Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Wicked by hayden love (top 100 books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซWicked by hayden love (top 100 books to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author hayden love

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chemistry. the topic that well .... just sucks. With ms.rivera talking and talking we will never get out of here.i think im going to go sleep pretty soon., and all of a sudden....."damon and what is the VSEPR model?"
"ummmm what" damon said."is there some reason you are trying to go sleep in my class?" said ms.rivera.
"yes its cuz this class sucks and all we do is stare at your boring face all day"
"damon lindsey you can go to the principals office now!"said ms.rivera.
"fine with me"damon said.
damon walked up the stairs to the principal office.when he got there there was someone new there,a girl,transfer.she had long brown hair. damon quickly turned towards the principals office he wanted to get the"your suspended"already from the principal and leave school.
"hey mr.white umm can we just get this over with already i have some other things to do"damon said.
Sit down damon okay your mom wont be proud of this so im not letting her know, but thats if you treat her with respect.
"i did treat her with respect and then you came in our lives". damon said."
"im leaving "damon said.
damon left and tryed to go so fast out of the office he bumped into the brown haired girl he saw earlier.
"oh crap im so sorry"damon said.
"no its alright"she said, as they were picking up the books off of the ground.
he stood up and as he looked at her he realized she had the most beautiful eyes made of icy light blue.everyone always told him he had the most beautiful eyes being a intense green but she obviously beat that.
"wow"he said
"huh"she said.
"clearing his voice"umm nothing do you need help carrying those books."
"no thats okay but can you show me where ms.riveras class is?".
"oh god her class".said damon.
"yah ill show you where "it"is.said damon.
"ooooo im guessing you dont like her haha"she said.
"yah and by the way im damon."
"and im baya"baya said."well nice to meet you baya"said damon.
"haha"said baya.
"here we are the devils layer"baya said.
she entered the room with damon behind her."baya handed her the paper the principal gave her.
"hmmm...well class this is your new student baya can have a seat right there next to who i assume you met at the office."
"okay"baya said.
the rest of the class period damon found himself staring at her ,she seemed so intrigued by science i didnt get it, but there she was.then the bell rang."
hey you wanna go get some food after school".damon had no idea where that came from but he started taking an intrest in her.
"umm yah sure umm where exactly?"baya asked.
"just this place where all the kids go after school to hang out its called the block.".Damon said.
"yah i saw that when i was walking to school ,sure "baya said.
"awesome see you there"damon said.
damon couldnt wait for the bell to ring.he was so excited he was the first one out of the class.he practically ran down to "the block"and sat down waiting for her to come.she finally enterd the room and looked around the room and saw damon and headed over to him.
"hey "said baya.
"hey"said damon. he pulled out a seat for her and she sat down."so where are you from?"
"im from oregon"
"it must be completely different from here then."damon."yah well im trying to adopt.she laughed
The conversation went on and on but in between them i caught her glancing at the clock on the wall.
"uhhh hey sorry to cut this short but i have somewhere i gotta be,sorry"-baya said
"no no its fine ill walk you out"-said damon
where would she need to be at 5:00 its still earley
"well i guess ill see you later then"damon said
"yah"-baya replied
my trip home took at least an hour.we live so far out of town. i kept checking my mirrors i felt like something was right behind me but when i looked there was nothing.
i reached home and found a note on the counter. it said"i had to go out of the country for a while i left you some food in the mom"
i was used to being alone so it was nothing new to me.
i didnt feel like eating so i hoped into the shower and went straight off to bed.
i couldnt sleep i felt pain radiating from my skin. it hurt so bad.
i decided not to pretend to sleep and just go watch tv for a while. but when i opened my eyes i could see everything. i shouldnt be able to see anything.for one it was still night time and two because my light wasnt on. so how come i can see.
startled i leaped out of bed and took two advil tablets and sat on the couch watching tv till i fell asleep.
i couldnt i felt fear everywhere i just needed to go outside for a moment and clear my head.i went out on the porch looking at the forest. i still had this weird green light over my eyes and i could see everything. i could see the birds in the trees.a cat that i had no idea what it was doing here. and a wolf
"a wolf" i said my eyes lighting up
why was there a wolf here.then i saw a couple of tailes behing the wolf. there was a pack with the wolf.
"oh my gosh"damon said
they stood about eight feet high thats no ordinary wolf.
as i tryed to slowly go back inside the house i noticed something, something in the wolfs eyes
they were the color of icy light blue.
i quickly closed the doors making sure it was impossible for anything to get inside the house.
i went back to see the wolf from the clear glass door, but when i got there it was gone.then i heard a howl from somewhere in the forest and then nothing else.

i didnt sleep at all that night. i turned and turned in my bed. i dreamt i was in the woods that night and i was about 2 feet away from the wolf not the wolf i saw the night before because this wolf had gray eyes almost white.he was snarling and licking his lips. suprisingly there was no fear in me. i just stood there. he tryed to attack me but as he tryed to jump to attack a white
wolf jumped right in front of me. she trampled down to the ground with the grey eyed wolf tearing at his side. he twisted her and started snapping his jaw at her arm. she let out a cry as she sucked up the pain and grabbed his neck and held him in a spot where he couldnt get out of. he cryed a little and as she let go he ran off into the forest. she tryed to limp over to me but she had loss a lot of blood and she fell about 5 feert away from me. my body ran to her i kissed her head.i found myself licking her arm where the blood had came from.why was i licking her arm?.i looked into a little puddle near us i stared in shock at what i was looking at. i touched my face looked at my hands .what am i ? i turned into some kinda animal. a wolf.
a black wolf.

who am i ?

"nothin much"said baya."new school no friends it sucks."well you have one friend now"says damon."me"."not to be rude but i dont think we should be friends."said baya."and why not"said damon.""i mean who wouldnt want to be friends with me:damon said sarcasticly."hah its just you dont wanna know me"said baya."hmmm its to bad i already do know you."said damon."i highly doubt that,we only met this morning"said baya.she was right damon had no idea what her last name even was but he didnt care he felt as if he knew her as if he needed to know her."whats your last name?"said damon."black."my last names black".said baya."baya black, see now i know one thing about you"said damon."and thats all your going to know about me.hey what time is it?"said baya."why do you have to be somewhere?""yes actually."damon smiled"haha its five o clock".baya stood up quickly and grabbed her bag before damon could say anything else and left with a "bye" and a wave.he couldnt understand why she had to leave so early.He thought of it the whole way home but still didnt know.he went to sleep early and ended up waking up 12n the morning to the sound of something rustling outside like it was moving back and forth right by his window.He didnt care for it that much because he figured it was outside not inside and that he would be fine.the sound kept getting worse and worse and it sounded like an animal was wounded like there had just been a fight right outside of his house.then he heared a knock on his was baya."baya what are you doing here.r u alright what happened to your leg?your soaked come inside."says damon.baya made her way in and held her leg with one arm while the other was leaning on damons shoulder."seriously what happened"damon said putting baya on the couch."you wouldnt beleive me if i told you im fine."baya said.then why

who am i

i stoped the wolf had icy blue eyes that looked so familiar.the wolf locked her eyes on me and she made her way closer and closer then she stoped about twenty feet from me and she looked up at the moon and howled intensely.

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