Contra Wars (Incomplete) by Naji Kadri (the mitten read aloud .txt) đź“–

- Author: Naji Kadri
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In a critical dangerous world, vampires, werewolves, zombies, aliens and humans once lived together in peace, until the Welger died. Welger is the king who rules all the creatures in the planet. After the Welger died, they all started to enter the others territories, so they began to fight each other and the war had begun. “War had started, and we need to be ready for any attack” said Troy. Troy is the leader of the vampires for more than 1000 year. He always protects the vampires from any danger. “We can’t win the war!” said one the vampires. Troy was shocked to hear that so he replied, “Who dares to say that?” no one replied. But to let you know, that was Nelson, a young vampire who loves to make troubles. Meanwhile, werewolves were building forts to defense themselves, but humans were worried about themselves, so they gathered up in their secret underground shelter to discuss the situation with their president Mackenzie. Mackenzie spoke, “Well, as the war began we must to find way to protect ourselves because till now we are the weakest creatures in the planet. Any bite from a werewolf, vampire, or zombies, we are going to turn to be like them. So we need to team up with one of them.” People denied Mackenzie’s idea. They cannot trust anyone. Mackenzie then knew what to say, “You know what the Welger always say: when lives tough, we have to sacrifice”.
Vampires rageAfter some days, blood was seen everywhere, lots of vampires was being killed by humans. Some humans know magic that can destroy vampires. As troy was killing some zombies, he saw Nelson with a human girl. Troy ran towards Nelson. The girl left Nelson and ran away. “Who was she and what you were doing with her,” said troy. Nelson Replied, “Nothing I was about to kill her” “No I knew what you were doing, you don’t fool me. From the first generation till now, no vampire had ever talked to humans, so you are the only one who broke the rules” “Who made these silly rules anyway? I don’t care for any damn rule!” “Your great, great grandfather made this rule. For your information you are from royal family and if any vampire knew about that, this could be your end you hear me? Don’t you ever think to meet her again” that didn’t stop Nelson from meeting that girl. He loves her, and he is going to do anything for her. While Nelson living the romance, Aliens and Humans teamed up together. They joined their lands and united as one. Every single day, hundreds of vampires died. They were killed by all creatures. Troy gathered the vampires to the court and said, “Time is tough, no blood to suck, no place to hide. We can’t give up right now so there is only one thing to do…” Nelson came and interrupted Troy, “Don’t tell me teaming up, with whom, our natural enemies the werewolves, or with the slow zombies? Come on, we don’t have a chance!” Vampires were convinced by Nelson’s idea. “Then we must kill all of them, we are going to bite hard this time” replied Troy. “I’m goanna tell you something, the Welger was a human, so why he didn’t killed vampires and the others? I know why, he was the wisest person the world has seen, he was loved by everyone, but because he was human, he died, this war is just bunch of silly arguments and nonsense!” “Silent!” shouted Troy, “You are not smarter than me, the Welger was nasty and mean before you were born, when he knew you were born, he knew that he might lose his authority so he became good to keep humans in the top,” Troy continued, “You know why we are making this war? Not for silly arguments, we are fighting over who are going to be the next Welger, and if I got the crown, vampires will be the rulers for many centuries and they will have the authority to do anything” Nelson was amazed, all the time he thought the last Welger was good, the Welger was an evil human. Then Veronica, a female vampire, came between them to argue with Troy, “Sorry master, but the son of the royal families should be the Welger, which mean Nelson has the right to be the next Welger.” Troy was fill of rage, “Don’t you ever talk about it, I will suck your blood or I’ll feed you to the dogs” Troy left the court filled with anger. “Don’t care about him veronica he is just jealous from me” said Nelson to veronica.
Nelson&BettyAfter a while, Nelson left the court and sneaked between the bushes. There he went to a small house and knocked the door. “Betty, open the door it’s me, Nelson”. Betty opened the door then hugged Nelson immediately. “Oh, my love, if I only can get out of the house, we would have the best time ever,” said Betty “but for my luck my dad is the president so he didn’t want to me to get out of my house” “Sneak with me,” said Nelson “He can’t see you now, so what are you waiting for?” “I’m waiting for trouble if I get out,” said Betty mockingly “My father putted a bracelet in my hand that have radar that detect my movements. What do expect me to do? Do you want to put my life on danger?” “No, but it just annoying me the thought that I can’t hang out with you, well bye see you later.”
Aliens drop offMeanwhile, Aliens’ leader U-11 went down to talk with Mackenzie (the president of humans). U-11 Began to say, “See Mackenzie, when I was in the mother ship, I took a deep thought about our uniting, after time I concluded that if we won, humans and aliens will have to share the right to be a Welger so I say I stop our uniting right now.” Mackenzie got a great reason to keep aliens to his side, “you can’t stop the deal, and the contract says you can’t cancel the agreement unless one of us has to drop his rights of being the next Welger.” U-11 held a laser gun in front of Mackenzie’s eyes then said “ You can canceled by ease or we will use force” Mackenzie knew that might occur so he made a backup plan. “You may think I’m going to lose,” said Mackenzie “the last thing you thought that there are 400 soldiers with the Fireball Gun which can burn twenty people in a minute.” Then the soldiers fired U-11 until he was burnt completely out. Aliens left the earth for no good. The battle is now between humans, vampires, zombies, and werewolves now. If you are wondering what zombies and werewolves done, here you go. Zombies are just attacking underground by grabbing an opponent legs and drag him down where they ate his brain, While werewolves are fighting with all their power, these hairy guys want the authority badly.
two forbidden loveThe Werewolves leader, Eddie is the perfect mind to keep werewolves alive. Eddie was thinking “Werewolves are getting weaker; there must be a way to win the war, but how?” Greg opened the door and heard Eddie. Greg is Eddie’s best friend. “I know Eddie that all the responsibilities on you,” Said Greg sadly “but don’t worry someday we will get better, and to let you know, aliens dropped out from the war, that mean less competitors.” Eddie Replied, “Even though it might get better but there are more challenges await all of us.” Eddie walks slowly to his room taking some rest.
Meanwhile, Nelson wanted to take advice from his friend Felix. “Hi Felix,” said Nelson. Felix replied “Well, hello, why didn’t you come to me last night?” “I was with Betty” “your human love?” “Of course, and what happened with Maria” “my love Maria, nothing, I see her every day, but without being caught” “that great because no one should know that you are dating a werewolf and I’m dating a human.” “Are you crazy?! Of course not, if vampires win the Welger rank, we will reveal the secret” “I wish that may take long” then the two men left home.
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