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Book online «Breaking Through the Elements by Ashley Kaufman (i can read books TXT) 📖». Author Ashley Kaufman

What's changed in Breaking Through the Elements

Hi everyone!

So as some of you may know, on my old account, ~Misaki~Sasaki~, I used to have this book up. It had MANY MANY MANY flaws! SO, I totally revamped it and redid the whole prologue and am in the process of lengethening the chapters. I am also rewriting Chapter One: The Stand Out in the Crowd So it makes more sense for the book. As I add more chapters I will be sending out messages to my friends. So, if you like the prologue, please friend me so you stay updated!





In a land far from what we are most used to, there is a kingdom. Within that kingdom there is a castle, and inside that castle is a child. A child with a destiny. A destiny to save this kingdom from the hands of a vicious demon.

“She’s beautiful.” the queen, with beauty unmatched by any other, said admiringly.

“She certainly is.” the king, just as comely, agreed.

They watched as their newborn baby slept in her bassinet. As she started to snuggle closer into her blanket; her long eyelashes brushing her cheeks ever so slightly, there was a light knock on the door.

“Come in Damien.” the queen said softly and a little five year old came running into the room.

His big ice blue eyes were filled with curiosity when he looked over the side of the bassinet. “Is that her?” he asked, his pitch black hair falling into his eyes just a bit.

“Yes little one, it is. This is Princess Jazzmine Rosalinda Stone. The one you must guide and the one you must teach.”

Damien reached out and the little princess wrapped her hand around his first two fingers. He then made a determined face and announced, “I will watch over her!”

“We know you will Damien.” the king said asuringly. After a while of talking, the king said, “I had this forged with the strongest of metals and the most beautiful of jewels for the most beautiful of jewels-”, but he never got to finish as a big crash came right outside the nursery.

Then everything started to happen fast. The king, queen and Damien were in front of the bassinet in a second. Fire, Earth and Ice, all ready for action when there was a sudden blast of black flames breaking the doors off their hinges.

A man walked into the room. Slowly, menacingly. He had a deranged smirk on his face. His voice was just as equally menacing as his stature, “So… where is this destined child I hear of?”

Passing right by the question, the king told the intruder in a firm commanding voice, “Barnabas Blake, you have no business being here! Leave now or suffer the consequences!”

“Well then…” Barnabas tisked. He then laughed, “If it’s a fight you want, then it’s a fight you’ll get!” He then threw a black fireball that hit the bassinet. It went up in flames. The queen screamed. She grabbed the princess up out of the bassinet before it could burn her.

Damien started to get tears in his eyes. He felt an energy building up inside him that he had never felt before. When he looked at his hands, they were coated in ice.

The next fireball was from the king. A red ball of flames was sent hurtling  towards Barnabas. A black one came shooting back towards the queen and baby princess.

Damien got in front of it and put out his hands then said, “You can’t have my princess!” then the fireball turned to ice and fell to the floor. At the exact moment a blizzard came straight out of his hands.

Barnabas got blown back and covered in ice. While he struggled to set himself free, the queen said to Damien, “Please Damien, take the baby and hide her. Take her away from Eyradain if you must. Just please, do it.” She handed the little princess over to Damien then added, “Now go!”

As Damien ran, with the infant princess in hand, he could still hear the explosions of the fireballs, cracks of vines, and the screams and cries of the saddened queen echoing down the corridors of the castle.

When he reached the grand staircase going down into the great hall, he saw a black cat with glowing purple eyes. Damien stopped dead in his tracks then demanded, "Out of my way shapeshifter. I have no time for you." Even though he was only just a child himself, the air of authority in his voice was very present.

The cat laughed, crinkling it's face up into a ghoulish half grin. “Oh no no no child, don’t you know that is no way to talk to your elders?” The cat tisked.

Daimen’s eyes narrowed, “I know what you want, but you’re not going to get her. So move out of the way, or… I’ll just have to move you myself.” He stood there at the top of the stairs watching the cat’s every single move.

The cat chuckled deeply, “ Come now child, you don’t really think you can defeat me, do you?”

“I know I can.” Damien told the shifter confidently, as he pulled the princess tight against his small frame, then took his stance.

The shifter finally started to move; with every slow step up the stairs, he morphed into his human form. Once he got to the halfway point, his transformation was complete. Suddenly, the shifter, with a deranged look in his eyes bellowed in a deep menacing voice, “Fools! You are all such FOOLS! You really think you can defeat me? Even if you do, you will NEVER be able to defeat Lord Barnabas and his army! So, just give me the princess and maybe just MAYBE I will spare your pathetic life. Or if you will not, I’ll Just have to take the princess by force and make your death slow and painful. So, which is it would you like? Choose wisely because I will not let you choose again.” That ghoulish grin was back.

It was Damien’s turn to laugh, “Do you really think you scare me? Just because you are a shapeshifter and I am young, I would be afraid of you? Well, tough luck shifter.” and with that he attacked with an array of ice spikes aimed straight for the shifter’s chest.

“Too slow.” came a voice from behind Damien as he watched the ice spikes hit the stairs and shatter, with no shifter in sight.

He whipped around and jumped back, dodging three lightning bolts. He then reciprocated with even more ice spikes and a large ice boulder. The shifter had dodged the ice boulder effortlessly, but because of the amount of ice spikes that was sent hurtling towards him he had been cut many times and had started to bleed.

“I applaud you young one. You actually hit me. Now… it’s my turn.” The shifter made that grin one last time then launched himself at Damien at lightning speed.

Although the shifter was coming at Damien and the little princess at such a fast speed, everything in that moment felt like it was happening in slow motion. Suddenly the princess reached out and touched Damien on his chest. She was so warm. The warmth became a burning heat, then her hand started to vibrate. Damien was confused. He looked around them, seeing that there was something surrounding them. A force field of sorts.

Damien snapped back to the fight. As the shifter inched closer, he formed a dagger with his ice. Once the shifter was in close range, he lunged and plunged the dagger straight into the shifter’s chest.

The shifter fell to the ground, writhing in pain. He attempted to shoot one last lightning bolt at Damien, but it bounced off of the force field and hit him instead. The shifter turned to ash.

As Damien stood there looking at the remains of his first rival, the princess took her warm hand off of his chest. He looked down at her and uttered, “You’re going to be very special, I just know it.” He then kissed her forehead and took off to find the perfect hiding place for the princess.


Text: Everything in this book was written by me, Ashley Kaufman
Editing: Me, Ashley Kaufman
Publication Date: 09-15-2020

All Rights Reserved

This book is dedicated to someone very special to me. They may not know it but I care very deeply for them. Thank you for inspiring me and making me feel loved again. Thank you for cheering me on and making sure i was happy when I thought I never could be again. This one is for you....

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