Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Smile by xxlimiibubblex3 (best ebook reader for ubuntu .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซSmile by xxlimiibubblex3 (best ebook reader for ubuntu .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author xxlimiibubblex3

Expectation and Reality

"No! You're doing it all wrong look right to left then left to right! Then do a spin. After the spin do a jump then twist! It is not too hard young lady!!!" "Well i am sorry. I can't get the hang of it Ms. Everheart. Maybe it's time for me to quite. Sometimes you have to face reality that I CAN NOT dance. "Or sing, or do anything! What kind of princess are you? All your ever good at is sports and hunting. I MEAN HUNTING!!! YOU WILL NEVER EVER GET THE HANG OF BEING A PRINCESS!!! Reality? Yes it is reality that your so imperfect! Why can't you be more like Samantha Crisp?? She's a princess your age, and she's a darling!" Ms Everheart shouted with rage. "I-i-i'm sorry." "Danielle, i need to have a talk with your father, the king please hurry to your room. Your dancing lessons are over for now maybe. Go darling." Ms Everheart demanded as she stroke my hair. I quickly walk back to my room knowing i'm in BIG trouble. Being a princess is so heartbreaking i don't know anymore. When i reached my room i let a sigh and opened the door. Sitting in my bed pouting i thought about Ms Everheart and all of the teachers.. Is it their fault that they want me to be so perfect? Or is it just me being a terrible person and not trying? These questions swirl around my head all night. I must be a monster i once thought, then the teachers are such monsters! Whose side am i on? The thought started taking over my brain. All i can i ever think is that question... Then i heard a knock on my door. It was father with a shameful look on his face. "Darling ... "
- to be continued -


Publication Date: 02-22-2013

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Free ebook ยซSmile by xxlimiibubblex3 (best ebook reader for ubuntu .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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