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Book online «Screaming nightmares by Hannah Sawyer (romantic love story reading .TXT) 📖». Author Hannah Sawyer

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Chapter 1 – The Fall

I never thought I would fall, not me. I thought I would live forever no troubles. Fate and destiny seemed to have other plans. I won’t forget my old life, ever. But then again I didn’t expect to die so young either.

“Rhiannon Elizabeth Jones, you know I had to do this. Stop crying you silly little girl.” My new mistress screamed in my ear. With her voice still echoing in my ears I wiped away the tears picked up my tiny battered bag and went to the servant quarters. I was seventeen years old, miles away from home and working for a much respected family. I was supposed to be grateful to my mother for sending me away, but the beating I had just had made me resent the fact she had ever sent me away.
Now if I had been paying attention to what was happening around me I would have noticed him entering the room. I saw him when I first arrived but as I didn’t know his name, to me he was still him. As soon as I saw him I shot to my feet and wiped all my tears on the back of my hand.
“Sorry sir, I didn’t see you there.” I mumbled hurriedly.
“Firstly I’m no sir, I work with the tailor, and I noticed you crying and came to see if you were ok. And secondly my name is Daniel. If you don’t mind miss, your name is?” he calmly said, his voice was deep, almost hypnotising and his eyes were such a bright blue, my reflection shining back at me.
“Rhiannon. I don’t really know anyone round here, am really scared.”
He smiled and brushed his almost white blonde hair over his ear. With that he stood up and reached down to help me up. I hadn’t noticed that he was so tall.
“How old are you?” I enquired
“Eighteen, you?” He looked at me with interest
“Seventeen and ten months”
“So almost eighteen.” He laughed looking deep into my eyes, almost as though he was trying to look into my soul.
“Rhiannon!” mistress smith screeched as she turned the corner “ where have you been you useless child! And Daniel your master is looking for you he is ready to leave.”
“Thank you. Hopefully we shall meet again soon Rhiannon. Take care.”
And with that he was gone.
I worked with my new mistress until well after sunset choosing her dresses for the following day and for the ball she was attending with Lord Joseph Smith, her father. I was grateful to finally reach my bed around eleven at night.
I woke at two thirty and looked out the looming window at the end of the room, and there he was, looking up at me. He smiled when he saw me, with an almost silent giggle I opened the window wider. Smiling down at him I leant slightly further out of the window. And that’s when it all slipped, it felt almost as though time itself had slowed in an attempt to stretch out the fear and pain of slipping out of the window. I felt myself fall out of the mansion window. I screamed “Save me!” then the blackness surrounded me. I was gone.

Chapter 2 – Awakening

I woke with pain running through my body, screaming and reaching out for someone, anyone to stop the pain. I felt someone holding my hand telling me to breathe and that it was all ok.
“How is it ok?” I gasped
“I’m here Rhiannon” Daniel’s familiar voice whispered into my ear.
“Don’t let me go, please” And with that I let the drowsiness take over.

I woke in a comfy four poster bed. Daniel was curled up in the chair next to my bed, I slowly reached over and ran my hand over his silky hair. He sat up instantly.
“You’re awake!” he said with obvious surprise.
“Yea, I thought I was going to die when I fell. I’m so sorry.” I croaked my throat felt so dry.
“You shouldn’t be the one apologising. I am so sorry I had to do that to you.” He muttered with tears running down his cheeks.
“What... what do you mean? What did you do?” I demanded feeling myself getting angrier and stronger.
“You need to rest, or you will really die. You were supposed to die that night. I had to do it. To save you. How could I let someone so beautiful just die like that? I am no monster.”
“What! What do you mean I was supposed to die? How did you save me? and how could you be a monster?” my anger boiling I flung the sheets away from me, got out of the bed and stood fists clenched slowly backing towards the door.
“Rhiannon please stop. I will explain everything when you are stronger. Please calm down.” He pleaded looking straight at me for the first time this whole conversation.
“No I need to know. I need to understand. What di... did you.” I was becoming breathless and suddenly weaker. “I... I can’t do... understa...” with that I started to collapse but someone caught me. It couldn’t have been him, but I could have sworn it was Daniel.

Chapter 3 – A life changing truth

I woke with a start, the night mare of me falling brought it all back. There he was looming over me was Daniel.
“Get away from me!” I screamed. He jumped back again surprised, looking almost pained from my screaming at him.
“What did I do?” he muttered as he sat in his chair
“That’s what I have wanted to find out since you said I was supposed to die. Who are you to decide who lives and dies?”
“I’m sorry I scared you. And maybe I had no right but if I didn’t have the choice you would be dead.”
“How did you decide? I need to know.”
“Tell her.” A young woman’s voice interrupted his excuses and apologies. “She needs to know, now that she’s one of us if you don’t tell her I will have to take her to John. You don’t want that now do you?” Her eyes seemed to burn through him, with her fiery red hair perfectly framing her almost white face, she looked almost angelic. Her gaze suddenly turned to me and her expression changed to a welcoming smile.
“Welcome to our house, my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Lizzie. I’m very sorry this has happened. If you will excuse me I must go. Rest well Rhiannon, and try to listen to Daniel. He did stop you dying.” And with a flick of her hair she was gone.
Daniel slowly stood and moved the chair closer to the bed.
“I’m so sorry I got so angry before but I’m so scared.” I said trying very hard to hold back the tears.
“It’s ok, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you straight what happened. But now I have to I have no choice.” He said looking at the floor, obviously upset and hurt.
“You were smiling at me when you fell. I tried to catch you but I was frozen by the fact you had fallen I didn’t know what to do. I held you in my arms crying as you started to die. I suppose really to explain how I saved you; you need to know what I am.”
“What do you mean what you are?” I felt fear starting to build again.
“Please let me finish. Well me and everyone in this house are... well we are what some people would call... um ... vampires. Are you scared?”
After thinking and looking deep into my emotions I replied “no, I’m not scared more confused.”
“About what?”
“How does that make you a monster and why didn’t you tell me after I woke. Not knowing who or what you were was scarier than knowing.”
“I have killed people, many people. And how could I tell the most beautiful girl on the world I had made her a monster to?”
“When I was holding you in my arms I couldn’t let you die so I... I um... changed you. I’m so sorry but now you are a ... vampire like me... I am sorry I had to do that to you.”
“Stop. It cannot be true.”
“I’m sorry but it is.” Then with incredible strength I stood and picked up the mirror on the side of the bed and hurled it at him. With an inhuman speed he dodged out the way.
“Please stop! I am so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you but I couldn’t lose you.” He pleaded with tears streaming down his face. Still throwing various things from inside the massive bedroom I screamed “Get out! I hate you! I never want to see you again! Get out!”
And with the slam of the door he was gone. I stood alone and crying against the door and slowly let myself fall to the floor. I curled up on the soft fur rug and cried myself to sleep.

Chapter 4 – It begins

I didn’t know how but I knew I had to keep running through the woods. She was coming. I didn’t know who she was. But she was going to kill everyone. I could hear children and women crying and men preparing for battle. But this was a war the men would never return from. I could feel it. Even though the battle was 3000 men against one woman, they would all die. I was still running, and then I slipped. I felt her bony cold hands grab me around the throat and raise me in the air.
“Where are the Edwards? And why are you alone you poor pathetic child.” Her voice seemed welcoming and soft unlike the now tightening grip around my throat.
“Why would I ever tell you? And I’m not so pathetic! You should fear me” I tried to sound braver than I felt. But her chilling laugh made me shiver in fear. Then it went black.

“Rhiannon wake up. Wake up!” a voice I did not recognise called my name. I shot upright on the floor. And I spun round to face the girl who had woken me. Her perfectly straight black hair was cut so it was just below her jaw, and her ice blue eyes looked concerned.
“Who... are you?”
“My name is Anne. I came in because you were screaming. I was worried.”
“I’m fine it was just a really scary realistic dream. What is this family’s surname?”
“We call ourselves the Edwards. Why?”
“Oh nothing don’t worry. I need to find some day clothes.”
“John has made you a dress I will bring it up in a minute. I will go get it now.”
“Thank you. And if you see Daniel can you tell him I am sorry?”
“Of course. I will be back in a few minutes.”
I got up and went to the huge mirror on the wall. I looked paler than ever, and my once dark brown eyes were now a shimmering green. But the biggest difference was my hair. No longer a deep dark brown, it had changed to a shining blonde, only slightly more golden than Daniel’s. I felt so awful for what I had said to Daniel, I did not hate him. Just severely disliked him at that moment in time. Anne returned with a beautiful pale yellow dress, she helped me change. We spoke about each other; well

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