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Book online «Banishment by Raven (little red riding hood ebook free .txt) 📖». Author Raven

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I can't tell you much about what my life was before I was banished. So I will tell you what my life is now. I have black hair cut to where there is a side sweep in my eyes. I have silver eyes and am about 5' 5". All I really know is that I was a prince and was well banished from my world. I awoke on the hard ground of a dreamlike place that was filled with flowers and animals. It wasn't what I had in mind of banishment but it would do. Here is what happened from there on.

I am dressed in a light brown shirt with either a really dark blue or black pants. I have a head ache. I hear running water up a head and decide to go to it. There are lots of trees and other plants. I look up at the light blue sky and see a few clouds floating about lazily. I look back in the direction of which I am heading when I hear the water getting closer. I walk through some bushes to emerge at the side of a river. The river has two huge fish swimming in it. One of the fish is a golden color while the other is a shimmering white. They swim around each other as if playing tag. I look up and away from the fish when I hear the sound of laughter. I notice that the river is connected to a large pond of clear blue water. In the water there are children playing. I see movement out of the corner of my eye, and when I turn to look I see two more girls walking towards the clear pond. One of the girls has a mane of wavy blond hair with brown highlights in it. She is shorter than the other girl who has dirty-blond hair. Both girls are dressed in swimsuits. The one with the mane of hair is dressed in a light blue one piece while the other is dressed in a purple and black two piece. The two piece covers up her belly and wraps around to her back only to be tied with a string. The girl in blue jumps into the water only to yelp as she finds out how cold it is. The one in purple just smiles and laughs. She looks up in my direction and I move quickly to the side and out of her sight. I don't think she saw me, but to be sure I move over to a hill. I climb up the hill and find that I have a better view of the pond and river. The hill is actually a cliff, and at the bottom of it is the pond. I look out over the water and see the kids. The girl in purple is in the water now, and is swimming circles around the girl in blue. I look over at the other kids swimming in the water. There are about seven others. One of the girls is dressed in a bright orange one piece swimsuit that shines in the sun. She has brown hair, or at least when wet her hair is brown. I look over at the fish just as they leap out of the water and land into the pond. I am surprised that they could do that. The fish are easily as long as I am tall. I sigh and lean back.

I am leaning against a rock and bush with my hands in my pockets, when the girl in purple climbs up the cliff. To anyone else I look as if I'm looking down but really I'm looking at her through my hair. She looks at me in surprise and says, "I thought I saw some one else." I look up at that. She walks over and extends her hand in greeting. I stare at her hand and she says pulling her hand back, "Hi. I'm Kasia. Whats your name?" I look at her confused as to why some one would give their name so freely. I don't respond. She shrugs and says, "Its ok." She is looking at me closely and asks, "Are you ok? You seam a little down." She is looking worried. I shrug my shoulders. I can see a small frown on her lips. I know I should speak, but I just don't have it in me right now. I hear a female voice yell, "Kasia! Where are you?" Kasia turns around and walks over to the side of the cliff and looks down. She gives a small wave and looks back to me. She has a curious look in her eyes. She looks back down at the pond and I see her sigh. I hear the voice again yell, "Hey come on down here! The waters fine now." Kasia says back to it, "It is once you get used to it." She pauses and then continues, "I'm done really I am going to explore." She turns back my way and gives me one last look before she walks past me. I hear her say as she passes, "Nice to meet you." I turn around but she has already disappeared into the trees. I look back in the direction of the pond just in time to see the girl in blue climb over the edge of the cliff. She is panting hard. She looks up and asks, "Where did she go?" I point in the direction that Kasia went. She gets up and rushes off in the same direction with a little "Thanks." and is gone. It seams that everyone here is nice and friendly. I though I was banished not sent to a paradise. I look back at the pond and see that the fish are gone. I look at the rive and see that they are no where to be seen. I have a puzzled look on my face when I leave the swimming area.

I walk a while in the forest and finally come to a village of some sort. There is a building with lights coming from the huge open holes in the walls. There aren't any doors and as I watch a person walk through a hole I figure they must be the entryways. I walk into the building to find myself surrounded by people all going different ways. I move over to a table with two people playing a game. The game looks like a morphed version of Sorry. I try to get a better look only to bump into one of the people siting at the table. The person looks up and I can't help but be surprised to find that it is Kasia. She is sitting with the other girl with the mane of hair. I say, "Sorry." and raise my hands up in a gesture of apology. She smiles. "Its ok. Oh by the way have you met my friend Nia?" She asks pointing to the girl sitting across from her. I shake my head. Nia looks at me and says, "Glad to meet you." She looks back at the game with a frustrated look in her eyes. "I could teach you how to play if you want." I say looking at the two girls. "That would be great! We have been trying to figure this out for long enough." Kasia says with a small chuckle. I sit down in an empty chair and show them how its done.

After a few rounds of me winning Nia says that shes had enough, and that its time that she got back home. She looked to Kasia as if to say come on. I didn't want them to leave. If for no other reason then that they were getting good at the game, and it was fun to relax and play with some one. I enjoyed their company. "No. I want to stay here longer." Kasia said. "Ok, but don't stay too long." "No just a few more days" Kasia replied. Nia just rolled her eyes and left. I looked at Kasia. She just gave a "humf" and shrugged shaking her head. She looked back at me and our eyes met. I was startled to see her eyes change color. They went from a grayish-blue to a silver. Her hair is still dripping wet from her swim earlier today and she gives me a nice big smile as she says, "I really should be getting back to the hotel though." I just nod slightly. "See you around?" She asked as she got up to leave. I nodded again this time more clearly. She smiled again and left. I left too and went to find a place to rest for the night.

I awoke with the feeling of being refreshed and ready to go explore. I went down to the first floor of the hotel and asked if there was any places for sell. The person who ran the hotel said, "There are some houses in a village to the north, but its a long ways away." "How long?" I asked. "About a weeks travel by foot." He said again looking down at his list of people staying in his hotel. "Whats the name of the village?" I asked. He looked up at me and said the village was named Saqueraphasavis and gave me directions. I left the hotel and went to go find some transport.

After about two days of riding in the wagon I arrive at the village in question. It is jut a small place with a few building here and there. I look around and ask some one who was passing by on the street, "Where are the houses for sell?" She replied, "Oh there is one in the woods to the southeast. Here I'll show you." "Ok that would be great thanks!" I respond following her. We arrive at a nice house in the woods. There are some lights on inside. "Thank you!" I say to the lady as she leaves. She just nodes her head. I walk up to the front door and knock. A man answers. "Yes?" He asks. "Is this the house for sell?" I ask. "Yes it is. Come in." He says moving out of the way so I can get in. "Thank you." I say as I step into the building. The inside is very nice with the wood being a nice shiny brown color. The man leads me down a hall and into the kitchen where he motioned for me to sit. I sit in a chair and watch as he sits across from me. "So you interested in buying?" He asked as if he was afraid to hope. "Well yes. That's why I'm here." I say. "Ok well how much money can you offer?" He asked noticing my rather shabby appearance. I pull out 3 gold coins and show them to him without letting him touch them. I see his eyes widen. He looks at me more closely. "Will this be enough?" I ask getting impatient. "Yes! That will be more than enough!" He said. "Ok." I say as I pocket 2 of the coins. "What?" He asked when I did so. "You said that it would be more than enough." I said innocently. "Oh well if you add the 2 again I will give you all the things in the house so you won't have to go and buy them, and I will move out right away." He said quickly. "Ok." I say again as I take back out the 2 coins. I hand them over and he nods his head and says, "Well then I will leave you with your new home. Enjoy!"

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