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Book online «twisted tale by shawntaya thompson (mobile ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author shawntaya thompson

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chapter. 1 the beginning  you know fairy tales right well not all of them end with guy getting the girl, and that is exactlly my story. My mom and dad meet when they were young and after a lot of prosuing my mom gave in ,and they start dating after another year they got married and not to soon after that i was born. That night i lost my mom she had died in child birth. My father did his best to raise me but somethings  you need a mothers a help with.


Seventeen years later( on my birthday)


The ball was in full swing and every one was having a great time . My birthday was alwas  a big avent my father alwas held a ball to celabrate my birthday and my mothers death. This years ball theam was the year 1800 , my dress was gray blue color i had my hair in curls  .  There were a lot of people in the ball room some were royol and some were reguler  people from town , i spoted my best friend princess mia standing next to one of my other friends carla ." Hi mia , hi carla"   " hello aziza how have you been lately" mia said  " i have been good how is your father doing"  " he has gottin better" mia said   " that is good to hear , carla how have u been"  " i have been ok but could be better " carla said   " why do u say that whats wroung "  " well my brother is sick and my parents are worred "  " i see that is not good can  i help  you "  " oh no aziza i dont want to impose on you " carla said   " no you are not i will send a docter to your house tomorrow "  " thank you aziza " carla said  " no problem carla  , i well see you two later i got to great other guest" . I  could hardly wight for the night to end i mean i love my father for doing all this but after hours of standing and talking it gets a little old real quick, the lights deamed and the cake was being wheeled in when we all hear sounds of braking glass  and then  a lot of screaming and running around. I was worred about my father and where was he in all this caous ,after puching though crowdes of puching people k finally spot him as i neared he i saw that  a creatcher that should not even exict had him in the air , the  last thing i saw was the creatchers long nails go though my fathers body  , my fathers dieing words were " you will never have my kingdom no mater what". The creatcher droped my dead fathers body on the ground and turned to leave i thought i was save but I wasn't cause I had ran right in to on of these thing, as I backed Away from it was just staring At me with very blue eyes.   the next thing i now in its arms being wisked of to some were. 

I guess that at some point i had falling asleep or something cause i woke up in a room tied to a chir, looking around the room i see the it looks like im under ground maybe in a cave . The door to my room opens and in walks a man that looks like his in his fourtys but his well built and very tall so it hard to tell " why am i here i demand to know ?" i ask the man but he doesnt answer so I tried another " who are you and what we're those things "  the man looked at me with a mean look like I upset him in some way 

chapter. 2 the hard truth

  (before and after the attack) 

My father had called a clan meeting to discuss the way humans have in the kingdom Have  forgotten  that agreement they made hundreds Of years ago that the humans Would have the world for 500 years then they would Give  Over the world over to the werewolves. "The humans. Have had there time to have fun but it is now are turn To rule" my father said" finally we make a move against those humans. " uncle Leton said "but way now you could have done.this 200 hundred years ago"  my mother said " I wanted to see if they Would remember by themselves but they failed to do so"  my father said " so what do we do next father" I had said he completely ignored me and keep on talking to the rest of them. They mentioned alot of things that I didn't understand fully but I got the most of the plan , after the meeting was over I wanted to speak with my father azazel but couldn't cause he was busy discussing with my uncle leton  so I decided to wait in till later on to talk to him.I wanted to talk to him out of trying to take over labaria  kingdom  I know what the humans have done was wrong  but that doesn't  mean  that you take it back  by force  u have to talk things out and if that doesn't  work then you can resort  to violence. I didn't  see my father the rest of the day do I decide  to wait  to talk to him in till tomorrow  but when the next  day came I couldn't  find him no where  I even asked my mother  where  he was but she had  no idea  where  he could be. I tried and tried to find him but i couldnt find him  any where, it went like that in till the night of the attack.every one was in posision and ready to attack when my father came up beside me and told me that i was supost to grab the princess. We were waiting for the perfect time to attract the castle when the lights deemed,  we jumped off the Cliff and crashed through the glass window.everyone was screaming and running around I actually had a hard time spotting the princess but eventually I did she had on a blue dress that looked like it was from the 1800's,she was running the other direction she looked like she was looking for someone I followed her so I could grad her when the chance presented it's self. when she stoped I guessed she had found what she was looking for , cause just then I heard my dad's voice and the a soft thud I looked down to see the kings body on the ground dead. While I was looking at the body I got bumped into that's when I noticed that it was the princess , she was backing up from me when I grabbed her and climbed up the wall and jump from the roof she was kicking and screaming so I hit her to shut her up I felt bad about doing it but she was so loud and she was moving a lot I thought I was going to drop her a few times. I finally got to the pack house and put her in a cell tied to a chair, when I was done I mind linked my dad to tell him that I got her and that she was underground he told me that did a good job and that he would be back soon. I went up the latter to the basement then up the stairs to the first level of the house and head to the elevator and went up to the fourth level,  I walked out of the elevator and in to my room witch is right by the elevator  I changed back in to human form and headed to my bathroom to take a shower after I was done I walked to the closet and grab a pair of shorts and a shirt .I  walked out my door to the elevator pushed the down button waited for a minute and got on pushed the first floor button ,five seconds later I was on the first floor  heading towards the hatch  to the cells . My plan was to check up on the princess and if she was awake them i would talk to her to try to see what she know hopefully  if any of it useful I will try to see if I can talk to my dad a conference him to go another way of getting what he wants.when I get near her cell I heard a voice  as I got closer I could tell it was the princess voice  asking some one a question but who was she asking because as far a I knew I was the only one here right now. When I got to her cell I looked in the  small window to see my dad their and he didn't look to happy what ever she asked didn't help , I just hope my father doesn't  do nothing to hurt her I don't really want to dig a grave for the girl . 


Chapter.3 Trouble

After seeing the princess for five seconds I knew that it was going to be hard to make her do what I wanted but I always like challenges it makes life fun sometimes.I couldn't even say anything to her before she stared demanding  answers about who i was and what where my people,when she disrespected  me and my people  I looked at her ,it even crossed my mind for a second  just to kill her and everyone who aposed me taking what's rightfully  mine but I want to at least try not to go that route .after a good few breaths I decided to that I might as well educate her,  " I'm going to give u a history  lesson and your gooing to  listen  "   " i dont need a history  lesson  i already  know my kingdoms history ' she said  " ahh but you dont know it all "   " what do you know that i dont' she said angrily  "   " seven hundred  years ago  there was a war for the

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