Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป THE SEERS by liberty1 (easy novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซTHE SEERS by liberty1 (easy novels to read .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author liberty1


A long time ago,in the year 1450 a young foolish man, named Daneri, had been bestowed power, to create any thing he wanted, do anything he wanted, but not only was he foolish, he was cruel, mean, with an evil in his heart, that took over his whole body so he cast a spell upon himself with that power, making all in his family, have the power as well, but they had to grow into it at the age of 16 they would have the power, and would never loose it. One thing he did not look forward to was the the way his family acted, most in his family were kind and nice, healing people with their power, not using it for hurting people causing things such as The Black Plague, killing many people, and causing many pain.

200 years later. Their was a screaming, in the house of Da Vinci, his wife, screaming from the pain of laber, finally, deceasing. A New little girl. The newest descendant from Daneri.
"" Mrs Da Vinci said in short gasps.
" Her Eyes... They arnt open, Dr. is this normal."
" Well it is in some cases, call me tomorrow if they still don't open." Dr. Peter said
" yes sir."
Well the Da Vinci family slept, Azriel, the new baby, thought to her self. " My eyes, they wont open." though the baby was young she still began to worry.
The next day the Mr. Da vinci called the Dr.
" her eyes are still closed."
" i'll be right over." 20 minutes later the Dr. was in the house inspecting Azriels eyes, they appeared, sewed shut (somewhat like the picture) like they wernt able to open, the hadnt seen it in the dim lighting the night before.

" It looks Like she will be permantly blind." Mrs Da Vinci began sob.
" no... no... NO,what could have caused this. THIS..... THIS IS YOUR FUALT!"
Mr Da Vinci was sick with rage, his face red, his eyes bulging, spit,cascading from his mouth
" No, wasnt me, i..i..i coudnt have is not fault." The Dr. so frightended ran from the house. Some say he was never seen again, and knowing the power that the Da Vinci's held he probably wasnt, in the same form, people probably saw him, but as a bug or dirt, something that showed weakness, because to the Da Vinci family he was weak.

Chapter 1: A NEW GIRL.

As Azreil got older, she began to be accostumed to people making disgusted noises at her, because Azreil didnt have eyes, she could not cry, she kept all the tears bottle up inside, it hurt her to do this, her family knew this, so they tried to help they did everything they could, but they had refued to use magic, hoping she would not get the magic gift, to them this magic was a curse, causing them nothing but trouble.
" Father, do I have to go to school, it only causes me pain, they will laugh."
" Yes Azreil, you must go to school, you know they laugh because they think you cannot learn because you cant see, but you can hear and smell better than anyone, you understand the curiculm better than anyone, and if you don't go that will show them weakness, and we DO NOT tolerate weakness in this house."
: Yes father." SO Azriel went on her way, she made it to school, and quickly finished her school work and was allowed to leave, she worked in a seperate room, because she couldn't see she couldn't write, or read, or anything close to that, so she would have to have people write and read to her, or for her. This normally wouldn't have bothered her, but something nagging at her brain made her feel not at ease, it frightened her. It felt powerful. She had the worst headaches, never knowing if her brain, would explode or not. She hoped not, and so far they had only gotten worse, she tried chamomile with herbs in it, it helped for about a week or so.


Publication Date: 02-14-2012

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