Read books online » Fantasy » Love on Angel Wings 3 by XxBrittanyxX (ebook reader for laptop .TXT) 📖

Book online «Love on Angel Wings 3 by XxBrittanyxX (ebook reader for laptop .TXT) 📖». Author XxBrittanyxX

Off they ran, dodging the low lying branches of the mangrove trees and making the earth shake beneath their massive paws. I held on tight to the fur around the black wolf’s neck, but not as tight as for my nails to pierce the flesh beneath and cause it any pain at all. I had no idea where I was going but I had a gut feeling that I had just better hold on tight and enjoy the ride. The cool, crisp air flew past my face making it sting. I sucked in a sharp breath and buried my face it the wolf’s back. I felt the thick layers of muscle contract as it ran. The sheer power that emanated from these creatures was amazing! It was as if they were commanding the forest around them and the ground beneath them. Never the sky though. That was strictly angel territory. Any attempt to command the sky was futile. The angels vastly outnumbered all other mythical species. That triggered a chain reaction of thoughts in my head. Why didn’t they kill me? My kind had hunted them for centuries, pack by pack. The council had said they were ferocious beasts with no respect for the laws and lives in our society. The council was always right, or at least so I thought, and so I never questioned the order to kill one of them. Now I doubted everything I had ever been taught.
We came to a hard stop suddenly and I went tumbling over the wolf’s head and down to the hard earth beneath it. I swore I heard what sounded like a wolfy snicker but when I turned around nobody was even looking at me anymore. They were staring up at the moon. I looked up as well and to my amazement, it was blue. And that signaled the end of the sunset hour. I turned to take a look at the wolves and was surprised at what I saw. It looked as is they were fading away. A slow and steady stream of wolf arora lifted from them until all that was left was a human shell. My jaw dropped and im pretty sure I looked like an idiot to them, but when I took a look at where the white wolf was poised, there stood Ivory.
She turned and looked at me with a small smile. “What?” she asked, her voice like honey. “You expecting a big bad monster?” there was a loud laugh at that one. I looked behind me and in the place of the black wolf that carried me here was a man. He was tall and had a muscular build to him. His white hair was shoulder length and framed his face in a punky style. “Awwwh! Was the little demon scared?” he howled with laughter. I swear it took every fiber in my being not to get up and deck him square in the mouth like I knew he needed. I clenched my teeth hard and got up slowly. My wings uncurled like they had a mind of their own. By now the moon had gone white again and illuminated my wings marvelously revealing the blue and indigo hues in them. They flared out around me and I clenched my fists so hard my veins were popping out on my arms. I felt my teeth auto-sharpen and when I spoken my voice had gone cold and hard as ice.
“I wouldn’t be calling anyone scared little mutt!” I snarled viciously. “You are the one shaking like the damn little chiuahaua you are! You who is the reason for my anger should back off! You have no reason to tell anyone anything!” I stared into his eyes and I saw. I saw a vision of his past……..
He was standing on a cloud. Not just any cloud either, it was a warrior angels cloud. You could tell by the streaks of grey. A warrior angel stood beside him, whispering. After a breif moment they grabbed eachothers fore arms in a symbol of agreement that was old as time itself. I wondered silently what it was they were agreeing about. As I watched the warrior angel go back to his post I heard the wolf call out, “I will make sure the guardian known as Kalona gets just what he deserves. Tell your council that they have my word.” He snickered a devilishly sinister snicker as a shimmering wave rippled over his body. He was abruptly yanked out of the memory by a part of blazing hot hands. He shook his disoriented head and looked down at Ivory with her big beautiful green eyes that were filled with worry. Why she was so worried and so nice I didn’t know. I had barely known her a day! Still it was nice to feel like someone cared and didn’t want to destroy everything you had worked so hard to get. In that instant my glare returned back to the slithering little mutt who helped ruin my life. Something must have clicked in his head because he started backing away subtlely, trying to appear perfectly normal. As if, I thought to myself. I reached out with lightening fast reflexes that surprised even myself, and gripped him by his throat. His eyes widened and his lips stammered as he tried to find the words to make everything okay. I was way beyond that. I was so increadibly furious that splotches of red clouded my vision. I reared back my fist and punched him as hard as I could in the face. I heard the crunch of bone and the gush of blood whaen my fist finally connected with his face. There were loud shreiks and screams and I felt several pairs or arms trying to yank me away from him. For all I knew they could have been feathers wrapping around me for all the good they were doing. I was too pissed off to even think of stopping. I hit him again and again. All my anger coming out on him and almost all because of him! A tiny voice in the back of my head rang loud and clear as it said, “You know it isnt all because of him serenite. The council had their fair share in it as well. You are letting your rage consume you. Soon you will be no better than everyother decieving, hate-filled fallen angel. You are better than that, Kalona. You are so much more.” My body came to a stand-still and I closed my eyes and let the wave of calm was over me. My teeth went back to their usual dull edges and I got up off the traitor of a wolf. There were shouts about medical supplies and how much of a demon I was, but I didn’t pay any attention. All of the sounds were muffled except one. The one in my head. I walked over to the live oak and sat down and leaned against it. Someone stepped infront of me and kneeled down. I was only vaugly aware of the person. I didn’t even know who it was.
I felt the person lean in closer to me and suddenly I was hyper aware of who was infront of me. Ivory was was kneeling between my legs and had her hands on either side of my chest. Her breath smelled sweet, like orange blossoms and sugar cookies. I smiled to myself at that. Her breath was warm and getting warmer the closer she came to my face. My heart beat rapidly and for some reason, although my mind was screaming at me to push her away, I let her come closer and closer until our lips met.
Her lips were soft and warm and so very inviting. Slowly and gently she pressed the tip of her tongue on my bottom lip and dragged it slowly across it. I couldn’t fight the moan that escaped and I granted her request to explore my mouth. Our tongues twisted and dueled over and over again. I put my hand on the small of her back cnd pulled her closer to me. As of right then, the only thing I wanted was for her to be as close to me as possible. I felt her grab a handful of my hair and pull me to her. The motion sent tight spasms of cold pain and desire and lust to my very core. I lifted her up and pushed her against the tree I was leaning against and she wrapped her legs around my waist. To my surprise she begain grinding on me hard and slow. I moaned. Okay I was definetly turned on and I could feel myself getting hard but I kept kissing her with as much force as I could. In my mind she and I were the only ones there. Then, unfortunately, reality snapped back to me. What the fuck was I doing?! I Pulled away hurridly. So fast I dropped her. She yelped a little when her ass connected with the ground. “What the hell?! I thought you liked that!” she yelled, pissed that I had stopped apparently. “I-I cant do this with you! Its too wrong!” I yelled. I ran into the woods calling out “sorry” behind me.
I slammed my fist into a tree and it shook with the force of my blow. What the hell was I thinking? She is Cyrus’s charge! Not to mention a wolf! Damn! Am I really that fucked up now?! I burried my headin my hands. I knew the answer was no. as if to add to my self tortue, my groin began to ache with displeasure at not being relived. I groaned and slumped against the nearest boulder. Damn it! Wasn’t self torture enough? I looked up at the moon. I really should get some sleep. Plus it would releave some of this damn stress. I shook my head from side to side and fell asleep surprisingly fast.


Publication Date: 05-02-2011

All Rights Reserved

to my friends and my mom

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