Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป MY BOTHERS BEST FRIEND by SHANNON COOTS (inspirational books for students .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMY BOTHERS BEST FRIEND by SHANNON COOTS (inspirational books for students .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author SHANNON COOTS

"Hey" my brother yells "Sami! you Home?"
"yeah" I say and there he stands in my doorstep with a worried look "Can you help me with ryder?" my heartbeat begins to be faster "How?" He sighs and says "Girlfriend problems" Well shit "Okay'
we walk down the stairs together and I spot ryder with a beer and a pissed off out the word look. Omg so i got to the point and swallow my nerve. this is for my brother "did you lover her, or is your pride hurt" he glares at me "None of your damn business deweeb" I was so shocked and stunned that I turned and left the house. Hes always been lind to me and now I know the real him.

"What the fuck is youe problem dude"
I just stare at the place where sami was standing just a few seconds ago. And the second I seen the hurt showdow her eyes I new I fucked up.
"That my sweet sister you peice of shit"
"I'm sorry man.
Still no Sami "hey Your sister still isn't home"
"She called, She said fix our own damn dinner and not to wait up" Her brother sneers at me "thanks man, shes pissed at me for involving her in the first place">

I'm walking up the steps and I didn't see Ryder on the porch in the showdows "Where the hell you been girl!" A scream rips from my throat "Ryder don't do that to me".
"Where?" what is with him. "None of your business ryder" his natrals flare and he says really slow and in a deadly calm "Where?" I'm pracally scared "The moon club"
"With who"
"My friend mandy and cole"
"Don't go to anymore clubs understand" I nod and he reaches up and plays with my silkie hair and then he says "Go to bed sami bug" and he walks away, That was weird.

Its really cold, but I have to walk to work my brother couldn't afford two vehicals.
"Get in Sami!" I looked up in suprise but did as I was told. And the silence was akward "So hows your morning been ryder" He glares and I snapped "You know what I can walk" And I jumped out before he even could stop the car and I walked away. cars are blowing their horn at him. I hear his tires screach around the corner. all day I thought about his mean behavor.
"Hi" a cute boys says "I was wondering if you'd want to go to the 3 doors down concert this weekend" I smiled. I'm done chasing ryder. He don't want me. "Sure". he smile and says he'll call later with the details.

I'm In My room and I hear the phone ring "Sami! its a boy" I picked up the phone "Hello" Even i can hear the sweetness in my voice and I listen to the detales and agree to leave at 6:00 to get to the concert on time "Bye" and then I walked down stairs and see my brother ryder arguing "She can't go bro" I hear ryder yell. I'm confused "Thats none of your business ryd" he looks at me with sad eyes and turn back to my brother and he nods at ryder "Sami, you can't go" I gasp and turn to Ryder "Why do you hate me so much" He was so shocked he didn't respond fast enought before I was out of the room. "Shit" ryder says.
"Your destoring Her buy stay silent about how you feel my man" Jason just gives me a sad look "before it's to late". I nod "but I'm not good enough for her"
"Then let her go man" I nod then shake my head noo "I can't, she's mine!" Jason just chuckle. S I go online and purchase two # doors down concert tickets.

"Sami!" I walk down stairs to find the room empty and then I spy a note "Sorry brother but I don't know why you and ryder are on my case but I do know its not warrant. I went to the concert with my date". I slamed my fist on the counter. "Whats going on" Jason ask coming into the kitchen. I hand him the note "Shit" jason curses "Now calm down ryder" I just wasn't hearing it and I jump in my truck and head to the concert.

"Were's lover boy" I gasp and turned around so fast in shock "Ryder what are you doing here" he shakes his head at me "Where is he" I just stare at him "he went home, his grandfather had a heart attack" he looks at me with a pissed off look. "And how was you getting home" I don't like his tone "a cab which is not your concern, your not my father or my brother".
"Lord I happy i'm not" I so confused "Why can't you leave me alone Ryder did jason send you here. Fine I'll stay home and I stay in my room. Nice of you to be a good friend to my brother" and I start walking away from him and then I feel my body br lifted over a hard very mascalin sholder and his scent I would know it anywhere "you just keep your pretty mouth shut and we'll be okay baby" and then he spanked me and he says "Thats your punishment for leaving the house" and intead of a screaming and curseing I moaned out loud with need and he freezes and slowly put me in his truck seat and stares at me with lust feel darked passion eyes. "Lets go home baby".


I put sami down and start kissing her everywhere, shes moaning and wiggleing. I didn't intend to take this so far. but I couldn't help it. I'm sliding into her and she screams in pain I froze but my legs are shaking. "Shit" I say "Your so tight! why?".
"Was a virgin" and it clicked what she said and I couldn't jold back if I wanted. I dumped my load inside her. and then the cell phone rings. I reached over and pick it up "Hello" 'hi its cindy can we meet' "Yeah cind I'll meet you tonight about in hour" I hear sami gasp And I hunged up and the phone rings again "Hello" 'Ryder danny was in a car accident, he didn't make it' hi drop my phone and crab my clothes to leave. "where are you going rye"
I'm so angry and upset I forgot what just happen and I need to lash out and she was just in my way "No of your business, you think just cause we had sex you own me, your just another mark Sami" she gasped and smacked my face and she picked up her clothes and went out the door.

And I've been drunk five days straight"
and theres my sister glareing at me.
"you got to sober up brother" I nod then go to bed.

"HI" I say to jason "Hi, how was the trip home" I take a deep rest "Well about that I went down there to my fathers funeral" Jason looked shocked and jumped up and hug me "I'm sorry man" I nod "Where's Sami" Jason looked at his feet "She moved out ryder and She didn't even say why" I couldn't move and I keep replaying the last scean between us, and I blew it between me and sami.

"Dear Jason, I'm informing you that your sister was inmitted into the hospital four days ago for her condition and we can't release her by herself. she didn't ask of to notifie you but we fopund your number in her possesions. thank you doc dean wrightwitt @ miami university.

"Shit ryder lets go!"
"It's sami"
Three hours later
"Yes I'm Sami's brother"
"Yes, good you showed up"
"Whats wrong with my sister"
"She having a high risk preanancy"
"Oh shit, how far long"
"Two months"
"Fuck me" Jason looks at me funny. I just shrug my shoulders.
"Now do any of you know who the father might be" Jason says not a clue and I nod "Who" the doc and jason say at once "Me!" the doc nods and jason is shocked and he swings back and punches my face but I moved in time and he got my shoulder.
"I'm sorry" he glares "Your the reason she moved at". I nod and I'm crying.


Publication Date: 09-02-2011

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