Links by Elinor Skinner (best free ebook reader for pc .TXT) ๐

- Author: Elinor Skinner
Book online ยซLinks by Elinor Skinner (best free ebook reader for pc .TXT) ๐ยป. Author Elinor Skinner
1 Burned
2 Anger into...
3 Search
4 Stillness
5 Responible?
Burned (Prolouge)
An emerald eye and vivid blue reflected back at me from the cool glass. The truth is hard to find; for without truth where is trust? Why is there is no one I can confide in, but only hopeless lies? I know this much for my green eye can only see the truth, but yet my blue one searches for something more. Yet so far it has only found sadness as I turn my gaze from the glass to blacken bookshelf in the corner; much of the contents have been destroyed. I pull through them one by one to see if any were spared. I had to get to the bottom of this; this crime.
The rest of my library was untouched though. Whoever did this clearly knew what they were looking for; granted I only had one bookshelf in this particular library. What unsettled me the most is why destroy the other books? As I turned the pages I realized that I couldn't distinguish one from the other; curse them. They don't want me to know what they took, do they now?
The chill down my spine told me one thing though; if my hunch was right, no good will come of it. I must get to my other libraries soon. Before that though I had to be sure everything else was in place; the map of the island, the paintings, and the blank books. All was there, which made my beloved bookcase all the more out of place, I turned for the door out into the crisp air of pine and faint sea salt.
Anger into...
Burned all of them; My dear libraries did not deserve such an inhumane hand! The only one left to check is in my private study, but surely they are safe. I must take any ages books I can spare; hide them from prying eyes. It will take some writing and time; for the sake of their safety, it's a small price on my behalf. I left the burnt shells upon the shelves, as I can surely not call them books anymore. Whomever may have committed this brutal attack might still be unaware that I am onto them, which is my best weapon at present. Anything I can do requires preparation; I do not have the means confront such a person face to face. My body shivers at the thought that if they can burn helpless books then to go as far as putting them back, what would they do to me? *Ughhh... Now my stomach is turning....
I need to stay calm. Wish it was easy to though. Oh No, What if they have been to my private library?! Caution is something I cannot overlook at this point. Taking an other glimpse around this library had several bookcases, the cozy chair in the corner with a small table in front of it Was a favorite reading spot of mine til now, and a fireplace that kept the room warm. There were ashes, but the stone around it was cold, so some time has passed since they been here. Any lead would be a good one. Kneeling before it, I gently prodded the remains not wanting to stir it too much to be noticeable.
Then LUCK! A small piece of parchment was left- a strange symbol and KI XII Sin is more...?
I used my more secret entrance, one I alone know about and only I have the key to the trap door. As I lay on the cool stone looking up at the door, I listened with all my might for a shuffle of footsteps or things being knocked over in rage even a squeak of a floor board at this point. Yet silence filled the room above me, not the peaceful and tranquil silence I often enjoyed, but one of dread and fear; the kind that felt as if it were about to crush me where I lay; that took away my breath.
Nothing came from above to tell me what may be lurking for me on the other side, and not knowing was intoxicating- I wanted to find out, yet every nerve in my body froze at the thought of it. No. I had to know. I bolted up straight, and stood firm. I found the switch mechanism that lowered the ladder gently to ground. Once it slid in front of me, I climbed the ladder, placing one hand in front of the other. Now was the moment of truth.
The key turned, and I heard a soft click, holding the lock; I lifted the door ever so slightly. From beneath my desk I knew that unless they stood it front of it looking under; that even if someone was there; they did not yet know of my arrival. It was evening here, and it was not quite dark, but the sun was certainly sinking fast. I stared at the wall in front of me where the only silhouettes to be seen was from the window frame; waiting to see if a figure moved pass in front of them. Not a stir; or sign of an intruder. So with a delicate motion I quickly swung back the door, resting it on the back of my desk without making the slightest noise. Then I took two steps up to stand halfway in the room below and this one. Seeing and hearing no reason to hide, I leaned forward on my hands and pulled myself out of the opening. A deep breath, and kneeling underneath my desk; I decided to softly close the door behind me. I listened again; this time I heard the breeze blow outside and the leaves making the rustling noise as they always have, but unlike before it seemed eerie.
Than I spotted my staff, it was one of my inventions that could collapse on itself and extend out again for easy carry as not all worlds are the most friendly. How fortunate that I happened to toss it down here a couple of days ago, when I came back from Rhikia on a long trip. To have a weapon in my hands strengthened my resolve, as I finally came out from under my desk.
I stood straight and looked around in all directions....
No one was here. Just me.
ImprintText: Elinor Skinner
Images: Elinor Skinner
Publication Date: 11-17-2013
All Rights Reserved
To Rand and Robyn Miller "Myst" was a direct inspiration, To this perticular work. I enjoy the game in everyway from story to the virtual world that made it real to me- enspecially the "Myst" journal. This is my twist on it of course; my worlds and characters. I can only hope to achieve the same enticing experince, that all of you will enjoy.
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