Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Behind a Closed Door by ponyo1733 (top young adult novels TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซBehind a Closed Door by ponyo1733 (top young adult novels TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author ponyo1733

Chapter One:Pace

TThe blood was running down my cheek.They were following me.I looked aroundOh no,I thought.Shadows.A normal human couldn't really see them in this dark world,but I could.Being a spirit in a world of demons was not good. The scratch on my face burned like fire. A sudden fear overtook my body. This is how I knew they were closing in. Distutrbing thoughts appeared in my head. They're causing this, I remided myself. Their red eyes were the only color in the black abyss that was this place. Right before fear made me freeze, I realized I had a very short time limit to find the Slayer. I collasped into un consciousness, my scream ringing in the empty sky.

Chapter Two:Elizabeth

I bolted up.Something felt wrong.Missing." That stupid door!" I mumbled to myself. Since I moved in I had been haunted by demons and nightmares.All because of that door at the end of the hall.I was the only one who could see it,now,however,it seemed like I was connected to something in that horrible place.I was fairly sure it wasn't a demon. It felt more pure than a filthy demon monster. I shook it off. I'm just imagining it, I thought, nothing could be weirder than it is now.I walked into the hall. The moonlight reflected off the door. Before I knew what I was doing, I had taken a step forward. It was truly mezmerizing. I walked closer,drawn by the forces of power from behind the door. Almost as if in a trance,my hand closed around the knob.

Chapter Three:Elizabeth

I knew what I was doing,I just didn't know why or how to stop myself.The bad thing was,I wanted to open that door. I wanted to see what secrets lie behind it.No, a voice whispered, You do not want to see the horrors that lie behind that portal.It wasn't a voice speaking outloud, more like a thought,just not mine. There was a bright flash as I opened the door. Horrors,demons,and nightmares from all the corners from the earth flew out. It was absolutely terrifying.All of the sudden,my eyes snapped open. I was confused had it been a dream?"No,Elizah,it was a vision"My head snapped up. In front of me was a ghostly figure of a teenage boy who looked about eighteen. "Who are you?.."I asked softly.He looked at me and bowed down.I was taken aback,because I wasn't really used to being bowed to.The ghostly figure looked up at me in amusement,"You don't know do you?"I was absolutely bewildered,"Know what?" I ventured.I looked him up and down, "You're not a demon are you?" He backed off,scared,"No," he spat,"I would never be one of those filthy rats!"He looked up at me and whispered"I'm Pace and your Queen Elizah,The Demon Slayer"

Chapter Four:Pace

I couldn't belive that I was in the presence of The Slayer. She didn't look like the pictures I've seen. She looked ...younger. Yet,I knew this was her. The Queen radiated power,and when I say that,I mean lots of power. I could see an outline of armorial flickering just above her skin. "I know a lot about you,you know," I announced to the girl looking up at me. She narrowed her eyes and whispered," How do I know Youre not a demon?" I glanced at her and sighed, " Because I havent tried to kill you yet" Fear flashed in her eyes for a half-second, then she muttered," Why did you bow and call me a slayer?" I laughed and she turned towards me looking at me like I was crazy ,"Not a slayer, the Slayer." I sneaked a peek at her face and the expression on her face told me she was absolutly bewildered," Elizah, youre the Queen, the Chosen One!"  I was getting frustrated with her ignorance. "My name is Elizabeth and I'm no queen!" She shouted. She lifted her hand and swiped it through me, as if it would have made me dissapear. I wouldve laughed, if i didnt feel as if I had just been stabbed. Ithad happened before, with careless humans, but it had never felt like this. I staggered and touched the place where her hand had been. "Oh god, are you ok?" she said worridly and touched my shoulder in concern. It burned like somebody had just lit mhy shoulder on fire. "Y-y-your amorial. It h-hurts." I stuttered and pushed her hand off. The pain subsided but my shoulder was still hot. She looked at me and asked,"Whats an amorial?" I almost laughed. Everyone in the sprit world knew what an amorial was. Then I reminded myself that she had been raised by mortals ," Ok," I whispered, " an amorial is your spirt outline. Yours is bright gold. Very powerful, and very, very rare."Elizah looked sat down on the floor ,"And that means...?" The Queen asked. I kicked the ground in frustration,"Your special, Elizah!" I bellowed, "You are the Spirit Queen!"

Chapter Five: Pace

She looked up at me, a feirce determination in her eyes.," That vision," she whispered,"was it all true?" I sadly nodded ," All that and much worse." We both remained silent for a minute, the Queen looking around the hall, looking for something. "And youre sure I'm the Queen?" she asked quietly. I looked at her rich golden amorial dancing like a flame above her skin. " Absolutely positive" I said quietly. Elizah looked down," I guess I'm coming" Her voice cracked. I realized she was crying. The Queen, the Slayer, the Chosen One crying. Thats when it hit me: She loved her mortal family. She was tied to a human family. "Get over it" I mumbled. It may have been the stupidest thing I have ever said. "Get over it?" She raged," Theyre my parents! I'm not going to 'get over it'!" I thought she was about hit me again so I said," Thats not what I meant! Youve got the fate of the 


Publication Date: 02-10-2013

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