This guy is really ticking me off." Jason said as he let out a sigh of anger. "Jason relax he'll go away eventually i hope." said Roxie. "Don't run from me Sam." said the guy i turned to look at him he look really familiar like i knew him from somewhere "How do you know my name." i stopped and asked "I know alot of things about you Samantha." he said with this concerned look in his eye "Wait guys i think i know him." i turned and called to my frightened friends "Well who is he." said Jacob sarcastically "I think he's my dad." i said taking another look at this man "Thats impossible your mom said your dad died." Roxie said with a confused look "She lied to all of you i was never dead i was in hiding." said the guy as he look at Roxie. "hiding from what." "Come on Sam this guy is a phony." said Jason "How do you know for sure Jason." I said starting to doubt my mother's words "Okay if he's your dad take him to your mom and ask her.' suggested Roxie. "Good idea lets go." i said "I guess a quick visit is okay." he said. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled as we walked through the door "Stop yelling dummy." my stepfather said as we walked down the stairs. "Where's my mom john." i was with a slight attitude. "She should be home any minute whose the guy." he said i didn't answer his question i rolled my eyes and turned around. "You can sit down in the living room." i sad to the man. "Hey buddy you got a name." my stepfather asked him impolitely. "It's dean." he replied as my mom walked in the door. "honey im home." she said "im in the living room mom." i answered back obviously she was talking to me and not my snotty stepfather. She took one step in the living room and nearly fainted. "Mom whats wrong." i asked her. "How did you find us?" she asked um dean i think thats his name i wasn't paying attention. "Your in the same house we bought 16 years ago." he replied to her. "Why did you come back i thought they locked you up and threw away the key." she said with a scared look on her face. "They never caught me but you know what im here for Amber." he said as he stood up "She's not a pure blood is she." my mom said curiously "She is my daughter so yes she is." he said looking at me "Well it was nice to meet you dean um Sam we'll see you tomorrow." said Jason as he,Jacob,and Roxie got up and slowly walked out the door. "John get out for a minute please." my mom said "Why so you can talk to some guy who kinda looks like batman." said john "Just do what my mother said nitwit." i said under my breath just enough for only him to hear "what did you say to me.' john said as he grabbed my arm really tight dean grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it just enough for john to let go he went up stairs to check on Noah "Thanks." i said "No problem Sam."he said with a smile then turned to my mother "She has to come with me and you know that, i will give you 1 day to pack her things or else you know what happens to her." he said as he walked out the door. i ran after him but he was gone. The next morning when everybody was gone my mom called me downstairs to talk "Sweety there's something i have to tell you." she said sweetly "What is it." i asked "This isn't going to be easy for you to understand." she said. "What is it." i asked again "Samantha honey remember when i told you you were destined to be something very important." she said look me in the eyes "Yes." i said getting nervous "Well that day has come and we'll your a (dramatically long pause). "Im a what." i asked "Samantha your a vampire you may not believe me but within the next 24 hours you will start developing your powers so you have to go live with your father." she said sadly "Im a vampire very funny mom." i said and at that moment i noticed my teeth were longer they looked like real vampire teeth "mom your serious." i said frantically "Yes Sammy i am." she said i ran upstairs to my room and stayed there for about an hour then my mom can upstairs "I want to know more about what i am." i said to her "What do you wanna know honey." she asked me "Everything." i said "well thats a long story." she said "im an immortal creature of the night so I've got time." i said "are you sure about this Sam." my mom ask "Just tell me." i said sounding a little demanding 'well your father broke a vampire law." "What law." i asked curiously "Vampires aren't allowed to expose themselves to humans like me and well your father didn't want to keep any secrets between me and him so he told me at first i didn't believe him until he bit me." she said as she showed me the mark on her neck "So your a vampire too." i asked "not a full vampire but yes." she replied "do you have vampire teeth too." "No but i do have their strength." she said "Cool." i said "you need to be getting some rest you got a big day tomorrow." she told me as i layed down in my bed. that next morning i woke up to find my drawers empty my clothes were in two large suitcases with only one outfit laying on my bed. i got dressed and put my dirty clothes in a plastic bag not caring enough to wash them i went down stairs to see dean and my mom hugging and seeing that actually made me happy. "Mom im ready." i said as i walked in the room "You ready to head out Sammy cats." my dad said in my head im thinking how did he come up with that nickname.

The Vamp Camp

"Rise and shine princess we're here". said my dad. "And where is here exactly let me guess some kind of mystical creature training camp." i say with a chuckle. "Actually yes we are." he said bursting my bubble. i got out of the car to see a bunch of teenagers hanging out it look sort of like a summer camp for wizards and vampires and stuff like that it look kinda of fun. Then i saw him this supper cute tall brown haired goddess i couldn't look away until my dad realized what i was looking at and clapped his hands to snap me out of it. "Well why don't we show you to your cabin." he said after he clapped his man hands "My what you mean i don't get a roommate." i asked "You will i think i know just the girl for you." he said looking devious we walked across the field to this cabin. this emo girl walked out she had black hair with pink highlights she look exactly like Roxie. "Roxie is that you." i asked the girl "Oh um hey Sam wait Samantha how did you know it was me." she asked "We've been best friends since the third grade wait your a vampire too." i asked her "Yeah and so is Jacob but Jason's a werewolf." she told me "Why didn't you tell me." i asked her i was a little confused. "Because we promised your mom we wouldn't say anything about it until you where ready." she said "Well that makes this whole moving to this vamp camp alot easier." i said as we both laughed "Im gonna let you to settle in and relax today tomorrow we start training." said Dean as he walked off "Awesome we don't have to train today yes." said Roxie "Why is that bad." i stupidly ask. later that day Roxie, Jason, Jacob, and i went horse back ridding i didn't even know this camp would be this much fun i think im gonna like it here.


Publication Date: 06-28-2012

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