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Book online «Arranged Marriage to a Ass by Ann Poppet (ready player one ebook .txt) 📖». Author Ann Poppet

the wedding

Kreg shuffled his feet as he waited in the judges office. His 'bride' was running late. Apparently she didn't even want to start the marriage off on a good foot.

Fiona ...fefe, was outside in the limo, her mouth hung open in shock. "married! to who?! why?" her parents told her how they had slowly lost money over the years and were in debt up to their royal necks.They explained that they had received an offer for her hand in marriage and the man was willing to pay over 2 million dollars for her. Fefe felt disgusted and used. "why should i go through with this for you two?" her parents glared at her. "we clothed, fed, and put up with you for all these years!" her father snapped.

Fiona realized this was her only chance to escape her parents' controlling hold on her life. Only much worse would her husband be?

Kreg looked down impatiently at his wrist watch. "im sorry judge Salvador for taking up your time...I don't know why they didn-"

Fefe rushed in and cut him off. "im here to marry you! wait! please..." she begged as she closed the door behind her. She looked at the startled judge and turned to see a tall, handsome man sitting in a chair behind her. "oh...did i interrupt something? my parents told me Kreg Raymond was in here..." she trailed off as the big handsome, tall man stood and walked toward her. He didn't stop till she had to crane her head way back.

Kreg glared down at the small woman. "you're late..Fiona"

Fefe blushed, frustrated that he was so mad at her. "not only did you buy me...but I didn't know until 10 minutes ago..okay buster? calm your horses! i'm here aren't i?" she fired back at him.

Kreg blinked. not amused. "this kind of thing better not happen again...your parents promised me you were orderly, on time, a good cook, good party planner, and had impeccable manners...i see they lied about a few things" he retorted.

Fefe gasped and her eyes darkened to a forest green as she glared at him. "why you..."

Judge Salvador cleared his throat. "can you both wait to fight till After i marry you?"

Fefe blushed. "im sorry Sal..." she turned and faced the judge.

Kreg grunted, still annoyed with her and faced the judge also.

Judge Salvador smiled 30 minutes later. "you may kiss you bride and exchange rings" he frowned as he watched them.

Fefe blushed and looked up at him, nervous and worried about her future.

Kreg sneered down at her. "i have plenty of time for that...besides we won't be married long enough to need rings." he turned and walked to the door, swinging it open.

First Fight of the Night

Fefe stood there staring at the open door, as she felt her heart sink into her stomach. But she followed him outside to his car. she felt abandoned in a way when she saw that her bags were sitting on the curb by his car. All she owned and was precious to her was in those 2 bags.

Kreg watched her stare forlornly at the two bags on the curb. irritated he walked over and waved a hand in front of her face. "someone steal some of your stuff? because im sure that isn't all of it"

Fefe tilted her chin up and glared up at him. "no...those two bags are all i own...just...nervous" she grabbed the two suitcases and put them in the back seat of his Lamborghini, then slid into the front passenger seat.

Kreg got in behind the wheel and started up his car. he swerved it out of the parking lot and sped home. he rolled his eyes annoyed and irritated when her saw her big frightened eyes and her gripping the seat. he slammed the brakes to a stop outside of his home. he got out and handed the keys to the gate keeper.

Fefe slowly got out and stared open mouthed at the huge mansion on the other side of the wrought iron gates. she got her suit cases out and walked quickly after Kreg.

Kreg sighed, exasperated as he strolled up to his house.

Fefe almost tripped but fell into Kreg instead and they both fell to the ground, her suitcases beside them and her sprawled across him. She blushed. "oh..i-i'm so sorry"

Kreg glared at her and pushed her off. he rushed into the house, not wanting her to see his arousal.

Fefe felt her heart break and tears threaten her eyes. "i can't seem to do anything right" she went into the house and the butler took her luggage and had a young maid lead her to the room she would share with Kreg.

Kreg came out of the bathroom from his cold shower and halted when he saw her sitting on the bed. he felt his erection tent the towel. he stormed to her. "get" he ground out.

Fefe tensed and looked up at him. "why? a maid said this was Our room?"

Kreg scowled "its My room"

Fefe snorted. "guess what Einstein Your married now" she stood and glared up at him.

Kreg stared down at her, wondering if she knew how cute and irresistible she looked mad. "i know i'm married now...I brought you here didn't I?"

Fefe sniffed, hung her head and rushed out of the room.

Kreg sank onto the edge of the bed. Now he felt like and Ass.

Getting Through the Night

Kreg sat on the end of the bed for what seemed like hours but was only half an hour. he stood and put on pj bottoms before getting into the bed. He felt empty and alone.

Fefe cried herself to sleep in the next room.

Kreg froze in his bed when he heard the faint crying from next door. Now he felt horrible, miserable, and Tired.

Fefe sniffled and tried to quiet her sobs as she felt her heart tear. She was married to a handsome ass.

Kreg sat up and was about to try and comfort her. When he realized she was crying over what He had said. he remembered she hadn't even known about the marriage till ten minutes before it, and she didn't know...Her parents basically sold her to him.

Fefe punched her pillow, curled up and closed her eyes. she shivered. At some point, he would want his Husbandry rights...She had never been with a man and started to think of every scary thing that could happen, or if he would just barge into the room in the middle of night.


Publication Date: 01-02-2013

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