Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Terra by Saychi Tokiwa (electric book reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซTerra by Saychi Tokiwa (electric book reader txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Saychi Tokiwa

Chapter 1

"Don't worry sweetie, there are no such things as monsters." The father told his young daughter. As he put her to bed he realized his hands were shaking, he left the room and turned to his wife. "Grab the guns, we have a long night ahead of us"


Before he could grab his trusty shotgun he heard a wet, dripping sound coming from down the hallway. Then he heard his wife's scream and the sound of something hitting the floor. He ran into his daughter's room to see her dead.


The monster looked up from his wife, it grinned as it licked the last traces of blood from its fingertips. "You have one tasty child and one annoying wife." The monster gathered in the shadows from around the room and pulled them around itself, using them to let itself escape. The man collapsed to the ground in a dead faint beside his dead wife.



"Terra Nightmare, that name is very new and very, very scary.. The main monster, the chief of death and destruction. It has never been caught and it's existance has never been proven. But what else would explain the death of small children for the past year? All of these children died the same way, killed in their beds with usually a dead parent nearby. And all this was accomplished by Terra with a cruel smile. Terra is the bringer of ongoing darkness. The...."


The page ended there. Chance shut it, only after noticing the rips in the bottom of the page, making it impossible to research this subject anymore.


Chance remembered waking up one morning when she was twelve and finding her three year old younger brother dead, she remembered screaming to try and wake up her parents, but there was no answer.


Heart attacks had claimed her parents lives that very night, she was left all alone.


After that night Chance... Drifted. She never formed attachments anymore, ignoring her foster parents and letting the new baby cry. Nothing was worth doing anymore.




Terra Nightmare left the last child dead for the night, she was so full. Feeding on fear may mean she never has to eat anymore, but she got very full at night-time. She started back for the organisation.


"Thirty kids every night?!" Feer yelled. "Terra, you are our best employee yet!" Terra rolled her eyes. "Feer, I am no employee of yours. I am a freelancer, I only work here because you pay well." Terra stated boredly, as if she had a million other places she could be and all of them could rule out this meeting with Feer.


"Oh Terra, you treat me so coldly!" Feer yelled dramatically. "Feer, calm down." Scara stated. "You're annoying Terra." Scara folded her arms and put her glasses on her nose, Terra sent her a look of relief her way and quickly followed it with a deathstare to Feer.




Zophiel glanced at her siblings, they were being gathered by Zachariel to hear the lastest news on the child murders. Father still hadn't bothered to show up, his unintrest was unnerving her, the fact that he was too busy looking for Gabrielle was good, but abandoning the earth was completely out of the question.


He was the one that created the earth after all, having lost Lucifer to the "dark" side was a hard blow for father, but losing Gabrielle broke his heart into pieces.


Lucifer was gone, it has been years and years since he left. Around a hundred-thousand years actually, he left to live with his demon abominations that he created. The fact that Gabriella may have gone dark too was horrible. Even though Gabriella had only been missing for a thousand years, not very long at all actually.


Zophiel is the youngest angel, the sibling closest to her age was Eremiel and he was a few thousand years older. He could remember back to ancient China, she could only remember the middle ages.


Michael was the oldest, he can remember back to the start of earth and humans. In fact, he helped father create the earth. All those years ago.


Zophiel heard Zachariel start talking, so she focused on his voice. Then she had a thought and that very thought could save all those poor children.




Lucifer glanced down at his phone, it was Zophiel calling. He answered, "Hey, Zophi!"


"Luci! You picked up? You never answer Michael's calls."


"Don't sound so suprised Zophie, I needed to talk to you anyway. How's the angel stuff going?"


"Same as ever, how are the abominations?"


"You mean my demons right? They're cool, and before you ask. They aren't killing the children. I think thats the monsters doing."


"I hadn't considered that actually... It does sound plausable..."


"Look at you Zophi, using all those big-girl words"


"Luci, i'm over four thousand now. I think I have a right to words larger then two syllables"


"Zophi, I'm putting you on speakerphone. Abraxas is here."




"My second-in-command"


"And that needs speakerphone?"


"Come on Zophi, he can only hear my fabulous voice which must be causing some confusion... And too much of one voice is annoying, even if it is as glorious as mine." Lucifer stopped here and grinned at Abraxas, Abraxas rolled his eyes in return.


"Fine, but hopefully you don't mind me calling you Luci the entire time!"


".....But it's embarrassing Zophi!"


"To bad!"


"I just wanted you to be able to speak to Abraxas..."


"I agreed, If I can call you Luci"


Publication Date: 12-17-2015

All Rights Reserved

To everyone who actually reads this book.

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