Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My version of Twilight! by Shaelyn Ray (desktop ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy version of Twilight! by Shaelyn Ray (desktop ebook reader .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Shaelyn Ray

The Cullen's and Bella had everything packed and ready to go on the family road trip.I'm gonna go with Alice and Jasper."Bella said."Be safe!"Edward demanded."I will!" Bella promised.Bella slid in Alice's hot red Porsche car.She left the door open while she turned her head around to reach her seat-belt,but instead hit her head on the corner of the car door."OW!" Bella shrieked.Alice snapped her head around in time to see blood rushing down Bella's head,and Jasper snap his head around ready to attack Bella."Jazzy!"Alice said sounding worried.But the good thing was the other Cullen's had seen the accident and Edward had already reached Bella's side to carry her away.But the bad thing was Jasper had caught Bella's arm and bit it."AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" Bella screamed in pain.Edward had Bella out of the car and trying to carry her away.But right then Jasper lunged out of the car and pushed Edward to the ground sending Bella flying."UHHHHHHH!!!!" Bella groaned crashing through the car parked next to Alice's red Porsche's glass windshield.Bella had lost like one gallon of blood.Edward leaped up to reach Bella first.He got to her and grabbed her in his arms whispering:"It's gonna be alright Bella I promise."He leaped forward but way too late cause Jasper had knocked him over again causing Bella to go sliding across the garage floor and hit her head on a medal cart.Emmett held Jasper back with Edward as Alice whispered to Jasper:"Shhh,Jazzy it's gonna be alright,calm down.""I'm so sorry Bella!"Jasper yelled."Everyone get in the car they started out in!"demanded Carlisle.Edward carried Bella to Alice's car."Bella we're taking you to a hospital nearby,where they'll give you some blood,medicine,stitches,and wrapping bandage!"Edward reassured her.With in minutes Bella was being rushed down the hall of the hospital in Forks,Washington."Bella I'm truly sorry,I don't know what got in to me,I just smelt the blood and pounced!"Jasper explained even though she barely understood a thing he was saying."Bella Swan?Is it?"the doctor asked.Bella answered with a very slow gentle nod of her head."OK,what happened here?"the doctor asked.All eyes turned to Bella in worry about there secret slipping out to the world."I,um,fell down fifteen steps onto hard concrete floor."Bella lied."ouch,"the doctor said."Well let me just check your blood pressure,give you some quick pain medication,a shot or two,some wrapping bandage,and stitch that forehead and arm up,and you should be ready to go!"the doctor said cheerfully."Oh doctor I may need x-rays' and I may have a head concussion from hitting my head or some internal bleeding."Bella added."OK we'll get to that".the doctor assured her.He gave Bella a shot,checked her blood pressure,took some x-rays',checked for a head concussion,checked for internal bleeding,gave her some quick pain medication, wrapped her arm in bandage,and last weighed her."forty-nine pounds,Mrs.Bella!"he said."Well you're a light little thing aren't ya?"he asked.Bella just smiled."Well nothing is wrong except the huge amount of weight and blood loss,so you fellas can go!"the doctor said."Thank you doctor!"Carlisle said cheerfully.Now they were zooming toward wherever they were gonna go."Turn right!!!!!!"Alice demanded."Why?"asked Jasper,"Philadelphia?!"answered Alice matter-of-fact."OK."Jasper said turning right.In three hours they had left Washington and were in Philadelphia at the Philly hotel.Soon Carlisle,and Edward and the rest had shown up."four two bed rooms' please?"Edward asked politely."Sure thing!"the woman behind the desk said cheerfully handing Edward four pairs of keys.He gave everyone a pair.Soon everyone was asleep,"SCRATCHHHHHHHHH! SCARTCHHHHHHHHHH! SCRATCHHHHHHHHHH! SCRATCHHHHHHHHHHH!"everyone heard on their window."What....was.....that!?"asked Bella."probably just a branch or something."answered Edward hopefully."I hope so!" answered Rosalie with a snappy tone in her voice.Bella got up to check,"huh???!!!!" Bella screeched with a lot of worry and confusion in her tone,"What!?" Rosalie asked snappy like."LOOK!!!!!!" Bella demanded and right on their window were huge wolf claw marks!Bella went outside in the hall-way to check on everyone,then went went outside under the black sky."GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!"Bella heard from behind her,and behind her was a huge,lightish darkish brown wolf!"Jacob!?!?"Bella asked confused but before she could get an answer the big beast pounced on Bella knocking her in the hotel pool.Bella went under,the beast holding her down with a paw,causing her to stay under.Then the large animal pulled a socking Bella out of the pool.Right then Bella's thought's stopped turning in Edward's head,him and the others' went dashing out to find a soaking,limp,still breathin though,Bella by the side of the pool!


Publication Date: 11-22-2010

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