Read books online » Fantasy » Caldari Dohvakin H.L.P.S.A.O. 117 by jerek smith, sao dohvakin (leveled readers txt) 📖

Book online «Caldari Dohvakin H.L.P.S.A.O. 117 by jerek smith, sao dohvakin (leveled readers txt) 📖». Author jerek smith, sao dohvakin

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the beginning

"Sir there coming mutiple enemys were seing lamba corp tef bandits and black sail." a man on the intercoms said. "roger that send in the shuttles flyers and pioneers to take out there light troops send in the drakes and ares to help with the bandits and send out our mak rail cannon out for a test drive also send out both mangus tell zeta to pull out every thing to and also dsmc tell fire star to board the other troops with the spartans. and send out caldari dohvakin hlpsao 117 out with her ship the hellfire daedra caldari hlpsao dropship and every one put energy shields to the max. armour lock each base" "radio lock up on bases sir, they wanna know why?" the radio tech person said tell them i said so if they wanna die dont do tell to look out the window and get them ships up and running now!." the captain yelled for his officers to the bunkers. the ships outside that no one sees is the giant four armed plus ship turning out power. the power turned out. "who turned off the power. even the emergency power is out." an offercer said. "sir .." the man dieed right before my eyes and a giant sack like thing is crawling over  him. "get out every one get out." 

the begining part two




saos pov


 i woke up to clanging and keys rattiling i looked up it hurt some much to do that one movement. it felt like a thousand gunshots being fired at me in onespot, it hurt badly. i saw three men one was wearing a tuxido the others were army men. ever since i was declared to dangerous gaurds were next to me. they hardly fed me but they did always gave me watter i got up and crissed crosed my legs folded my arms and looked down blood a pool of dripping from my lip drip drop drip drop red blackish blood dripping i was in no mood to talk and in a mood to eat though i craoked out the words in a raspy breath "what... what do you want" then a fourth person came out he was also badly bloodeid it made me almost through up then i saw his face i had to squint though he had silver eyes with a tint of black and red. he had white hair but his bags were white redish blackish so i then knew it was one of my own race another caldarian dohvakin. then with the lack of energy i fell forward and croak out letters "f...o...o..d...a...n...d...w...a..t...e...r" they understood and threw the man i caught him saving some food for him i had some bread golden brown water and a HEALING FLASK! i drunk some of the healing flask leaving half for my roomate and half the water and food. "your wanted on the brig with him" the man in the tuxido said. "ok" i said i open up my roommates mouth fed him like a baby and gave him some healing flask "thank you mam" he said he had a voice from the heavens and he is my age 16. or in my version 16000 years old.  one thing is on my mind it is what do the brig want with us rejects? 

"come on lets go see what the brig wants bring this with you though ok" i gave him a sharpen pole that had a shiny tip of the blade witch was made from titanuim. i grabbed my weapon which was a small heat blade an knife and a battery mixed together. and i also had a sharpened pole. we were ready. we were excorted to the brig. once their the bright light their was wild brighter than an star i seen i even heard my partner gasp at the fresh air. i looked at the captain he was a skinny leen persong he had a muscular appearance though. he has african skin. and grey eyes. "sao i would like a favor from you" the captain said. "will it pay good and get me and him off this out post or no" i said back. "yes yes it will get you off this ship but look we need your help for the sake of alpha clan. look were about to fall apart were already half way there." he said again. "i see i see, so know you want my help and his help but even though you destroyed my home." "i will give you something better than that life" he said louder. "there was nothing better than that life so i say you will feel our pain. this out post might get destroyed but at least youll know our pain so good by"

with that i grabbed my partner ran towards the glass window and yelled fus ohn rohnka. and teleported into my ship and warped to terekos sector where the dsmc zeta and firestar outpost are located and what i saw was tereifing my outpost my mu ianinte caldari dohvahkin outpost was shredded still intact but bairly we need it to get it fix it looked like a fusion of a ruin warehouse and a factory thats floating. truely terrifing when you grew up there the others are dameged to the two zeta were fine so all my ships were fine but the dsmc was dammaged. firestar cloaked. so all in all a masive invasion happened but it failed but my creon drake-a hauler-m were all busy miinning for minerals to repair the stations i got into my creon with my partner in the hauler-m. its sad to see this happen. "creon minehead come in creon minehead we need you in adrolus sector there is a pirate attack happening to our haulers-m and haulers-a plz help over" the camand said. "roger" i said. "hauler-m terekone come in we have a mission well sell our cargo and go to androlus sector to help out some dsmc haulers over" i said into the coms. "roger" he siad back. "ok lets go" i said firmly.

androla sector 5:24

 "creon minehead come in come in creon minehead." the coms bursted to life. "creon minehead here who are you state your ship name." i said back "this is hauler-m tundra and hauler-m destiny here over were being attacked by a drake and a creon weve locked on but were hrdly dealing damage" "ok were coming weve locked on to powering up weapons firing smallrockets and laser-3 in bays left front right front 1 2 and 3 over and out hauler-m is firing lase-2 in bay 2 and fired rockets in bays 3 over and out" i said over the inter coms. the laser-3 all six of them hit the creon taking out his sheilds.rockets blew it up. and the drake warped out. " pathetic" i said. "well lets go mine some ice while were here." "ok" he said over the intercoms we mined for quite awhile.


terekos sector 24:00 


"requesting permission to dock with ore refinery dsmc plz." i said through the enter coms. "request acepted." i docked and sold all the ice and got enough money to buy a overlord class ship.







"hey how about we drop off our ship then go to lamba to buy the overlord." my partner said. "ok oh i never caught your name" i said. "its ryoku" he said. "cool. now lets go buy an overlord." i said with exitment. my first time sharing a ship with another person they say an overlord can defend it self from a small fleet! i was so excited.  i cant believe it. as we were taxied over to the lamba trade station there were so much people. al running around doing things trying to find the buyers dock was a hassel. god. as soon we got there we asked for the best overlord class ship. the overlord kilmore is what we got and it was in poor shape. but it still could hold its own but with out the pilot its a sitting duck. sad just sad. well we still have some money left enough to buy the mining laser cannon. so we did and as we were going back to terekos pirates this time it was a lot of them around 20 fighters 5 creons 1 mangus. i called all the miners and fighters from zeta and dsmc called on the cruiser in firestar. and got the creon and hauler out in our own dock it would be a huge battle then a few arcos and patrolers joined the fightand we were dead even it would be a huge battle.

i locked my creon and overlord onto the mangus. "ryoku ock on your ares and hauler to the mangus ok." i yelled through the intercoms static wait static whats hapening here then a voice says "done and done" i felt releif in an instant. dont know why just did. i fire all my lasers and all my rockets at the mangus and so did the haulers. and ryoku. the arco was locked in the fighter battle the patrolers lock in a cruiser battle and us locked in with the battleship class battle a freighter cruiser battleship battle was under way it shock and destroyed some weapons but we are trying to prevail slowly. we locked our rockets and lasers to a certain point were they fired on there own and when an enemy misile was inbound a laser fired at it. it was chaoticfreindly fire was hapening every two seconds finaly i used all my lasers on all for ships and rockets on all four ships targeted the mangus fired and destroyed it its explosion was on and off on and off then boom it exploded and the ship rocked with the force i fell and ran into the walls 3 times.  when i docked i was literarly banged up i was bleeding ryoku was no different we looked like how we first met when he

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