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Book online «Do You Think I Care? by Cheyenne Mosher, Jen Q (best english novels to read txt) 📖». Author Cheyenne Mosher, Jen Q

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Ready for Battle


We are almost to our destination, and I can feel the tensions in the vehicle rising. I focus on my breathing and the road trying to keep myself calm. Everyone just assumes that I’m a naturally calm person who can keep cool in any situation. In reality, it’s hard, it's’ actually a lot of work and took a lot of training to be able to force calmness over myself in a stressful situation. I notice that Jordan is affected by the song, I know why he is, but I won’t say anything. He is unaware that I know he is crying. I’ve known before as well, I’ve heard him up late at night when he would spend the night here. Through the time of Devon’s suicide he spent almost two weeks with us. He was so worried about Shaniqua that he couldn’t sleep. He would comfort her and then when he would go into his room when she passed out, I would hear him. I never confronted him on it.

       So I force myself to look ahead I ignore the fact that I want to help him, that I want to tell him it will all be ok and we will get through it. I see the sign ahead, it’s barely visible through the thick brush that covers it now. This used to be a busy road. Now weeds grow through cracks in the asphalt and it’s bumpy, broken, and hard to travel on. The sign wasn’t in english, but I knew what it meant. It was a warning, telling those who could read it to stay away. It was meant only for mystics like us. Humans couldn’t  read ancient vampiric text so they weren’t at risk by being here. Besides, we could all tell the difference between human or not, all by smell. I traveled further down the road. About three miles later, there was a small opening off to the side it lead into the trees on the side of the road. The only reason I saw it was because I already knew it was there.

      I pulled down that little pathway type divot into the thick woods, glancing back to make sure that the others were still following me. They were so I headed onwards, stopping only when I reached the stream. We were still about four miles away from their kingdom, even the base of the mountain we needed to get to was about two miles, but here was our meeting grounds. I stopped the vehicle and got out, opening the back passenger door I shook Shaniqua awake as Alexia and X got out on the other side. Jordan helped me and eventually we woke her up.

       “Alright! Let’s go everyone huddle up we are gonna set this out right here right now! Everybody better gather round cuz I ain’t gonna say it twice.!” She said as she jumped out of the vehicle as if I wasn’t standing right there. I looked at Jordan and despite the situation; he smiled and shook his head.

      “Bipolar I swear…it has to be bipolar.” He said climbing out and stretching. I laughed in spite of myself, and we went to join them, before she threw a hissy fit.


       “Ok people! Listen up” I said again after everyone was around and the other pack got out and joined us. “This is really important not only because we are going into a ‘foreign’ territory, but because it’s not really something we can plan out. I don’t want anyone getting hurt and yet at the same time there are way too many variables to plan for. They could spring anything on us at any time.”

       “So wait.” Summer interrupted me; I glared at her I hate being interrupted. “You’re telling us that we came here to help you risking our lives, our safety and well being, and you don’t have a plan to take them down? The home nest of the worst enemy of wolves and every other mystic; and you don’t even know how we are gonna do this? Are you crazy?!” her voice was rising and she came up so she was right in my face I looked down at her. She was a good five inches shorter than me it dawned on me, a pixie! That is what she reminded me of I knew it wasn’t the time but she was getting on my nerves. Alexia was looking at her like she was on crack. Most of my pack was, because they knew what I was capable of if she pissed me off.  So I took a deep breath before answering her.

       “First off I am going to let you know now, that I do not like being cut off with what I am saying. So please don’t ever do that again if you want to stay on my decent side. Secondly, no Summer, I don’t have a plan I realize that we are facing a huge threat and our worst enemy, but I don’t see there being a way to plan for an attack in which they could be planning. This could all be a ploy and made sure Markkus knew this, he knew the risk and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t put you all in anything he didn’t think you could handle. So I really don’t think it’s your place to say much about.” I took a breath and stepped back, I had been right in her face. “As for your last question; yes I am. I am crazy, I’m psycho, wacky, and weird, odd, abnormal, call it whatever. I’m definitely not normal you can ask anyone who knows me.  However I protect those I care about at any cost. So going after one of my own isn’t crazy it’s natural. You can’t tell me that if anyone of your pack got captured that you would sit around and be like oh well. So don’t’ accuse me of shit like that” I growled at her. She shrunk back next to her pack and looked down. “Now… if we are finished with this little fiasco I’d like to get a move on.”

       “So here’s what I’ve come up with.” Said Destiny “I think our best option would be to attack from the rear, this will be harder, seeing as the back side is facing the mountain so we will be approaching from higher above. This means ultimately we need to be as undercover as possible. Postpone the actual fighting for as long as absolutely possible. Best case scenario we can get inside before we have to take anyone out. However, at the same time this is highly unlikely yet like Shaniqua said we need to prepare for anything. There is no way of knowing if they are expecting us or if we can actually surprise them. So we will spread out across the back coming through the mountains. Markkus?” She looked at him.

        “Yeah?” He came forward to her.

       “Is there anyone in your group that has telepathy? That would come in handy. I’ll know a little bit better how to divide this.”

       “Well we have two. There is…..”

       “So why is she doing all the planning here if you  are the alpha?” Came a snide voice. I looked that way though I already knew who it was. Summer was looking at Destiny with distaste. God can’t this girl just give it a break. Destiny looked ready to pounce on her for speaking and questioning her position.

       “Seriously? Can’t you just knock it the hell off and get used to the fact that I don’t run my pack like you do yours? No offense Markkus I’m sure you do a great job.” He nodded in understanding, but glared at Summer. I could tell me and this girl were just destined to not get along on any front. She was driving me crazy and wasting time too.

       “Well I’m just aski…”

       “No!” I shouted “I’m done with the questions, the wanting answers, the interruptions, the wasting of time. My mate is in there and at any moment they could kill him. They are putting him through torture of some sort I am sure. And you wanna know why Destiny is making the attack plan? Because that’s what she’s good at!!! We all work together, everyone plays their part, everyone has things that they excel at and we piece it together that way. Get used to it! And for god’s sake shut up and listen!!!”

       “But you said..”

       “That’s enough Summer!!!” Markkus shouted alpha voice obviously. She jumped and looked at him with wide eyes. “You will do as you are told. She is alpha also and therefore you will listen to her under my command. You need to stop the questioning and follow the plan as laid out, no matter who is the one who makes it.” I stared at him in disbelief, but was happy that he had intervened because I was gonna snap. “Please continue with your planning.” He said when he thought Summer was sufficiently taken care of.

      I nodded gratefully then continued. “Actually Markkus, You were saying who your telepathics were. They would be really helpful with communication when we divide up.”

      “Oh right, so as I was saying we have two telepathics. There is Amber.” He motioned for her to come forward. A tall light skinned, red-head came forward. I noticed her vibrant blue eyes, piercing bright. She smiled shyly and waved hi.

       “Nice to meet you Amber, you may be playing a key role in our agenda.” She stood next to Markkus quietly.

       “Then we have Geoffrey.” And a shorter dark male stepped forward. His long black hair partially covered his eyes but I could see they were green and was buff and built. He seemed like a quality fighter.

       “It’s good to meet you ma’am.” He smiled and held out his hand. I shook it and smiled.

       “Nice to meet you to Geoffrey. Think you can handle being one of our main communicators?” He nodded “Good, it’s a big job.” He just laughed and shook his head. Then went to stand by Alexia, they brushed arms and she jumped. I glanced at her and smiled. Geoffrey looked at  me and then Markkus.

       “Erin you wanna come here for a second.” Erin came over to me and I motioned to Geoffrey and Alexia. He got my meaning and walked over to them. He was able to tell if people were mates, and by the reaction those two had when they touched, my guess was that they were. However, he was also able to see glimpses of people’s future when he touched them, which could be bad, so he had to learn to keep his mouth shut, this sometimes cause problems if people found out bad things.

        “Grab each other’s wrists please.” He asked them and they obliged. He then put his hand over their interlocked hands and closed his eyes. Markkus looked at me, his pack looked confused. Of course my guys had seen this happen before, and I had Erin do it to me and Alex, but never let anyone know. Because Alex was part vamp, his genetics could interfere anyway, depending on who his parents were so I didn’t let anyone know. But I decided that maybe his gang would like to be filled in.

       “Markkus.” I motioned him over. “He’s checking to see if they are mates.” His eyes grew wide.

       “You can do that? I mean he can do that? Figure out if they are destined to be together? I didn’t think that was a power possible.” I nodded

       “Oh it most certainly is. And it comes in handy to.” Erin opened his eyes, but gave no emotion away in his facial expression. He calmly walked over to me and jus barely smiled. Only enough for me to notice, but I saw it, then he walked away.

       “Well then” I said “Destiny please continue.”

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