Read books online Ā» Fantasy Ā» Element Girls Book 1 by Mihaela Bogdan (good books to read for young adults .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Element Girls Book 1 by Mihaela Bogdan (good books to read for young adults .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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Chapter 1 - The four selected


Since ancient times there talks about good and evil. Every culture and religion has a symbol or captions on these two major aspects of life. It is said that the border between the two is very thin, so thin that itā€™s almost invisible; so the two sides appear to be equal.
  Although some would love that evil to go away, this is impossible. Good and evil are like the sun and the moon. If one of them disappears, it produces a devastating cosmic disaster.
  -Good and evil, love and hate, friendship and enmity. How many are not in this world?! The old Florin David sighs looking at the cover of an old book illustrating two dragons, one white and one black. This country is full of something like this. Of all countries in the world, I have been sent in the center of the border between these two stepsisters, Romaniaā€™s life. Water and fire, air and rough ground, light and dark. The balance between these elements is very fragile, I must summon the selected ones immediately.
  The old Florin David was a great connoisseur of myths and especially ... magic. He was a weak and medium stature person with wax white skin and curly beard which was up to the chest. His eyes were black, his hair seemed rare and grey, and the pug nose supported round brownish framed glasses.
  -Romania, oh my dear Romania! If you knew how lucky you are! The magic still exist on this area since the Earth was formed. And now the moment has arrived.
  Saying this he walked to the dusty closet which was standing in the bottom of the living room and took four mirrors. He put them on the dirty table and got a silver inkwell and wrote: Oana, Laura, Helena, Michaela.
  -And now lets see how our girls are doing today, he addressed to the book cover again.
  The mirrors revealed the four girls. They were very happy with their families: Oana was shopping with her parents, Laura was babysitting her little sister Andreea, Helena worked in the flower garden occasionally aborted by her older twin brothers, Peter and George; and last but not least Michaela and her brother were up to another prank for their parents. Mister David said with a smile: ā€œEnjoy your selves, my dear children. At midnight you will begin a new life full of magic and things you never imagined beforeā€.
  And thatā€™s how it all begun. At the strike of midnight, under the girls beds four dragons appeared and stole them. Through a bright shining portal, the dragons took the girls into the old manā€™s house. After they were awaken by the light, the girls gazed at each other, wondering if they were dreaming.
  Oana was the tallest of them all, with very long dark blond hair, black eyes like a starless night and thin lips. Laura was almost as tall as Oana, with long dark hair and blue eyes. Helena had her waved red hair full of dust because she sneezed and her green eyes were wet. The dragon that brought Michaela gave her rectangular shaped glasses which made her hazel eyes shinny, and she gave her short curly brown hair on the back. Michaela then turned her eyes around the room and was impressed, but the other three thought the room was creepy.
  Seeing the confusion on their faces, the old man introduced himself and told the girls the reason why he brought them there: ā€œIt is very simple, you may think that I am a foolish man, but I'm not. You four were selected from the day you were born to become witchesā€.
  But this news let the girls think that all of this was just one of their childish dreams; there was nothing the old man could have done to convince them.
  All four switch eyes between them and without saying not a single word, by this mute change of impressions, they understood each others thoughts: the old man was crazy.
  Or so it seemed ...


The Wise Elder


Chapter 2 - Magic exists

-Where are we? Who are you? And what are these big lizards? Laura asked scornfully.
  -Donā€™t be rude, maybe weā€™re dreaming! Oana interfered. There isnā€™t a logic explanation about how we all got here and how could some mythical creatures, such as dragons, could be real; therefore I am dreaming right now. Without a doubt.
  She would desire to shut her eyes and go back to sleep, but Helena and Michaela stop her:
  -I donā€™t think weā€™re dreaming! They said together.
  -That is correct; you were brought from your natal cities in the capital of this country by these dragons through the magic portal. Do you like it?! The old man asked.
  Silence. The girls were speechless. Soon, one of them broke the ice, so to say.
  -Not really, Michaela said with a half mouth.
  -Then take a seat and I will start with the beginning. You see, many centuries ago when the Earth formed, magic appeared immediately. It was portrayed by two dragons, like the ones from my book cover.
  The girls gazed at the cover the old man showed them. It was a good idea for them to sit on chairs, otherwise they all would have fainted because of the things they were about to hear.
  -The white dragon represents good and the black one evil. Both of them changed humanity over time using their unnatural influences. The old man continued talking, while still holding the book in front of the girls.
  -Ahaaa, so thatā€™s why there are good people and bad people! Laura weighed in with interjection. And what happened to them after that? The reason why she was so interested in this subject was the fact that Laura always believed in magic. The reason why magic was mentioned only in fairy tales was because, as the years pass by, ignorance grew stronger among every living being. This was, of course, Lauraā€™s point of view.
  The old man continued, not being upset by the interruption:
  -They metamorphosis into White Magic and Dark Magic. I am the greatest White Magic wizard, my name is Florin David, but Iā€™m used to be called the Wise Elder. And these dragons are your rookies, young chosen ones.
  -But why are we chosen and for what? Oana asked after noticing four torques on the table.
  Then the Wise Elder invited the girls to put the torques on and the round locket on each torque changed its color and symbol.
  Oanaā€™s locket became blue with an upside down triangle; Lauraā€™s became yellow with a triangle that had two perpendicular T shaped handles; Helenaā€™s became green with a triangle that was upside down but with the same handles as Lauraā€™s; and Michaelaā€™s became red with a regular triangle.
  -Now you are chosen to maintain the balance between good and evil, which the Dark Lord wishes to destroy.
  -And this bad Lord has another spooky name? Helena asked while she fondles one of the dragons on his head. Besides plants, Helena loved animals as well. It didnā€™t matter which species they were, as long as they werenā€™t men eaters.
  -Of course child, heā€™s real name is Damian Coldblood.
  -Both names suit him very well, Laura said giggling. About these necklaces ... she pointed on her neck.
  -As I said, you are witches now and these torques help you reveal your magical powers. The colors on the lockets indicate the element that lies within you: Oana you control water; Laura you have the power of the wind; Helena, Mother Nature needs help from a caring girl like you, your element is earth and last Michaela, since you are the impulsive one, but also strong and have a kind heart you will control fire.
  -Super chique! Did you know that necklaces are the new thing in fashion?! Laura said excitedly. And yellow is such a cool color, it reminds me of gold. The thought that she received a free necklace made her happier than if she went on a shopping spree.
  -How did you know that green is my favorite color? Helena asked the Wise Elder. I wonder if the color has a meaning to the element.
  -And I thought that Oana should be the brainy one, Michaela replied ironically. Jewels or other ā€˜girlyā€™ stuff didnā€™t interest her much, since she was a boyish girl since well ... all her life.
  -In order to activate the lockets you must say your name and element. But since they have never been used, we will do that tomorrow night! The Wise Elder explained.
  -Oh, no! I almost forgot! How do we get home? We live far from Bucharest city, Oana reminded the others.
She wanted to say something else but the Wise Elder said to the girls: ā€œKeep the torques and now touch the symbol on the locket so that the dragons know when they are needed. The symbols send them a telepathic message which tells them that it is time to travel. And one more thing: the magic within the lockets make time to freeze, so that no one will notice your absence. It is easier this way to keep your new abilities a secret. Remember, no one must know that magic exists!ā€
  -Nah, now donā€™cha worry about that old man, people are too ignorant to believe in such things as magic. If we say something about it, weā€™ll end up in a psych hospital! Michaela said with calm because she was absolutely sure of what she said. Her realistic point of view was approved by the others with a smile.
  -Another problem solved! Can we go home now?! I donā€™t want to wake up with dark circles around my eyes in the morning. Laura said while looking to an old fashioned mirror on the wall.
  Michaela shouted to Oana and Helena something about Laura:
  -Oh boy, looks like we have a ā€˜Drama Queen/ Fashion victim/ spoiled princess/ head full of air witchā€™ in our group now.
  Helena giggled, but Oana asked Michaela if she tried to get along with them, despite someoneā€™s (Lauraā€™s) issues.
  -Who, me?! Nah, I just like to say the truth out loud, no matter how bad it sounds. Ya got a probā€™ with that ā€˜Miss Fashion Victimā€™?! Michaela asked Laura with half of her mouth, trying to sound polite when in reality, she was just mean.
  -Well curly, at least I know how to dress with style, even when Iā€™m sleeping. Laura tried to annoy the new fire witch, but she didnā€™t manage to do so, because Michaela and the others climbed on the dragons and went back home.
  -Hey, nobody heard what I said?! Laura asked, feeling a bit

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