Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป A Key To Another Side by Speculative Fiction Authors (english love story books .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซA Key To Another Side by Speculative Fiction Authors (english love story books .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Speculative Fiction Authors

A Key To Another Side

I thought Rene had been making up her "other side" stories until she dropped that tiny piece of rock into my open palm. I lifted my hand up to examine it. It was real; that was for sure.

"That's a key, not just a rock," Rene said as I stared at the pink crystallized mineral.

"A key?" I asked incredulously. "A key to what? It hurts like hell!โ€ The pain began to crawl up my arm and spread into the rest of my body. โ€œ Wh-- Wha--, What's happening to me?โ€

Rene grinned and handed me a makeup mirror.  "Now do you believe me?"

I examined my reflection. "What did you-- what happened?" I couldnโ€™t take my eyes away from the image reflected in the small, framed square. My face  pulsed with bright veins, illuminated beneath my thin skin, like a thousand neon lights. Horrified, I spun my head towards her, and there was that impish smile again!

"Now you can see what I see," she said, looking triumphant. And now you have the power to cross to the other side.โ€

In the reflection, I saw a dark pool growing behind me, but when I turned around, the ground was dry. I looked back into the mirror. The pool continued to grow, becoming a large pond.

โ€œYes I can see it,โ€ I said, โ€œ but how do I cross to the other side?โ€

"You will find out," she said and pushed me back  into the great dark lake.

As I was consumed, I heard whispers all around me. I shivered . I couldn't see anything. I couldn't breathe. I needed to break through the surface fast, my lungs ached for air. But the surface was nowhere to be found. Then there was that whispering again. All of a sudden, just as I had given in to drowning,  I found myself standing on the shore of a very strange land. Everything around me was pink and bubbly. Wh - where was I?

Out of nowhere I got tackled by a human size teletubby, it showered me in kisses.

โ€œYouโ€™re where you belong, now!โ€ it squealed.

I shoved the creature away and staggered back. โ€œRene!โ€ I screamed.

She was nowhere to be seen, but her voice came to me on a gentle breeze. โ€œYouโ€™re where you belong, now.โ€

I scowled and stalked away from the insufferable dancing creature. Whatever this place was, whatever Rene had done to me, I would find out. I was now only certain of one thing. This was definitely not where I belonged.


Text: Public Domain
Images: Public Domain
Editing: Stephen Johnson Jr.
Publication Date: 01-28-2014

All Rights Reserved

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