Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Dark Ones by Makayla Campbell (the rosie project .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Dark Ones by Makayla Campbell (the rosie project .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Makayla Campbell

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My name is Nevaeh LeCrane, I live in the strange little town of Ashville, my family moved here shortly after mine and my twin, Havana's 16th birthday. We have 2 little siblings the adventurous, but annoying 3 year old brother, Dameon, and our bratty 15 year old sister Vaden. Then we have our parents who work all the time, my mother Vanessa, who is a yoga instructor, and our father, Erwin, who is almost always away for business. He has stayed away on business ever since our brother Mason's accident. I have red hair like my father and blue eyes, my hair comes down passed my waist. But to contrast me and Havana being identical twins, she has blonde hair that touches her shoulders and the same blue eyes. When we moved here, Havana and I enrolled into Ashville Private School, rather than the public school, our father decided to spend to much money on tuition to go here.

 On our first day, we had the same first period in a musty cold class, that could resemble an a graveyard, the teacher seem to fit the room, Ms. Havington, a 58- year old lady who reaked of death and perfume. There was no creepier classroom, so I thought I may end up dying in here, the scent burnt my nose hairs. I sat down in an empty desk with the books I was handed. 

I handled this class everyday for 2 weeks until one day, I woke up from my Havington nap (what I call my naps in her class), as I wake up I look in the doorway. There stands the hottest guy I have ever seen, shoulder- length ash black hair, blue eyes, dressed in a black, that brings out his chiseled arms and abs, my jaw drops. He looks RIGHT AT ME, and I turn my head, thinking oh my graciousness.

My friend Zariah looks at me and laughs and nudges my arm, "He is F-I-N-E with a repeat. And he is coming to sit over here at our table." I look up only to realize that she was telling the truth. She squeels, "OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! Mr. Fine is coming over." I turn to face the table as he sits right in front of me. I close my eyes as I smell the deep, but amazing smell that was radiating off of him. 

I look up and he says with a deeper russian accent, "Hey what's your name? I'm Harrin." He looks up at me with deep exploring eyes and I feel a deep burn in my chest, wanting to stare in his blackened eyes, but I turn away. 

I gain the confidence to speak and I say, "Nevaeh, my name is Nevaeh LeCrane, and this is my best friend Zariah," Z smiles and I look at Havana, "and this is my twin sister Havana." Havana waves and smiles, showing her cute dimples that guys always fell for.

 She giggles, "Hi Harrin," she plays with her hair, and I just scoff and he looks at me questioningly. The teacher is walking around the classroom, checking for the students that are dumb enough to pull their phones out. I pull my phone out and text Zariah saying, he is cute. Not even ten minutes later I get a response it said, "You know you can't handle that not after what happened to Mason." My chest hurt and the memories and guilt came rushing back thinking of the liquor on his breathe and the hot, burning, twisting metal that slowly dug into my leg. I start crying and feel the heat gather in my cheeks.

"Nevi!! NEVAEH!! NEVAEH LYNN LECRANE!! Answer me please!!" I feel my shoulder being violently shaken and someone yelling my name. I snap back to the reality that Im in a cold classroom and not in Mason's burning wreck. With my sister screaming in my face. I suddenly became the point of view and the new mental case. A feel a long leg nudge mine under the table. I look up to meet soft but curious blue eyes, but I look away feeling like a fool and obviously not being able to handle myself in a classroom of students my age and to make it even better Mrs. Havington catches sight of my phone. She looks away and doesn't do anything. A quick breeze of relief came over me. 

The bell rings, I gather my things and walk out the door headed to Advanced Calculus with Mr. Popateleski, or as he allows us to call him, Mr. Pop. I catch sight of the class room and I walk in to him smiling and handing me a slip of paper. When I get done with Mr. Pop I make my way to the very back where my table is and I sit down putting my ear buds in. About ten minutes later theres a knock on the door, that I could hear only because my music was transitioning. I look up to see the gorgeous and darkened, Harrin, and my breathes catches. He sees me and turns his head and continues to talk to Mr. Pop to wear I can't hear, then he turns and heads to the back of the class and he sits beside me. I catch the scent of his cologne and I embrace it. I open my laptop to see 26 emails, all from my sister, telling me that she saw that his schedule said that he had Advanced Cal with me and she asked where he sat? Had I talked to him? What did he do? What did I do? I replied and said " Nothing is going on between me and him so worry about your class and I'll manage to struggle and ignore through mine." He chuckled quietly.

He was the one to break our long unending period of silence but saying, "Your sister seems a bit enthused with questions about someone who has this class with you. So you aren't gonna answer her?" He had been reading over my shoulder and now he would find out who we were talking about. I blushed and tried to hide it by quickly closing everything and acting normal. But he sat turned sideways, with his elbow on the table and propped up against his arm. "So who is so interesting and dreamy as your note said earlier? Who is this damned Mr. Fine?" That's when a new email popped, and the bad thing is my computer popped my notifications up automatically. Havana sounded annoyed, but like a five- year old in a candy shop in the email, it said 'Nevaeh Lynn, I know you are ignoring me and I want to know why, unless Harrin is sitting by you. Then it would make sense that you don't want him to see or find out that he is Mr. Fine. THat would be embarassing. HeHe :)' He chuckled and the sound had embraced me and my heart fluttered. Oh shit I was falling for the new boy. He made it obvious he was looking and then turned away before I apologize. Suddenly the bell rang and I didn't see him for the rest of the day. I wondered how an innocent message could make someone just disappear and seem like he fell off the earth because I didn't see him for about a month. It kind of made me wonder, but eventually I just let it go because if he wasn't dead he would show his ass sooner or later.



When school ended, I had to wait on Havana to make- up a test for her English class. I'm not in the same English class as her she is in the common core one, I could say the dumb one, but I don't want to be a bitch. Unlike her I got bumped up into the Senior English because I doubled up on my english classes last year. When I got to my car I found a weird note taped to my window, I grabbed it and admired the perfect handwriting, with harsh smudges because of the rain, it said...


We need to talk, something....come alone, that sounds creepy as fuck,  I know, but it's......please it's important, you and Hannah, may be in danger but she may be safe, but... what I know... you need to come ASAP!!! Come to the old burned shack if you get this and actually believe me...




Harrin needed to talk to me, but this paper got destroyed by the rain. But he has alot to learn and somehow I am in danger. I start feeling my nerves start burning and my head starts spinning, I got in my car and drove off toward the old shack that burned down last year after my big brother's car accident, that I survived. How on earth I survived I have no idea but I did. When I got there I didn't see anyone so I got out of my car and walked over to the spot where Mason's car had blown up. The trees in that spot were permanantly scorched and metal from the car had been left in place, now becoming part of the tree. I fought back tears because if I had kept fighting with him about giving me the keys, maybe he would've eventually given in and given them to me. I wasn't drunk that night only him and his friends, but he hit me when I asked to have the keys because he was in no condition to drive. I stood there frozen and unable to move, until I felt my legs go weak and I just knew I was going to fall down this steep hill into the culvert of trees and rocks, my mind continued to swirl and I fell. A quick set of hands grabbed me and I screamed as I felt the burning, ripping flesh being torn from my body in the flashback. I grabbed my leg.

Harrin sounded scared as he called out my name to get me to wake up, "Nevaeh, What's wrong? What is happening?" I kept screaming in pain and I hit the ground as he crouched beside me stretching me out, trying to calm me so he could find out what was going on. He said,  "Nevaeh what is it?" He saw my phone laying in the grass and he called Havana, all I could hear was Harrin trying to explain what was happening. He lifted my pants leg and put it back down when he saw the scar that ran from my hip to my mid- calf. "Why is she holding her leg? It doesn't look she would've fallen and injured it." Then he hung up and he pulled me close to him, speaking softly "It's not real. I'ts a dream. Come back to me Nevaeh. Please Nevaeh, I beg

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